If you have USB, the tools/everpi
tool should allow you to load and launch
a compiled local .rom file directly to your Genesis/Megaddrive.
tools/everpi rom path/to/rom.bin
tools/everpi memread|memset|memset16|memset32
can be run from the MEDP
interrupt menu while the game is running.
Be sure you are on a brand new install of Raspbian if you can, fully updated.
The tool has been tested on Ubuntu 21 64-bit as well.
Due to changes in the way macOS handles serial connections, it will NOT work on newer macs.
If you are having issues accessing the port, ensure that your user has dialout
group priveleges:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
On linux, you can try to build using this repo by kentosama:
Or you might have better luck using this guide:
For MacOS try to build with Retro68:
You may have to download and build the Bison extension from source
It installs to '/usr/local/bison'
I had to change line 24 of Rez/CMakeLists.txt to this and clean/redo the build:
set(CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH ${CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH} "/usr/local/bison/bin")
Using a standard GCC build from source, you should be able to compile targeting m68k using the following:
./configure --disable-mcs51-port \
--disable-r2k-port \
--disable-r2ka-port \
--disable-r3ka-port \
--disable-tlcs90-port \
--disable-ds390-port \
--disable-ds400-port \
--disable-pic14-port \
--disable-pic16-port \
--disable-hc08-port \
--disable-s08-port \
--disable-pdk13-port \
--disable-pdk14-port \
--disable-pdk15-port \
Good luck and feel free to open issues with questions.
These are slightly out-of-date. I currently use GCC 9.3 built on both Raspberry Pi and Apple Silicon.
for these builds is a required CFLAG or building will fail
In /tools is an RPi-arm71 build of DGen with debugger on (tilde key).
You can also build it yourself using `install-dgen-dev.sh`.
By default, `make` will create `out.md` in the root folder.