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Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection


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Kodein: Kotlin Dependency Injection

Kodein is a very simple and yet very useful dependency retrieval container. It's feature set is very small, making it very easy to use and configure.

Kodein allows you to:

  • Lazily instantiate your dependencies when needed
  • Stop caring about dependency initialization order
  • Easily bind classes or interfaces to their instances or provider
  • Easily debug your dependency bindings and recursions

Kodein does not allow you to:

  • Automatically instantiate your dependencies via injected constructor and reflexivity. For that, you need Guice.
  • Have dependency injection validated at compile time. For that, you need Dagger.

Kodein is a good choice because:

  • It is small, fast and optimized (makes extensive use of inline)
  • It proposes a very simple and readable declarative DSL
  • It is not subject to type erasure (like Java)
  • It integrates nicely with Android
  • It proposes a very kotlin-esque idiomatic API
  • It can be used in plain Java


An example is always better than a thousand words:

val kodein = Kodein {
    bind<Dice>() with provider { RandomDice(0, 5) }
    bind<DataSource>() with singleton {"path/to/file") }

public class Controller(private val kodein: Kodein) {
    private val ds: DataSource by kodein.injectInstance()





compile 'com.github.salomonbrys.kodein:kodein:2.2.0'


compile 'com.github.salomonbrys.kodein:kodein-android:2.2.0'
  • Version 1.1 is compatible with Kotlin M11
  • Version 1.3.0 is compatible with Kotlin M12
  • Version 1.4.0 is compatible with Kotlin M13
  • Version 2.1.1 is compatible with Kotlin M14
  • Version 2.2.0 is compatible with Kotlin 1.0.0-Beta-1038

Bindings: Declaring dependencies

You can initialize Kodein in a variable:

val kodein = Kodein {
	/* Bindings */

Bindings are declared inside a Kodein initialization block, and they are not subject to type erasure (e.g. You can bind both a List<Int> and a List<String> to different list instances, provider or factory).

There are different ways to declare bindings:

Factory binding

This binds a type to a factory function, which is a function that takes an argument of a defined type and that returns an object of the binded type.
Each time you need an instance of the binded type, the function will be called.

For example, here is a binding that creates a new Dice entry each time the you need a Dice instance, according to a given Int representing the number of sides:

bind<Dice>() with factory { sides: Int -> RandomDice(sides) }

Provider binding

This binds a type to a provider function, which is a function that takes no arguments and returns an object of the binded type. Each time you need an instance of the binded type, the function will be called.
For example, here is a binding that creates a new 6 sided Dice entry each time you need a Dice instance:

bind<Dice>() with provider { RandomDice(6) }

Singleton binding

This binds a type to an instance of this type that will lazily be created at first use. Therefore, the provided function will only be called once: the first time an instance is needed.

bind<DataSource>() with singleton {"path/to/file") }

Thread singleton binding

This is the same as the singleton binding, except that each thread gets a different instance. Therefore, the provided function is called once per thread that needs the instance.

bind<Cache>() with threadSingleton { LRUCache(16 * 1024) }

Instance binding

This binds a type to an instance already created.

bind<DataSource>() with instance("path/to/file"))

Note that instance is used with parenthesis. It is not given a function, but an instance.

Tagged bindings

All bindings can be tagged to allow you to bind different instances of the same type:

bind<Dice>() with provider { RandomDice(6) }
bind<Dice>("DnD10") with provider { RandomDice(10) }
bind<Dice>("DnD20") with provider { RandomDice(20) }

Note that you can have multiple bindings of the same type, as long as they are binded with different tags. You can have only one binding of a certain type with no tag.

Constant binding

It is often useful to bind "configuration" constants. These contants are always tagged:

constant("maxThread") with 8
constant("serverURL") with "https://my.server.url"

Note the absence of curly braces. It is not given a function, but an instance.

You should only use constant bindings for very simple types without inheritance or interface (e.g. primitive types and data classes).

Transitive dependency

With those lazily instantiated dependencies, a dependency (very) often needs another dependency. Such object should have their dependencies passed to their constructor. Thanks to Kotlin's killer type inference engine, Kodein makes retrieval of transitive dependencies really easy.
Say you have the following class:

/* The class Dice needs:
     - A Random implementation.
     - The number of side of the dice.
public class Dice(private val random: Random, private val sides: Int) {

Then it is really easy to bind RandomDice with it's transitive dependencies, by simply using instance() or instance(tag):

bind<Random>() with provider { SecureRandom() }
constant("max") with 5
bind<Dice>() with { Dice(instance(), instance("max")) }

You can, of course, also use the functions provider(), provider(tag), factory() and factory(tag),

Scoped transitive dependency

Sometimes, you may arrive to a situation where a singleton binded type depends on a provider binded type.
Something like this :

class GameEngine(private val rnd: Random) { /*...*/ }
val kodein = Kodein {
    bind<Random>() with provider { MySuperSecureRandom() } // A MySuperSecureRandom instance can only give one random result!
    bind<GameEngine>() with singleton { GreatGameEngine(instance()) }

Do you see the problem? In this case, GreatGameEngine will receive a MySuperSecureRandom instance, always re-using the same instance, making MySuperSecureRandom essentially a singleton inside GreatGameEngine.

The correction is very easy:

class GameEngine(private val rnd: () -> Random) { /*...*/ }

I encourage you to follow this rule: In a singleton, if you're not 100% sure that the transitive dependencies are themselves singletons, then use providers.


Kodein allows you to export your bindings in modules. It is very useful to have separate modules defining their own bindings instead of having only one central binding definition.
A module is an object that you can construct the exact same way as you construct a Kodein instance:

val apiModule = Kodein.Module {
    bind<API>() with singleton { APIImpl() }
    /* other bindings */

Then, in your Kodein binding block:

val kodein = Kodein {
    /* other bindings */

Injection: Dependency retrieval

In this chapter, these example bindings are used:

bind<Dice>() with factory { sides: Int -> RandomDice(sides) }
bind<DataSource>() with singleton {"path/to/file") }
bind<Random>() with provider { SecureRandom() }
constant("answer") with "fourty-two"

Retrieval rules

When retrieving a dependency, the following rule applies:

  • A dependency binded with a factory can only be retrived as a factory method: (A) -> T.
  • A dependency binded with a provider, an instance, a singleton or a constant can be retrived:
    • as a provider method: () -> T
    • as an instance: T

Via Kodein methods

You can retrieve a dependency via a Kodein instance:

val diceFactory: (Int) -> Dice = kodein.factory()
val dataSource: DataSource = kodein.instance()
val randomProvider: () -> Random = kodein.provider()
val answerConstant: String = kodein.instance("answer")

When using a provider, whether the provider will give each time a new instance or the same depends on the binding scope.

When asking for a type that was not binded, Kodein.NotFoundException will be thrown.

If you're not sure (or simply don't know) if the type has been binded, you can use:

val diceFactory: ((Int) -> Dice)? = kodein.factoryOrNull()
val dataSource: DataSource? = kodein.instanceOrNull()
val randomProvider: (() -> Random)? = kodein.providerOrNull()
val answerConstant: String? = kodein.instanceOrNull("answer")

You can retrive a provider from a factory binded type by using toProvider:

private val sixSideDiceProvider: () -> Dice = kodein.factory().toProvider(6)

Via lazy property

Lazy properties allow you to resolve the dependency upon first access:

public class Controller(private val kodein: Kodein) {
    private val diceFactory: (Int) -> Dice by kodein.lazyFactory()
    private val dataSource: DataSource by kodein.lazyInstance()
    private val randomProvider: () -> Random by kodein.lazyProvider()
    private val answerConstant: String by kodein.lazyInstance("answer")

You can retrive a provider or an instance from a factory binded type by using toLazyProvider and toLazyInstance:

private val sixSideDiceProvider: () -> Dice by kodein.lazyFactory().toLazyProvider(6)
private val tenSideDiceProvider: Dice by kodein.lazyFactory().toLazyInstance(10)

Via injector

An injector is an object that you can use to inject all injected values in an object.

This allows your object to:

  • Retrieve all it's injected dependencies at once;
  • Declare its dependencies without a Kodein instance.
public class Controller() {
    private val injector = KodeinInjector()

    private val diceFactory: (Int) -> Dice by injector.factory()
    private val dataSource: DataSource by injector.instance()
    private val randomProvider: () -> Random by injector.provider()
    private val answerConstant: String by injector.instance("answer")
    public fun whenReady(kodein: Kodein) {

If you try to access a property injected by an injector before calling injector.inject(kodein), KodeinInjector.UninjectedException will be thrown.

You can inject a provider or an instance from a factory binded type by using toProvider and toInstance:

private val sixSideDiceProvider: () -> Dice by injector.factory().toProvider(6)
private val tenSideDiceProvider: Dice by injector.factory().toInstance(10)

In Java

While Kodein does not allow you to declare modules or dependencies in Java, it does allow you to retrieve dependencies using a Java API.
Simply give to your Java classes, and you can use Kodein in Java:

public class JavaClass {
    private Function1<Integer, Dice> diceFactory;
    private Datasource dataSource;
    private Function0<Random> randomProvider;
    private String answerConstant;
    public JavaClass(JKodein kodein) {
        diceFactory = kodein.factory(Integer.class, Dice.class);
        dataSource = kodein.instance(Datasource.class);
        randomProvider = kodein.provider(Random.class);
        answerConstant = kodein.instance(String.class, "answer");

Remember that Java is subject to type erasure. Therefore, if you registered a generic Class binding such as bind<List<String>>(), in order to retrieve it you have to use TypeToken to circumvent Java's type erasure:

List<String> list = kodein.instance(new TypeToken<List<String>>(){});


Kodein does work on Android (in fact, it was developed for an Android project). You can use Kodein as-is in your Android project or use the very small util library kodein-android.

Here's how to use kodein-android: declare the dependency bindings in the Android Application, having it implements KodeinApplication:

class MyApp : Application(), KodeinApplication {
	override val kodein = Kodein {
	/* bindings... */

Don't forget to declare the Application in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

Then, in your Activities, Fragments, and other context aware android classes, you can retrieve dependencies.

There are different ways to access a Kodein instance and your dependencies:

Using appKodein

appKodein is a function that will work in your context aware Android classes provided that your Application implements KodeinApplication:

class MyActivity : Activity() {
    public val diceProvider: () -> Dice by appKodein.lazyProvider()  // appKodein without parenthesis
    override onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val random: Random = appKodein().instance()   // appKodein with parenthesis

Note that appKodein is used without parenthesis to delegate lazy properties but with parenthesis to access the Kodein instance.
That's because you cannot access the Application object and therefore the Kodein instance while the activity is not initialized by Android.

This method is really easy but it is not really optimized because the Kodein instance will be re-fetched every time you use appKodein (each time inducing a cast from Application to KodeinApplication).
However, this method is very easy and readable. I recommend it if you have only a few dependencies to inject.

Using lazyKodeinFromApp

This is a more optimized way of injecting dependencies. It works the exact same way as the previous method, except that the Kodein instance will be fetched only once.

class MyActivity : Activity() {
    private val kodein = lazyKodeinFromApp() // Note the use of = and not by
    public val diceProvider: () -> Dice = kodein.lazyProvider()  // kodein without parenthesis
    override onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val random: Random = kodein().instance()   // kodein with parenthesis

Using an injector

Using an injector allows you to resolve all dependencies in onCreate, reducing the cost of dependency first-access (but more processing happening in onCreate). As with the previous method, the Kodein instance will only be fetched once.

class MyActivity : Activity() {
    private val injector = KodeinInjector()

    public val diceProvider: () -> Dice by injector.provider()
    public val random: Random by injector.instance()
    override onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

Using this approach has an important advantage: as all dependencies are retrieved in onCreate, you can be sure that all your dependencies have correctly been retrieved, meaning that there were no dependency loop or non-declared dependency.
You can have this certitude with the two previous methods only once you have accessed all dependencies at least once.

Android example project

Have a look at the Android demo project!


Print bindings

You can easily print bindings with println(kodein.bindingsDescription).

Here's an example of what this prints:

        bind<com.test.Dice>() with factory<Kotlin.Int>
        bind<com.test.DataSource>() with singleton
        bind<java.util.Random>() with provider
        bind<java.lang.String>("answer") with instance

As you can see, it's really easy to understand which type with which tag is binded to which scope.

Recursive dependency loop

When it detects a recursive dependency, Kodein will throw a Kodein.DependencyLoopException. The message of the exception explains how the loop happened.

Here's an example:

com.github.salomonbrys.kodein.Kodein$DependencyLoopException: Dependency recursion:
       ╔═> bind<com.test.A>()
       ╠─> bind<com.test.B>()
       ╠─> bind<com.test.C>("yay")
       ╚═> bind<com.test.A>()

From this, we can see that

  • com.test.A depends on com.test.B
  • com.test.B depends on com.test.C with the tag "Yay"
  • com.test.C with the tag "Yay" depends on com.test.A

And we have found the dependency loop.

Advanced use

Create your own scopes

A scope is an extension function to Kodein.Builder that returns a Factory<A, T>.
You can use the CFactory<A, T> class for ease of use.
If your scope is provider scope (such as singleton), you can use the CProvider<T> class for ease of use.
Have a look at existing scopes in the scopes.kt file. The singleton scope is very easy to understand and is a good starting point.

Bind the same type to different factories

Yeah, when I said earlier that "you can have multiple bindings of the same type, as long as they are binded with different tags", I lied. Because each binding is actually a factory, the bindings are not ([BindType], [Tag]) but actually ([BindType], [ArgType], [Tag]) (note that providers and singletons are binded as ([BindType], Unit, [Tag])). This means that any combination of these three information can be binded to it's own factory, which in turns means that you can bind the same type without tagging to different factories. Please be cautious when using this knowledge, as other less thorough readers may get confused with it.

Let's talk!

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Painless Kotlin Dependency Injection







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