CAD system for righteous zen programmers
ZenCad - it's a system for use oce geometry core in openscad's script style. So, it's openscad idea, python language and opencascade power in one.
- Manual: You can find manual here. Now only russian version.
- Articles:
Install zencad from pypi:
python3 -m pip install zencad
Maybe need install qt5-default, because pyqt5 has trouble with xcb plugin.
apt install qt5-default
Windows version of ZenCad needed vcredist
(Microsoft Redistibutable Package).
Please, install vcredist 2015
for Python3.7 and also vcredist 2019
for Python3.8
ZenCad have standalone version for Windows.
You can find windows prerelease version in releases.
Main project repo:
Related repos:
- ./zencad/ (package)
- examples/ (gui`s example scripts)
- gui/ (application and graphical interface code files)
- geom/ (main zencad api functions)
- . : other or not yet sorted....
- ./docs/ (manual directory. GitHub pages links here)
- ./mangen/ (scripts and texts for ./docs automated generation)
- ./utest/ (unit tests)
- ./tools/ (scripts for repository routine work)
- ./expers/ (place for maintainer experiments :-) )
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#coding: utf-8
from zencad import *
model = box(200, center = True) - sphere(120) + sphere(60)