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Add a metadata field, with feature and unit tests

John H. Robinson, IV edited this page Apr 24, 2018 · 37 revisions



(OPTIONAL) Save your current changes

If you have changes in your current branch -- you can check on this via git status -- you'll want to save those before starting this lesson (which uses a separate branch):

  • git checkout -b work_in_progress
  • git add .
  • git commit -m 'checkpoint before beginning first metadata lesson'

Check out working branch

git checkout lesson_5_start

NOTE: If you make experimental changes and want to get back to the minimal code state necessary to run this lesson, you can check the starting code out again using:
git checkout lesson_5_start


Analyze a feature spec for adding a Work

  1. Observe the following test scenario in spec/features/create_work_spec.rb:
    scenario do
      visit '/dashboard'
      click_link "Works"
      click_link "Add new work"
      # If you generate more than one work uncomment these lines
      # choose "payload_concern", option: "Work"
      # click_button "Create work"
      expect(page).to have_content "Add New Work"
      click_link "Files" # switch tab
      expect(page).to have_content "Add files"
      expect(page).to have_content "Add folder"
      within('span#addfiles') do
        attach_file("files[]", "#{Hyrax::Engine.root}/spec/fixtures/image.jp2", visible: false)
        attach_file("files[]", "#{Hyrax::Engine.root}/spec/fixtures/jp2_fits.xml", visible: false)
      click_link "Descriptions" # switch tab
      fill_in('Title', with: 'My Test Work')
      fill_in('Creator', with: 'Doe, Jane')
      fill_in('Keyword', with: 'testing')
      select('In Copyright', from: 'Rights statement')
      # With selenium and the chrome driver, focus remains on the
      # select box. Click outside the box so the next line can't find
      # its element
      expect(page).to have_content('Please note, making something visible to the world (i.e. marking this as Public) may be viewed as publishing which could impact your ability to')
      expect(page).to have_content('My Test Work')
      expect(page).to have_content "Your files are being processed by Hyrax in the background."
  2. This feature test interacts with the browser. Try to do these things in the browser. Will this test pass?
  3. Run your test suite:
    rails ci
    OR Run your feature test by itself:
    1. Start the test environment: rake hydra:test_server
    2. Run just the test you want to focus on: rspec spec/features/create_work_spec.rb

Add a metadata field

A Work, in addition to title, creator, keyword, and the metadata fields that are common to all Hyrax objects, also has some special Work metadata. For our work, we need to know the year, extent (number of pages, or length of media), and referenced resources associated with this document. Because Fedora 4 stores content as linked data, we need to know not only the name of the field we want to add, but also the linked data predicate we should use. In this example, we're going to add:

Add a new metadata field to our feature spec

  1. Add these lines to spec/features/create_work_spec.rb:
click_link("Additional fields")
fill_in "Year", with: "2005"
  1. Run your test suite again. It will fail with the error:
$ rails ci # or rails spec

Failure/Error: fill_in 'Year', with: '2005'

  Unable to find visible field "Year" that is not disabled

Add a new metadata field to our model

Recall that Rails uses the MVC (model/view/controller) pattern. In order to add a field to our Work object, we first need to add it to the Work model.

So far we've only been writing feature specs, also sometimes called integration tests. These are a kind of automated test that exercises many parts of the application at once. For example, our create_work_spec feature is testing whether:

  1. we can create a user and log in
  2. a logged in user can access the new Work url
  3. the expected fields are present on that page
  4. a file can be attached
  5. a Work can be submitted without error given a set up metadata and a file
  6. a new page will be displayed saying the Work has been submitted
  7. that new page will contain the expected metadata

In contrast, we are now going to write a unit test, which will only test one thing: Whether the Work model has a year field.

  1. Open spec/models/work_spec.rb. Notice that this is a stub test that was auto-generated when we created our Work work type. Replace lines 6 - 8 (the bits inside the RSpec.describe block) with this:
  describe "#year" do
    context "with a new Work" do
      it "has no year value when it is first created" do
        work =
        expect(work.year).to be_empty

    context "with a Work that has a year defined" do
      it "can set and retrieve a year value" do
        work =
        work.year = ["2005"]
        expect(work.year).to eq(["2005"])
  1. Run your test suite again. Now you have three failing tests! Our unit tests are failing with an error something like method_missing: undefined method 'year'
  2. Edit app/models/work.rb and add this line at the bottom of the class block, but before the line that says include ::Hyrax::BasicMetadata:
property :year, predicate: ""
  1. Run your test suite again. Now your unit test should pass. However, your feature test is still failing.

Pair exercise

We added one metadata field here: year. As a pair, start from Setup and get your unit tests passing for this field.

Then: choose either extent or references and add a second metadata field. Or, define your own metadata field (pick something where the value can be a simple string).

For discussion:

  • Compare this with entering the same information manually into our local development environment.
  • What is a fixture?
  • Why do we have feature tests and unit tests?
  • What is Capybara?

Add a new metadata field to our form

At this point, our Work model has the field we want to add but that field isn't being shown on our new Work form.

  1. As before, we will add our test first. Edit spec/forms/hyrax/work_form_spec.rb and replace the parts inside the Rspec.describe block with:
  subject { form }
  let(:work)    { }
  let(:ability) { }
  let(:request) { nil }
  let(:form)    {, ability, request) }
  it "has the expected terms" do
    expect(form.terms).to include(:title)
    expect(form.terms).to include(:year)
  1. Run your test suite and notice that the work_form_spec is now failing:
Failure/Error: expect(form.terms).to include(:year)
  1. Edit app/forms/hyrax/work_form.rb and add this line:
self.terms += [:year]
  1. Run your test suite again (rails ci) and all your tests, including your feature test, should now pass.

Note: You can see all the changes made during this exercise on the github repo.

Pair exercise (time allowing)

Add your additional metadata field to the form. Be sure to include feature and unit tests.

For discussion: