This API client gem allows you to interact with the ReDI projects sample project used in the ReDI school class projects.
Add the redi
gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'redi', :git => 'git://'
Before you can use the gem, you need to configure the authentication.
You get your auth token from your instructor. In the following example,
I will assume your auth token is XXXX
(it certainly won't be that in
real life!).
The following is a brief example showing some simple ways in which the API client can be used:
# The gem is automatically included in your rails project, but
# if you run a standalone ruby project, you need to require it:
require 'redi'
# Before using the client, you need to configure it with
# you auth token:
ReDI::API.configure(auth: "XXXX")
all_projects = ReDI::Project.all # All projects
my_projects = ReDI::Project.mine # Only projects created by you
project = my_projects.first
puts "My project is called #{} and does the following: #{project.description}"
puts "On the main server my project has the following id: #{project.server_id}"
new_project = "My new project", description: "It does ...")
new_project.server_id # Returns nil, since the project hasn't been saved yet
new_project.server_id # Now returns an ID
other_project = ReDI::Project.create(name: "My other project")
puts other_project.error # Will have errors because we didn't provide a description
other_project.description = "The missing description" # Now works
other_project.destroy # Removes the project from the main project repository
# You can add and remove your vote on a project with `vote` and `unvote`
some_project = all_projects.sample # Adds your vote
some_project.unvote # Removes your vote again