This repo contains the links to the Data Visualisation from GIS and other data modelling and visualising tools used during the hackathon project by the team. this show a link to a GIS data visualisation showing the locations of market centres in Lagos State factoring the number of days the market opens and their clusters. We highlighted the risk areas using red indicators of the high likelyhood of fire occurence and the distance of the fire station services.
Power BI report:
Route map for the less clustered areas (network Analysis)
Heat map for the fire service station
Using Power BI and ARCGIS to show less focused areas and relationship between Towns and Fire Service Stations Hotspot Cluster Map/ Heat MAp (market and Fire station services): The heat map for market data focuses on high risk areas using market places in Lagos as a case study. Baseline for this data was the number of market days, as expected higher chances of fire. Also, a heat map for locations of Fire service stations was done.
Using Power BI report to show less concentrated areas (with fewer or now Fire Service stations/ response centres). Automatically, this will increase the number of response time from the Fire service stations.
Buffering & Analysing Fire Service Areas-Towns: We used a buffer feature on ARCGIS with a coverage range of 4000metres to create a spatial visual of Fire Stations in Lagos and proximity to Towns. The results made us aware of areas with more clusters of Fire Service points (high concentrated) to Towns. That is, some areas in Lagos have fewer or no Fire Stations close by.
Network Analysis and Table of Response Time: The network analysis shows the time it will take from a Fire Service Stations to a Town in less concentrated area (areas with less Fire service points).
This data and project enables us to proffer solutions in improving response time in Lagos.