SmartPronote is a tool that lets you synchronize your Pronote homework, timetable and grades with other services like Google Calendar, Google Tasks or IFTTT (for notifications).
SmartPronote keeps track of your data by fetching the content of your Pronote account every X minutes (changeable in the configuration file). It stores the ids of the homework, timetable and grades in a database file to know what's old and what's new. From there it can send push notifications to your phone when you have a new grade, unjustified absences etcetera.
Here are a few examples of the premade modules:
Syncs your Pronote timetable with your Google Calendar. This modules also hides lessons when the teacher is absent so your Google Calendar is always updated!
Syncs your homework with Google Tasks. Google Tasks is already integrated in other Google tools such as Google Calendar so you can view everything in one place.
Sends a push notification to your phone using the IFTTT service everytime you get a new notification.