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Wine Review Analysis

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Summary of this analysis

  1. Data Extraction

  2. Data Exploration & Preprocessing
    2.1 Remove Null value
    2.2 Lowercase text value
    2.3 Country Feature Preprocessing
    2.4 Grapes Variaty Feature Preprocessing

  3. Features Extraction
    3.1 Tokenizor
    3.2 Stopwords Remover
    3.3 TF-IDF Text Feature Extraction
    3.4 Word2Vec Text Feature Extraction
    3.5 Transform Points as categorical feature with Bucketizer
    3.6 Transform Country, Taster_name, Variety as categorical features with StringIndexer and OneHotEncoderEstimator
    3.7 Choose Top-K best features with ChiSqSelector
    3.8 Create Feature Extraction Pipeline

  4. Model Exploration
    4.1 Classification

    • 4.1.1 Features used

      • TF-IDF Features
      • Word2Vec Features
      • Numerical & Categorical Features
      • Combine Features
      • Selected Features
    • 4.1.2 Models

      • Logistic Regression
      • Support Vector Machine
      • Random Forest
      • MLPC (MultilayerPerceptronClassifier)

    4.2 Regression

    • Gradient Boosting Regression
    • Random Forest Regression
    • Linear Regression
  5. Cross Validation & Hyper-Parameters Tuning
    5.1 Classification Hyper-Parameters Tuning
    5.2 Regression Hyper-Parameters Tuning