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This repository contains demo instructions for setting up and running the Red Hat 3scale Toolbox CLI using Podman. Red Hat 3scale Toolbox v2.13.4 is used in these instructions. Topics

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This repository contains demo instructions for setting up and running the Red Hat 3scale Toolbox CLI using Podman.

Red Hat 3scale Toolbox v2.13 is used in these instructions.



💡 Notes

The following environment variables are used in the scope of these instructions. Please, do set them according to your Red Hat 3scale environment.

  • ABSOLUTE_BASE_PATH: absolute path to the working directory where you cloned this repository
  • OCP_DOMAIN: the application domain of the Red Hat OpenShift cluster hosting the 3scale API Manager.
  • RH_SSO_HOSTNAME: FQDN of the Red Hat Single Sign-On instance.
  • RH_SSO_THREESCALE_ZYNC_SECRET: secret of the threescale-zync client in Red Hat Single Sign-On. This client is used by the remote 3scale API Manager tenant to dynamically register and synchonize the service application credentials.
  • THREESCALE_TENANT: name of the remote 3scale API Manager tenant
  • THREESCALE_TENANT_ACCESS_TOKEN: access token with read-write permissions on all scopes of the remote 3scale API Manager tenant.
  • THREESCALE_TENANT_ADMIN_PORTAL_HOSTNAME: FQDN of the remote 3scale API Manager tenant.
  • THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION: name of the remote 3scale API Manager tenant registered in the 3scale Toolbox CLI

I. Deploy the Library Books API backend services

  1. Create the library-apis namespace:

    oc apply -f library-books-api/openshift_manifests/library-apis_namespace.yaml
  2. Deploy the Library Books API service to be secured by 3scale:

    oc -n library-apis apply -f library-books-api/openshift_manifests/books-api-v2.yaml

II. Setup the 3scale-toolbox CLI

  1. Set the following environment variables according to your 3scale environment. Example:

    export ABSOLUTE_BASE_PATH=/home/lab-user
    export THREESCALE_TENANT=toolbox-demo
    export THREESCALE_TENANT_ACCESS_TOKEN=d933768edd510543ed7088b60bc2576bc277b430a2f275be0de28e3ad7509f09
    export THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION=rhpds-toolbox-demo
  2. Create a named container that contains the remote 3scale tenant connection credentials.

    podman run --name 3scale-toolbox-original \ 3scale remote \
  3. Use podman commit to create a new image, 3scale-toolbox-demo, from the named container.

    NOTE: Because the previous created container holds the remote information, the new image contains it too.

    podman commit 3scale-toolbox-original 3scale-toolbox-demo
  4. Create a bash alias to run the Red Hat 3scale Toolbox CLI using the 3scale-toolbox-demo container image.

    NOTE: The library-books-api 3scale resources are also mounted into the container at run-time

    alias 3scale="podman run --rm -v ${ABSOLUTE_BASE_PATH}/3scale-toolbox-demo/library-books-api:/tmp/toolbox/library-books-api:Z 3scale-toolbox-demo 3scale -k"

III. Secure the Library Books API using Red Hat 3scale API Management with OpenID Connect

  1. Import the toolbox-demo realm in your Red Hat Single Sign-On v7.6 instance.

    NOTE: The threscale-zync client is already provisioned in the toolbox-demo realm. Regenerate the client secret as it will be used in the following instructions.

  2. Set the following environment variables according to your Red Hat Single Sign-On environment. Example:

    export RH_SSO_THREESCALE_ZYNC_SECRET=ixiGTiYybo59qolkcpM6wd7BGN5oBzAa
  3. Import the Library Books API in 3scale using its OpenAPI specification.

    3scale import openapi \
    --override-private-base-url="http://books-api-v2.library-apis.svc.cluster.local/api/v2" \
    --oidc-issuer-type=keycloak \
    --oidc-issuer-endpoint="https://threescale-zync:${RH_SSO_THREESCALE_ZYNC_SECRET}@${RH_SSO_HOSTNAME}/auth/realms/toolbox-demo" \
    --target_system_name=library-books-api \
    -d ${THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION} /tmp/toolbox/library-books-api/threescale/openapi/LibraryBooksAPI_v2.yaml

    After importing, you should find the Library Books API product and backend objects on the 3scale Admin Portal dashboard.

    You can drill down into the details of each object to verify all the configurations that have been automatically applied based on the OpenAPI specification. For instance, the 3scale API product mapping rules.

  4. Import the application plans.

    • Basic plan

      3scale application-plan import \
      --file=/tmp/toolbox/library-books-api/threescale/application_plans/basic-plan.yaml \
      ${THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION} library-books-api
    • Premium plan

      3scale application-plan import \
      --file=/tmp/toolbox/library-books-api/threescale/application_plans/premium-plan.yaml \
      ${THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION} library-books-api

    After importing, you should find the Basic and Premium plans on the Library Books API product page of the 3scale Admin Portal.

    You can drill down into the details of each application plan to verify the configurations that has been applied. For instance, the details of the Basic are shown below.

  5. Import the policy chain.

    3scale policies import \
    --file=/tmp/toolbox/library-books-api/threescale/policies/policy_chain.yaml \

    The following policies will be configured on the Library Books API product in that order:

  6. Promote the APIcast configuration to the Staging Environment.

    3scale proxy deploy ${THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION} library-books-api

  7. Create an application with the default Developer account subscribing to the service Basic plan in order to test the configuration.

    3scale application create \
    --description="Developer's Application to the Library Books API (testing purposes)" \
    ${THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION} john library-books-api basic-plan "Developer's App"
    • Developer's App application credentials in 3scale:

    • Developer's App application credentials are dynamically synchronized in Red Hat Single Sign-On:

  8. Perform some testing of your configuration in the 3scale staging environment.

    1. Get the OpenID Connect access token from your Red Hat Single Sign-On instance. Example using httpie and jq:

      NOTE: replace client_id and client_secret values with your 3scale application credentials

      TOKEN=$(http --form POST \
      https://${RH_SSO_HOSTNAME}/auth/realms/toolbox-demo/protocol/openid-connect/token \
      grant_type="client_credentials" \
      client_id="c2fcdaf0" \
      client_secret="91d58f193e0361e1dfd464cd22d9e914" \
      scope="openid" | jq -r .access_token) \
      && echo $TOKEN
    2. Test the forbidden /v1/books path

      NOTE: Adjust the 3scale Staging Public Base URL according to your environment.

      http https://library-books-api-toolbox-demo-apicast-staging.${OCP_DOMAIN}/v1/books "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"

      The 3scale API gateway should reject the request.

      HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
      Set-Cookie: 53778cee9e38d74175ba9f9b935fafa3=029543885803175ab074c39d7f68f2a1; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None
      content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 08:35:58 GMT
      server: openresty
      set-cookie: 53778cee9e38d74175ba9f9b935fafa3=029543885803175ab074c39d7f68f2a1; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None
      transfer-encoding: chunked
      Authentication failed
    3. Test the authorized /v2/books path

      NOTE: Adjust the 3scale Staging Public Base URL according to your environment.

      http https://library-books-api-toolbox-demo-apicast-staging.${OCP_DOMAIN}/v2/books "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"

      The 3scale API gateway should authorize the request.

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Set-Cookie: 53778cee9e38d74175ba9f9b935fafa3=029543885803175ab074c39d7f68f2a1; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None
      cache-control: private
      content-length: 380
      content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 08:36:30 GMT
      etag: W/"17c-mAOxgNf23v8UFtVUQAqCm0SsCUA"
      server: openresty
      set-cookie: 53778cee9e38d74175ba9f9b935fafa3=029543885803175ab074c39d7f68f2a1; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None
      x-powered-by: Express
              "author": {
                  "birthDate": "1797-08-30T00:00:00.000Z",
                  "name": "Mary Shelley"
              "copies": 10,
              "title": "Frankenstein",
              "year": 1818
              "author": {
                  "birthDate": "1812-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
                  "name": "Charles Dickens"
              "copies": 5,
              "title": "A Christmas Carol",
              "year": 1843
              "author": {
                  "birthDate": "1775-12-16T00:00:00.000Z",
                  "name": "Charles Dickens"
              "copies": 3,
              "title": "Pride and Prejudice",
              "year": 1813
    4. Test rate limit (5 calls/mn). After 5 consecutive requests, the 3scale API gateway should reject your call.

      NOTE: Adjust the 3scale Staging Public Base URL according to your environment.

      http https://library-books-api-toolbox-demo-apicast-staging.${OCP_DOMAIN}/v2/books "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"

      The 3scale API gateway should reject the request.

      HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
      Set-Cookie: 53778cee9e38d74175ba9f9b935fafa3=029543885803175ab074c39d7f68f2a1; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None
      content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
      date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 08:37:57 GMT
      retry-after: 3
      server: openresty
      set-cookie: 53778cee9e38d74175ba9f9b935fafa3=029543885803175ab074c39d7f68f2a1; path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None
      transfer-encoding: chunked
      Usage limit exceeded
  9. After performing some tests of your configuration in the 3scale staging environment, you can now promote the latest staging Proxy Configuration to the 3scale production environment.

    3scale proxy-config promote ${THREESCALE_TOOLBOX_DESTINATION} library-books-api


This repository contains demo instructions for setting up and running the Red Hat 3scale Toolbox CLI using Podman. Red Hat 3scale Toolbox v2.13.4 is used in these instructions. Topics







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