This page describes the installation of the Day In Life Workshop Content from the latest tagged release on GitHub.
You will need an OpenShift Container Platform environment, that will host the Integreatly (RHMI) system, to install this workshop on. You can order a vanilla provisioning from the Red Hat Product Demo System (RHPDS) following this instructions.
To install the Day In Life Workshop, you need to a personal workstation (PC) with the latest stable release version of the OpenShift client tools.
You can download the OpenShift Client Tools from Red Hat Developers Portal Site or follow the instructions on how to Install the CLI from the webpage.
You'll want to know how to fork and clone a Git repository, and how to check out a branch.
Day In Life Workshop has to be installed using Ansible playbooks.
There are two options to installing Integreatly, you may choose only one.
Login to OPENTLC LABS and provision an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using the OpenShift Workshop Deployer catalog item:
Populate the required fields on the order form, with the latest OpenShift version selected.
Follow the instructions on this installation guide to complete the Integreatly installation.
Optionally, login to RHPDS and provision an Integreatly cluster:
Login and validate that the Integreatly Environment is functional, using user login information sent to you in an email, upon completion of the provisioning.
Login to RHPDS and provision an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using the OpenShift Workshop catalog item:
Follow the instructions on this installation guide to complete the Integreatly installation.
You are provided with an Ansible playbook to install all the required components and software for this workshop.
Installing with Ansible requires creating an inventory file with the variables for configuring the system. Example inventory files can be found in the ansible/inventory folder. The following options are supported:
Name | Description | Default | Required |
namespace | Namespace where Day In Life Management will be installed. | threescale | Yes, if threescale is enabled |
sso_project | Namespace where Red Hat Single Sign On will be installed. | rh-sso | Yes, if sso is enabled |
apicurio_project | Namespace where Apicurio will be installed. | apicurio | Yes, if apicurio is enabled |
gogs_project | Namespace where Gogs will be installed. | gogs | Yes, if gogs is enabled |
microcks_project | Namespace where Microcks will be installed | microcks | Yes, if microcks is enabled |
backend_project | Namespace where Backend will be installed | international | Yes, if backend is enabled |
sso_version | The version tag used for getting the RH SSO templates. | ose-v1.4.9 | No |
ocp_domain | Root domain of the OpenShift cluster. For example: |
Yes | |
ocp_apps_domain | Root domain fpr the applications. For example: |
Yes | |
usersno | Number of user tenants that will be created. | Yes | |
threescale | Enable Red Hat Day In Life Management. | true | No |
apicurio | Enable Apicurio Studio. | true | No |
gogs | Enable Gogs Git Service. | true | No |
microcks | Enable Microcks. | true | No |
sso | Enable Red Hat Single Sign On. | true | No |
che | Eclipse Che IDE. | true | No |
backend | Enable App Backend Service | true | No |
user_projects | true | No | |
configure_only | Do not install the software, just configure existing installations. The software should be running in the same namespaces defined in the above vars. | false | No |
create_tenants | Whether the workshop should be installed in a multitenant mode or not. 3scale admin domains and developer portals for each of the users created during installation will be created. | true | Yes, if threescale is enabled |
create_realms | If installing in multitenant mode, this will enable the creation of a RH SSO security realm for each one of the users created during installation. | true | No |
create_ides | If installing in multitenant mode, this will enable the creation of a Eclipse Che IDE in each of the user projects. | true | No |
An example inventory that installs all the components in multitenant mode from the bastion machine looks like this:
localhost ansible_connection=local
This section describes how to install this workshop on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster hosting Integreatly, which you have setup previously.
The installation is performed using an Ansible playbook, executed from within the Bastion node of the OCP cluster running Integreatly.
This is the fastest way to install, as the playbook runs in the cluster closest to the Master node.
Login to the bastion machine following the email instructions.
SSH into the Bastion server:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your_opentlc_private_key> <your_opentlc_id>
Remember to update the GUID with your cluster environment variable (documented in the RHPDS environment system generated email) and the path to your private key.
- Refer to the OPENTLC Account Management webpage for instructions on creating your OPENTLC ID, private and public keys
- Switch to root user:
sudo -i
- Clone the installer repo:
git clone
- Set the master node URL and number of users. Be sure to replace XX with the number of users provisioned for your cluster:
echo "export MASTER_INTERNAL=`oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.labels.node-role\.kubernetes\.io/master == "true")]}'`" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export WORKSHOP_ROOT_DOMAIN=`oc whoami --show-server | cut -d'.' -f 3,4,5 | cut -d':' -f 1`" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export NUM_USERS=50" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Assign the number of attendees in the workshop - as the value for NUM_USERS
Change to the local git directory:
cd dayinthelife-integration/support/install/ansible/inventory/
Run the following command to update the
, andusersno
parameters in thebackend.inventory
echo "export INTERNAL_DOMAIN=`echo $MASTER_INTERNAL | sed -r 's/master1\.|\.internal//g'`" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sed -i -e "s/master1.CITY-GUID.internal.*$/${MASTER_INTERNAL}/g" integreatly.inventory
sed -i -e "s/ocp_domain=.*$/ocp_domain=${INTERNAL_DOMAIN}.${WORKSHOP_ROOT_DOMAIN}/g" *.inventory
sed -i -e "s/ocp_apps_domain=.*$/ocp_apps_domain=apps.${INTERNAL_DOMAIN}.${WORKSHOP_ROOT_DOMAIN}/g" *.inventory
sed -i -e "s/usersno=.*/usersno=${NUM_USERS}/g" *.inventory
- Run the Ansible playbook script:
ansible-playbook -i /root/dayinthelife-integration/support/install/ansible/inventory/integreatly.inventory /root/dayinthelife-integration/support/install/ansible/playbooks/openshift/integreatly.yml
NOTE: This Ansible playbook is idempotent, meaning you can run it as many times as you like. If there are any failures the first time around, just run the script again and it should resolve the issue. Since the key environment variables are now set in the root user profile on the bastion node, you can logon on to the bastion node anytime to (re)install the Day-In-The-Life workshop assets.
- Once the similar log entries appear, the installation process concludes successfully.
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************
localhost : ok=1480 changed=329 unreachable=0 failed=1
master1.demo-k5io.internal : ok=18 changed=10 unreachable=0 failed=0
- Update the Customer Resource webapp with the URLs for the Day-In-The-Life walkthroughs:
oc patch webapp tutorial-web-app-operator -n webapp --type=merge -p '{ "spec": { "template": { "parameters": { "WALKTHROUGH_LOCATIONS": "" }}}}'
- Access the tutorial web app. You can locate the URL using this command:
oc get routes -n webapp
- Login to the tutorial web app as a new user, using these credentials:
Username or email: userXY
Password: openshift
Remember to update the variable XY (unpadded digits, range from 1-100), seen in the example above, with the numeric digits for your assigned Username