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SAPUI5 Starter Kit


developed by Sebastian Mantsch, Eike Vogel & Mark Deppe


This starter kit is intended to help developers create, check, version, and upload SAPUI5 projects to the SAP system. It has been developed especially for use in Webstorm, but can also be applied to other IDEs if necessary.

Supported features are:

  • Syntax checks with ESLint and rules adapted for SAPUI5 developments
  • Includes the two NPM packages ui5-codecompletion and ui5-schemas (configuration will be explained later)
  • Automatic generation of pre-component, minification of JavaScript files and automated upload to the SAP system with grunt



  • IDE for JavaScript development (this kit has been developed and tested in Webstorm)
  • Installed node.js (Be sure to take LTS version, as current version leads into problems sometimes)
  • Windows OS for automated upload into SAP System (since node-rfc is not working for Mac OS & ARM
  • Installed SAP NW RFC Library (You need an SAP Marketplace Account)
  • Installed Git Client Tool


  1. Download or clone this Kit into your local repository
  2. Open the project in Webstorm or other IDE
  3. Make sure you have node configured in your IDE & SAP NW RFC library added to your OS classpath
  4. Open IDE terminal or node.js command prompt (in this case you have to go to your repository manually)
  5. Install the npm packages
npm install
  1. Wait until all packages are installed

After this you should install also the two UI5 packages

npm run ui5

If this is not working, look into the FAQ section.

Important: If you want to use some version control tool like GIT or SVN, than you have to make sure, that the local folders and files are not commited. Add these files/folders to the SVN ignore list or use the provided .gitignore file. The following files/folders are important to ignore:

  • .tmp
  • .ui5
  • node_modules
  • target


Using ESLint

There are three possible ways of using eslint.

The first one is to call ESLint check explicitly with the terminal each time you want to check it.

npm run lint

This will show all linting errors and warings in the console:


The second possibility is to let ESLint watch your code automatically after saving. Just type in the following:

npm start

Now leave the console open. Each time a JavaScript file is saved using Ctrl+S, ESLint automatically scans the project and fixes some of the typical formatting issues such as missing spaces (Yes, I know Webstorm actually saves the files automatically, so no explicit saving is necessary. Unfortunately it is still necessary for ESLint).


The third possibility is to let the respective IDE perform the ESLint checks. In Webstorm, this is done using the options menu. There ESLint only needs to be activated, then the eslint configuration file in the project folder is usually found and used automatically.


Personally, I prefer to combine options two and three. So I keep the check running in the console at all times and also activate the Webstorm check. However, I recommend that you reduce the standard inspections by Webstorm a little bit, as they are always marked too much in SAPUI5 projects anyway. Otherwise, it could quickly become rather confusing.

Using the UI5 file templates/snippets

You will find the file templates inside of the directory .ui5_file_templates.

If you are using Webstorm:

  1. Go to File -> Import Settings...
  2. Choose the file file_templates_settings.jar
  3. Press OK
  4. Now you can use the file templates


If you are using Eclips

  1. Choose the Snippets tab in the footer view
  2. Right click on a library -> Customize...
  3. Click Import
  4. Choose the file eclipse_snippets.xml
  5. Press Open
  6. Now you can Rightclick -> Insert on a Snippet if a file is opened in editor

Using grunt to build and upload project to SAP System

Note: This function requires a custom function module in the respective backend system. This can also be in a local $TMP package. The function module should be called ZUI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD_HTTP and lie in the function group ZUI5_LOAD.

As soon as the backend is ready, you can start configuring the grunt task by editing Gruntfile_ABAP_LOCAL.js. (Note: The file Gruntfile_ABAP.js is for the case that a Jenkins server should be used for the CI.) Within this file, all variables marked with "ToDo" must be filled with connection data of the backend server.

To start the deployment to the backend system, you have to run the grunt task in the following order:

  1. Gruntfile.js --> default (cleaning, minification, pre-load, ...)
  2. Gruntfile.js --> createZip (creates a ZIP file with all application & debug files)
  3. Gruntfile_ABAP_LOCAL --> uploadToABAP


After the files are uploaded, the application should be a little bit faster, because it will now only load the minimized files.

These files have no comments and do not contain any meaningful names. Therefore, the code is very difficult to read. If you want to debug the application, it is therefore advisable to work with the query parameter sap-ui-debug. 

The namespace demo should be replaced by the (root) namespace of the application.

Exporting JSDoc documentation with Grunt.js

First you have to make some adjustments. The jsdoc.conf.json configuration file contains settings such as application name, copyright and footer.

In Gruntfile.js the paths for the files contained in the documentation have to be adjusted. It is recommended to remove all paths of the demo application. These should no longer be included in the final JSDoc documentation.


The JSDoc export is started with this Gruntfile.js. In Webstorm, right-click here to execute Show Grunt Tasks and then execute the task documentation jsdoc in the Grunt window. Alternatively, the execution can be started via console.

grunt documentation

If this causes the error that the grunt command cannot be found, the grunt package should be installed globally first.

npm install -g grunt-cli

The exported HTML files are located in the doc folder.


What should I do if the UI5 packages configuration doesn't work?

Unfortunately, the configuration of the UI5 packages does not always work properly. In this case, it can help to install the packages manually globally.

Global installation of ui5-codecompletion

npm install -g ui5-codecompletion

Downloading of the UI5 SDK into local project folder

ui5-codecompletion install

If this is also not working, try to add the latest OpenUI5 version manually.

ui5-codecompletion install --from=

Global installation of ui5-schemas

npm install -g ui5-schemas

Configuration of ui5-schemas


If this is also not working, try to add the latest SAPUI5 version manually.

ui5-schemas -v 1.44.24  
What should I do if the eslint configuration does not work in eclipse?

Eclipse does not support ESLint validation by default (we recommend Webstorm at this point). In order to use ESLint, the plugin Tern is required. Instructions can be found here.

After installation and conversion into a Tern project, the configuration has to be adjusted. Unfortunately, the ESLint version used in Tern does not support (at the moment) all ESLint settings and rules. For this purpose, we have created a configuration file specially adapted for Eclipse. The file eslint_eclipse.json must be renamed to eslint.json and entered in Eclipse as described in the installation instructions above. Then at least some of the rules work.

In addition, the character formatting in Eclipse must be adapted.

  1. Change the line delimiter. Go to:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> New text file line delimiter -> Other: Unix
  1. Change the file encoding:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Text file encoding -> Other: UTF-8
  1. Change the Tab policy:
Window -> Preferences -> JavaScript -> Code Style -> Formatter -> Edit -> Indentation -> Tab policy: Spaces only
My Gruntfile_ABAP_local.js is unable to show/execute tasks


Sometimes the node_rfc package will be installed to the wrong directory. We don't know the reason for this issue. But there is a simple solution.

  1. Navigate to the package in the node_modules folder which contains the file rfc.node:
node_modules -> node_rfc -> build -> rfc ( -> win32_x64 )

In some cases the file is located inside the folder win32_x64. But the framework expects the file inside the rfc folder.

  1. Move/Copy the file to the parent directory:


  1. Retry it.


This is my starter kit for SAPUI5 applications




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