Final Project for RShiny Course, Mini III 2021
This app has 4 tabs and 1 table. 2 tabs are similar time series plots, however they group the data differently for different visualizations of the information. The last tab is a segment plot that allows the user to look at several sub industries in one larger industry (identified with one of three NAICS codes) and plotted at a chosen year. If the user still has multiple states checked, then multiple points will show in the segment plot. If only one state is checked and multiple plots continue to show, this is due to grouping several NAICS into one category heading.
The third tab is the mapping tab where the four states in the data set are saturated by how high the value of their receipts / establishments are. The user can pick whichever they prefer. (Note: was having trouble adding year as a variable of change, so had to omit that.)
Finally, the data table shows the data being plotted from the first two tabs and can be downloaded using the download button in the sidebar.