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How To Compile ENG Windows

DorfDork edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 6 revisions

Instructions from sm64ex provided by fgs, edited by DorfDork and the Render96 team

Set up MSYS2.

Install MYSYS2 from here:

If this link is dead, download the newest version of the MSYS2 installer from here and install it.

Run the MINGW64 prompt if you wish to build a 64-bit version of the executable, or the MINGW32 prompt otherwise.

Enter pacman -Syuu in the prompt and hit Enter. Press Y when it asks if you want to update packages. If it asks you to close the prompt, do so, then restart it and run the same command again. This updates the packages to their latest versions.

Install dependencies.

Enter this command to install packages necessary to build Render96ex:

pacman -S unzip make git mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-i686-glew mingw-w64-x86_64-glew mingw-w64-i686-SDL2 mingw-w64-i686-SDL mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL python3

Obtain the source code.

Download git then execute the following:

git clone -b alpha
cd Render96ex

Copy baserom(s) for asset extraction.

For example, if you want to build the US version, there should be a ROM file called in the Render96ex directory (meaning next to the Makefile).

If during the build process you get messages saying that the ROM has an incorrect hash, there is a possibility that it's a V64 ROM that needs to be byteswapped. To do that, use this web tool.


Go to the Render96 Discord and download the latest model pack from the #download channel.

Extract the contents of the zip file (actors folder) into Render96ex alpha's actors folder (make sure that when it prompts you to replace files that you do so) and delete the build folder if it exists.

Run make. To turn certain features on and off, append any needed build flags to your make invocation like so:

make -j4


Download the Render96 texture pack here

Make sure you are using master for this branch

Once downloaded, extract it. You should get a folder inside of RENDER96-HD-TEXTURE-PACK-master that is called gfx.

You will need to copy it. Go to Render96ex/build/us-pc/res. Paste the folder you extracted and copied earlier (gfx) into the res folder.

It will ask if you want to replace the files of the same name in the existing gfx folder, click yes. Get out from the res folder and open your game.