- This is a try to Classify the Data inside the Cats Vs Dogs Competition found in https://www.kaggle.com/c/dogs-vs-cats-redux-kernels-edition
- You can find resources associated with this repository at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LvD5APtmdtYeeC1_37uFDGnsRq305Izu
Results at https://github.com/RemonComputer/CatsVsDogsKaggle/tree/master/src/exp_2 at 3/ at the Third Sub-Experiment which is:
- Train set accuracy: 99.185%, train set average loss: 0.0007505370588231017
- Test set accuracy: 99.04%, Test set average loss: 0.000939809382148087
- Validation set accuracy: 99.44%, Validation set average loss: 0.000629462133301422
- Submission score: 0.05981
- Submission position: 119
Results at https://github.com/RemonComputer/CatsVsDogsKaggle/tree/master/src/exp_2 at 3/ at the Fifth Sub-Experiment which is:
- Train set accuracy: 98.98%, Train set average loss: 0.03300796768404543
- Test set accuracy: 98.92%, Test set average loss: 0.03538055700659752
- Validation set accuracy: 99.28%, Validation set average loss: 0.026985937616974116
- Score: 0.05779
- Position: 104
Note: you will not find my name in the competition leaderboard this is due to the fact the conpetition has been closed and I am only experimenting with it's dataset