This is an e-commerce website i built from scratch using the LAMP stack (linux, apache, MySql, php) for an university project, users can create an account and order products,
there is also an admin panel where the admin can manage products and orders
sadly it is not mobile-friendly
You can check the live demo here
if you want to check the admin panel login with this:
user: admin
password: admin
hover your mouse over "My Account" in the header navigation then right under it click "Admin Dashboard"
(please don't misuse the admin privileges)
- user login/signup
- admin panel
- modern flat design
- async (updating with ajax) products cart
- verified buyer article reviews
import the database that you'll find in "_database/e_commerce.sql"
copy the files to your www folder
edit the database credentials in db_config.php in the config folder
thats it now its ready.