A blockchain based solution for providing ownership and warranty based on NFTs. It following clean code for readability and easy to maintain practices.
This project uses monorepo architecture using the workspaces mechanism of YARN. The modules of project are inside the packages directory and each package has its own usage criteria.
This package hold the Next.js based implementation of Web3.0 client using Chakra UI and styled-components. ether.js is used to communicate with the contracts and is basic implementation of a e-commerce web application.
This is content management system package to hold the product data for which the NFT has to be generated.
Following package consists of the smart contracts and their tests written in solidity and typescript respectively. It also has scripts for deployment which uses hardhat.
This is docusaurus generated documentation web application to reflect the basic
This package will be further developed to work as mobile application.
- Solidity
- Hardhat
- Next.js
- Typescript
- Strapi CMS
- Chakra UI
- Next.js
- Ethers
- Docusaurus
- Redux
- Metamask
- Swagger UI
- Clean code
- Swagger docs for CMS
- Admin panel via Strapi
- Web implementation of NFTcart
- Mobile application extensiblity
- Documentation for the project
yarn workspace web dev
: Run the development server for web applicationyarn workspace web build
: Build the web applicationyarn workspace cms develop
: Run the development server for CMSyarn workspace cms build
: Build the CMSyarn workspace chains hardhat node
: Run the development node for chains