A customizable, simple, music player in JS.
- Simple & fast
- Easily customizable
- Easily changeable music playlist
- Pause, previous, and next
- Music information (cover, title, artist, Last.fm release page)
- Vanilla JS
Just copy the HTML and implement it into anywhere on your website/project.
Don't forget to fill the musicPlaylist
array with the necessary data (music information, the music file, and Last.fm release page).
- Shuffle
- Support for skins/themes
- Interactive playlist
- Ability to disable options (disable album cover, Last.fm button)
If possible, please link this repository where you implement CSMPJS. I appreciate the support.
- @Fl1x1n - For the suggestion of making a music player for his website.
- Material Line Icons - For the play/pause SVG icons used in the player.