A complete plan to master Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) using JavaScript. This guide is structured for beginners and intermediate developers aiming to sharpen their problem-solving skills.
- Phase 1: Foundations
- Phase 2: Linear Data Structures
- Phase 3: Non-Linear Data Structures
- Phase 4: Advanced Topics
- Phase 5: Practice and Mock Interviews
- Tips for Success
- Build a strong foundation in JavaScript.
- Understand the basics of DSA.
- Core JavaScript Concepts:
- Variables, Data Types, Operators.
- Loops, Conditionals, Functions.
- Objects, Arrays, ES6+ Features (
- Big-O Notation:
- Time and Space Complexity.
- Analyze simple algorithms.
- Basic Algorithms:
- Reverse a string.
- Check for a palindrome.
- Find the factorial of a number.
- Master fundamental linear data structures.
- Arrays:
- Operations: Indexing, Traversal, Insertion, Deletion.
- Problems:
- Two Sum.
- Maximum Subarray.
- Strings:
- Problems:
- Longest Common Prefix.
- Anagram Check.
- Problems:
- Linked Lists:
- Implement Singly and Doubly Linked Lists.
- Problems:
- Detect a cycle in a linked list.
- Reverse a linked list.
- Stacks and Queues:
- Implement using arrays or linked lists.
- Problems:
- Valid Parentheses.
- Implement a queue using two stacks.
- Learn and implement non-linear data structures.
- Trees:
- Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees (BST).
- Traversals: DFS and BFS.
- Problems:
- Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree.
- Validate a Binary Search Tree.
- Graphs:
- Representations: Adjacency List and Matrix.
- Algorithms: BFS and DFS.
- Problems:
- Find if a path exists.
- Connected Components.
- Heaps:
- Min-Heap and Max-Heap.
- Use cases like priority queues.
- Dive into advanced algorithms and problem-solving techniques.
- Sorting Algorithms:
- Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort.
- Recursion and Backtracking:
- Problems:
- N-Queens.
- Sudoku Solver.
- Problems:
- Dynamic Programming (DP):
- Problems:
- Fibonacci Sequence.
- Longest Increasing Subsequence.
- Problems:
- Divide and Conquer:
- Binary Search.
- Merge Sort.
- Greedy Algorithms:
- Problems:
- Activity Selection.
- Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal’s or Prim’s).
- Problems:
- Strengthen problem-solving skills.
- Prepare for coding interviews.
- Dedicated Practice:
- Solve 2-3 problems daily on platforms like GeeksforGeeks and LeetCode.
- Mock Interviews:
- Use tools like Pramp for peer interviews.
- Practice explaining solutions.
- Consistency: Dedicate 1-2 hours daily to learning and practice.
- Practise and Test: Use tools like VisuAlgo for test your knowldge.
- Visualization Tools: Use tools like VisuAlgo for visual understanding.
- Code Regularly: Write implementations in plain JavaScript.
- Join Communities: Engage with coding groups for motivation and help.