Computer Vision Program "":
- finds the 2d arena where the robot maneuvers
- finds the robot an enemy locations and rotations in the 2d plane while accounting for height
- finds the item's and their locations in the 2d plane while accounting for their height
Pathfinding Algorithms "":
- creates graph of all possible paths, not allowing paths through enemies
- weighs paths by length and distance to enemies
- gets best possible path
- generates X, Y, and rotaion velocities relative to the rotation of the robot which are porportional to the distance from the robot
Algorithm Visualiser "":
- visualises all items in sight
- displays robot rotation
- displays the X, Y, and rotation velocity being given to the robot
Client Program ""
- connects to the robot
- runs all appropriate code in order to instruct the robot
Raspberry Pi Server ""
- receives instructions from tracker
- sends instructions to onboard arduino
Omniwheel Motor Control ""
- receives instructions from the raspberry pi
- calculates holonomic drive
- controls the motors with appropriate accelaration