is a complex userscript that provides useful (and esoteric) information to users of at a glance.
Install! (Requires a userscript manager, such as Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey)
(For a more detailed explanation of each feature, check here!)
- Displays the percentage of readers who upvoted a story on a story's page and card
- Highlights green when over user-specified threshold (defaults to 10%)
- Displays an author's followers/fic ratio on the author's page and card
- Personalized reading time estimates on story pages, bookshelves, and search queries
- Displays average chapter post frequency, estimated date of next chapter, and time since last chapter on a story's page
- Provides detailed analytical information about the text of a chapter, including readability metrics, common words, and more
- Custom settings on the Local Settings page allow you to choose what information you see or don't see