This is the old API, you might be able to call some of these from Api.cs, but I wouldn't recommend it. Examine that file for the commands that you get when you build h3net as a DLL.
I'd recommend taking some time to go through the documentation you'll find at H3Lib/Documentation. It might be a bot more obtuse at this point, but it will be correct.
- Api.H3Index GeoToH3(Code.GeoCoord gc, int res)
- Api.GeoCoord H3ToGeo(Code.H3Index h3)
- Api.GeoBoundary H3ToGeoBoundary(Code.H3Index h3)
- int MaxKringSize(int k)
- HexRangeResult HexRange(Code.H3Index origin, int k)
- HexRangeDistancesResult HexRangeDistances(Code.H3Index origin, int k)
- HexRangeResult HexRanges(IEnumerable<Code.H3Index> h3Set, int k)
- HexRangeResult HexRanges(Code.H3Index h3Set, int k)
- H3Index[] Kring(Code.H3Index origin, int k)
- HexRangeDistancesResult KringDistances(Code.H3Index origin, int k)
- HexRangeResult HexRing(Code.H3Index origin, int k)
- int MaxPolyFillSize(Code.GeoPolygon geoPolygon, int res)
- H3Index[] PolyFill(Code.GeoPolygon geoPolygon, int res)
- LinkedGeoPolygon H3SetToLinkedGeo(IEnumerable<Code.H3Index> h3Set)
- void DestroyLinkedPolygon(ref LinkedGeoPolygon polygon)
- double DegreesToRadians(double degrees)
- double RadiansToDegrees(double radians)
- double HexAreaKm2(int res)
- double HexAreaM2(int res)
- double EdgeLengthKm(int res)
- double EdgeLengthM(int res)
- long NumberHexagons(int res)
- int H3GetResolution(Code.H3Index h3)
- int H3GetBaseCell(Code.H3Index h3)
- H3Index StringToH3(string s)
- string H3ToString(Code.H3Index h3)
- int H3IsValid(Code.H3Index h3)
- H3Index H3ToParent(Code.H3Index h3, int parentRes)
- int MaxH3ToChildrenSize(Code.H3Index h3, int childRes)
- H3Index[] H3ToChildren(Code.H3Index h3, int childRes)
- HexRangeResult Compact(List<Code.H3Index> h3Set)
- int MaxUncompactSize(List<Code.H3Index> h3Set, int res)
- HexRangeResult Uncompact(List<Code.H3Index> compactedSet, int res)
- int H3IsResClassIII(Code.H3Index h3)
- bool IsResClassIII(Code.H3Index h3)
- int H3IsPentagon(Code.H3Index h3)
- bool IsPentagon(Code.H3Index h3)
- int H3IndexesAreNeighbors(Code.H3Index origin, Code.H3Index destination)
- bool AreNeighbors(Code.H3Index origin, Code.H3Index destination)
- H3Index GetUniDirectionalEdge(Code.H3Index origin, Code.H3Index destination)
- int H3UniDirectionalEdgeIsValid(Code.H3Index edge)
- bool UniDirectionalEdgeIsValid(Code.H3Index edge)
- H3Index GetOriginH3FromUniDirectionalEdge(Code.H3Index edge)
- H3Index GetDestinationH3FromUniDirectionalEdge(Code.H3Index edge)
- H3Index[] GetH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge(Code.H3Index edge)
- H3Index[] GetH3UniDirectionalEdgesFromHexagon(Code.H3Index origin)
- GeoBoundary GetH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary(Code.H3Index edge)
- int H3Distance(Code.H3Index origin, Code.H3Index h3)
- ExperimentalIJ ExperimentalH3ToLocalIj(Code.H3Index origin, Code.H3Index h3)
- HexRangeResult experimentalLocalIjToH3(Code.H3Index origin, Code.LocalIJ.CoordIJ ij)