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RattyDAVE edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ArduinoRobot wiki!


Items Ordered.

Library files


  • Using the Motor shield and Arduino only. Move the robot in a SQUARE. Forward for 5 seconds. Turn Right 90 deg. Forward for 5 seconds. Turn Right 90 deg. Forward for 5 seconds. Turn Right 90 deg. Forward for 5 seconds. Turn Right 90 deg. So roughly at the start point. Closest to start point wins.
  • Same as 1 but LEFT 90 deg. Closest to start point wins.
    1. and 2) combined in a random selection. Dice will be thrown for number of LEFT turns another dice for number of right turns. These will then go in to a “hat” and pulled out so in a random order. EG. 1st Dice (for Left) is 3, 2nd Dice (For right) is 5. 3 bits of paper marked with a L are put in the bag and 5 are written with R. Then they are mixed up and pulled out. So you may get the pattern RLRLRLRR. Closest to start point wins.
  • Using the Line sensor follow a straight line and stop when the line ends within the stop zone that is 15cm. QUICKEST wins.
  • Same as 4) but with corners. (Radius of no more than 15cm). QUICKEST wins (within 15cm stop zone).

Pins Used.

I2C Bus Address

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