This ROS package provides an action server node for trajectory planning and control of the two-armed RePAIR
robot using the xbot2
framework. The action server supports goal execution for the left arm, the right arm, or both arms simultaneously. It leverages the Klampt library for motion planning and communicates planned trajectories to the xbot_ros_bridge
node via the FollowJointTrajectory
action interface.
The xbot_ros_bridge
node translates the received FollowJointTrajectory
goals into joint commands and publishes them to the /xbotcore/command
topic. Additionally, it bridges the robot's state information by converting /xbotcore/joint_states
to the standardized /joint_states
topic for compatibility with ROS tools.
├── action/
│ └── RepairMoveTo.action
├── config/
│ ├── hall/
│ │ └── repair_dummy.yaml
│ ├── joint_config/
│ │ ├── home_joint_config.yaml
│ │ └── joint_map.yaml # not used
│ ├── joint_physics/
│ │ ├── idle.yaml # not used
│ │ ├── impd4.yaml # not used
│ │ └── pos3b.yaml # not used
│ └── repair_xbot_config.yaml
├── include/repair_motion_controller/
│ └── xbot_ros_bridge.hpp
├── launch/
│ ├── bringup_motion_controller_with_dummy.launch
│ └── bringup_motion_controller.launch
├── robot_description/
│ ├── realsense_description_l515/**
│ ├── repair_description/meshes/**
│ ├── softhand_description/**
│ ├── klampt_world.xml
│ ├── repair_full.urdf
│ └── repair_full.srdf
├── scripts/
│ ├── # executable
│ ├──
│ ├── # executable (node)
│ └── # executable
├── src/
│ └── xbot_ros_bridge.cpp # executable (node)
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── package.xml
└── rqt_graph.png
:pip3 install klampt
:sudo sh -c 'echo "deb$(lsb_release -sc) /" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xbot-latest.list' wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update sudo apt install xbot2_desktop_full
echo ". /opt/xbot/" >> ~/.bashrc
- Install the pkg:
- Create a catkin workspace if it does not already exist:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
- clone this repo and build:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone cd ~/catkin_ws catkin build source devel/setup.bash
- Launch with the dummy:
roslaunch repair_motion_controller bringup_motion_controller_with_dummy.launch
- Launch for real robot:
roslaunch repair_motion_controller bringup_motion_controller.launch
Click to expand!
For Left Arm:
rostopic pub /repair_motion_controller/goal repair_motion_controller/RepairMoveToActionGoal "goal: arm: 0 target_time: 2.0 target_pose_left: position: x: 0.4105 y: 0.8265 z: 1.3946 orientation: x: -0.4968 y: 0.2990 z: 0.1906 w: 0.7920 "
For Right Arm:
rostopic pub /repair_motion_controller/goal repair_motion_controller/RepairMoveToActionGoal "goal: arm: 1 target_time: 2.0 target_pose_right: position: x: 0.3854 y: -0.8531 z: 1.3946 orientation: x: 0.4969 y: 0.2992 z: -0.1912 w: 0.7920 "
For Both Arms:
rostopic pub /repair_motion_controller/goal repair_motion_controller/RepairMoveToActionGoal "goal: arm: 2 target_time: 2.0 target_pose_left: position: x: 0.0105 y: 0.0265 z: 1.2946 orientation: x: -0.4968 y: 0.2990 z: 0.1906 w: 0.7920 target_pose_right: position: x: 0.5854 y: -0.8531 z: 1.2946 orientation: x: 0.4969 y: 0.2992 z: -0.1912 w: 0.7920 "
- Home Pose:
rostopic pub /repair_motion_controller/goal repair_motion_controller/RepairMoveToActionGoal "goal: arm: 2 target_time: 5.0 target_pose_left: position: x: 0.2281434536725418 y: 0.2229998203688685 z: 1.5244485559609986 orientation: x: 0.3745776186543538 y: -0.22078314586194223 z: -0.046757647640861 w: 0.8993109209242547 target_pose_right: position: x: 0.21597898714022729 y: -0.24652714722018665 z: 1.5566318838742945 orientation: x: -0.37453463410597837 y: -0.22085599528517516 z: 0.0462163918152999 w: 0.899338914052578 "
- Home Pose:
Configuration for klampt
planner and vis
can be found here: (line 40)