A plugin for Macro Deck 2 to utilize the GPU-Z shared memory data to get live hardware statistics as variables.
If you like my work and want to support/encourage me in making more plugins, you certainly can do so on Ko-Fi.
At the time of this writing, this plugin can update the following variables for use anywhere variables are allowed in Macro Deck 2. I'll leave it to you to figure out what each can be used for.
NOTE: They must be selected in the plugin configuration first!
Variable Name |
gpu_z_hasboostclocks |
gpu_z_membandwidth |
gpu_z_biosuefi |
gpu_z_biosversion |
gpu_z_bus |
gpu_z_businterface |
gpu_z_cuda |
gpu_z_cuda_capability |
gpu_z_cardname |
gpu_z_clockgpu |
gpu_z_clockgpubase |
gpu_z_clockgpubasedefault |
gpu_z_clockgpuboost |
gpu_z_clockgpuboostdefault |
gpu_z_clockgpudefault |
gpu_z_clockmem |
gpu_z_clockmemdefault |
gpu_z_clockshader |
gpu_z_clockshaderdefault |
gpu_z_dxcompute |
gpu_z_dxcompute_capability |
gpu_z_dxr |
gpu_z_dev |
gpu_z_deviceid |
gpu_z_diesize |
gpu_z_directml |
gpu_z_directxsupport |
gpu_z_driverdate |
gpu_z_driverversion |
gpu_z_fillratepixel |
gpu_z_fillratetexel |
gpu_z_fn |
gpu_z_gpuname |
gpu_z_gpurevision |
gpu_z_membuswidth |
gpu_z_memsize |
gpu_z_memsizefordisplay |
gpu_z_memtype |
gpu_z_memvendor |
gpu_z_monitor_1_aspectratio |
gpu_z_monitor_1_dpmssupport |
gpu_z_monitor_1_displaydiagonal |
gpu_z_monitor_1_displayheight |
gpu_z_monitor_1_displaywidth |
gpu_z_monitor_1_gamma |
gpu_z_monitor_1_hrefreshmax |
gpu_z_monitor_1_hrefreshmin |
gpu_z_monitor_1_manufactured |
gpu_z_monitor_1_maxresx |
gpu_z_monitor_1_maxresy |
gpu_z_monitor_1_model |
gpu_z_monitor_1_serial |
gpu_z_monitor_1_type |
gpu_z_monitor_1_vrefreshmax |
gpu_z_monitor_1_vrefreshmin |
gpu_z_monitorcount |
gpu_z_multigpu0 |
gpu_z_multigpuname |
gpu_z_numrops |
gpu_z_numshaderspixel |
gpu_z_numshadersunified |
gpu_z_numshadersvertex |
gpu_z_numtmus |
gpu_z_opencl |
gpu_z_opencl_profile |
gpu_z_opencl_version |
gpu_z_opengl |
gpu_z_opengl_version |
gpu_z_physx |
gpu_z_processsize |
gpu_z_releasedate |
gpu_z_resizablebar |
gpu_z_subsysid |
gpu_z_subvendor |
gpu_z_subvendorid |
gpu_z_transistors |
gpu_z_vendor |
gpu_z_vendorid |
gpu_z_vulkan |
gpu_z_vulkan_version |
gpu_z_whql |
gpu_z_gpu_clock_unit |
gpu_z_gpu_clock_digits |
gpu_z_gpu_clock_value |
gpu_z_memory_clock_unit |
gpu_z_memory_clock_digits |
gpu_z_memory_clock_value |
gpu_z_gpu_temperature_unit |
gpu_z_gpu_temperature_digits |
gpu_z_gpu_temperature_value |
gpu_z_gpu_power_unit |
gpu_z_gpu_power_digits |
gpu_z_gpu_power_value |
gpu_z_gpu_voltage_unit |
gpu_z_gpu_voltage_digits |
gpu_z_gpu_voltage_value |
gpu_z_gpu_load_unit |
gpu_z_gpu_load_digits |
gpu_z_gpu_load_value |
gpu_z_memory_used__dedicated__unit |
gpu_z_memory_used__dedicated__digits |
gpu_z_memory_used__dedicated__value |
gpu_z_cpu_temperature_unit |
gpu_z_cpu_temperature_digits |
gpu_z_cpu_temperature_value |
gpu_z_system_memory_used_unit |
gpu_z_system_memory_used_digits |
gpu_z_system_memory_used_value |
This plugin adds the following actions
Action | Description |
Refresh Variables | Manually trigger polling and variable updates immediately |
Download/Install it directly in Macro Deck from the package manager.
In order for this plugin to work at all, the program GPU-Z must be downloaded and running.
You can find more information on what it is and how to get it running here:
GPU-Z Graphics Card GPU Information Utility
- Open Macro Deck 2 application on your computer
- Switch to the plugin manager view and locate the GPU-Z plugin
- Click the "Configure" button
- Set the polling frequency to whatever you like above 5 seconds
- Check the checkboxes for the data points you would like brought in as variables inside Macro Deck
After that, you should be able to watch the gpu_z_*
variables change after ever
Warning: Enabling all of the variables may impact performance of Macro Deck. You can, but it's best to bring in only what you will be using.
This is a plugin for Macro Deck 2, it does NOT function as a standalone app
This plugin utilizes other projects/solutions. Here are their licenses: