- Developer Testing Specifications
- Developer Tests
- Testing All Merchandise View
- Testing Merchandise Detailed Information View
- Testing Discounted Merchandise View
- Testing Shopping Cart
- Testing Piano Book Categories
- Testing User Search Bar
- Testing Confirmation Email for Purchase
- Testing Account Creation
- Testing Account Confirmation Email
- Testing Login and Logout
- Testing Password Recovery
- Testing Merchandise Rating System
- Testing Invoice Function Remember My Information
- Testing Updating Shipping Information from Profile View
- Testing the Superuser Function to Add Merchandise
- Testing the Superuser Function to Edit Merchandise
- Testing the Superuser Function to Delete Merchandise
- Program Tests
- Return to README
- Windows 10 (Chrome 87**, Edge 87**, Firefox 84**)
- Chrome
- Developed in Chrome.
- Initially tested in every bootstrap breakpoint during development.
- Tested in landscape, which is desktop responsiveness level.
- Tested in portrait, which is tablet responsiveness level.
- Edge
- Tested in landscape, which is desktop responsiveness level.
- Tested in portrait, which is tablet responsiveness level.
- Firefox
- Tested in landscape, which is desktop responsiveness level.
- Tested in portrait, which is tablet responsiveness level.
- Chrome
- G8 ThinQ (Chrome 87**)
- Chrome
- Tested in landscape, which is tablet responsiveness level.
- Tested in portrait, which is mobile responsiveness level.
- Chrome
- iPad, 5th gen 13.3(Safari 13**)
- Safari
- Tested in landscape, which is tablet responsiveness level.
- Tested in portrait, which is tablet responsiveness level.
- Safari
- Each Developer Test was performed on the above listed systems and the specified screen orientations.
- The tester will perform all Developer Tests three times:
- Once in landscape.
- Once in portrait.
- Once with random moments of spam clicking and switching between landscape/portrait. This final test is critical to ensure tablet and mobile users have an enjoyable experience.
- As a shopper I want to view all the merchandise in the store.
- All the items in the merchandise model will be displayed.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester knows how many merchandise items are in the database.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on Piano Books on the navigation bar.
- Click on All Music Books from the Piano Books drop-down menu.
- Count the number of merchandise items displayed in this view.
- If there is an incorrect number of displayed merchandise items, record:
- The test name, number of displayed merchandise items, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a shopper I want to view detailed information about a piece of merchandise.
- The tester will check five different detail views.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester knows the content that should display for each product they look at.
- The tester knows multiple ways to get to a Details View.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Navigate to the Details View of a merchandise item.
- Check all the information of this merchandise item for correctness.
- Repeat steps 1 - 3 choosing a different path to the Details View each time.
- If any information for the merchandise item is incorrect, record:
- The test name, merchandise item name, incorrect information, anticipated information, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a shopper I want to see all discounted merchandise.
- All the items with the boolean tag special will be displayed as discounted merchandise with a discount value.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester knows how many merchandise items are on discount.
- The tester knows where the discount tag is displayed on the details and merchandise view.
- The tester knows the correct price for each item.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on Speials on the navigation bar.
- Count the discounted merchandise items displayed.
- Check each item for both the discount tag and discounted price.
- If there is an incorrect number of displayed discount merchandise items, record:
- The test name, number of displayed merchandise items, and a description of the problem.
- If a discounted merchandise item is displayed without a discount value, record:
- The test name, merchandise item name, and a description of the problem.
- If a discounted merchandise item is displayed with an incorrect new price, record:
- The test name, merchandise item name, anticipated price, actual price, and a description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a shopper I want to view all the items in my cart.
- All items selected for purchase will be displayed in the Cart View with the proper quantities.
- The free delivery, for invoices above $50, function operates correctly.
- Subtotal and grand total calculate properly in the Cart View and on the cart icon.
- Success toasts show up for each item added to the cart and the toast contains all the correct information.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will write down all merchandise selected for purchase and their quantities.
- The tester knows there is an empty cart page and what it's supposed to look like.
- The tester will watch the cart total and be sure it updates as they add merchandise to their cart.
- The tester will start the test with an empty cart.
- The tester knows that with a purchase of more than $50 there is no delivery fee.
- The tester will monitor the success toasts and check for their accuracy.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on the cart icon at the top right corner of the view.
- Check for the correct empty Cart View.
- Click on Piano Books on the navigation bar.
- Click on All Music Books from the Piano Books drop-down menu.
- Choose a random merchandise item and add a random quantity to the cart.
- Repeat steps 4 - 6, four to nine times more.
- Click on the cart icon at the top right corner of the view.
- Check for a correct grand total, delivery total, and subtotal.
- Empty cart.
- Repeat steps 4 - 7. This time make sure the grand total is less than $50.
- Check for a correct grand total, delivery total, and subtotal.
- If the empty Cart View does not display with an empty cart, record:
- The test name and a brief description of the problem.
- If the delivery cost doesn't update correctly according to the free delivery threshold, record:
- The test name, all items with their quantities in the cart, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the success toast doesn't work or displays incorrect information, record:
- The test name, all items with their quantities in the cart, the last item and quantity selected, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the subtotal, delivery total, and grand total do not properly calculate, record:
- The test name, all items with their quantities in the cart, and a brief description of the problem
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a shopper I want to be able to search available products by their category.
- Each Category will display all the correct merchandise.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester knows all merchandise items that should appear in each category.
- The tester knows the total of merchandise items that should appear in each category.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on Piano Books on the navigation bar.
- Click on Seasonal from the Piano Books drop-down menu.
- Check the view for the correct number of merchandise items.
- Check each additional category under Piano Books until all categories have been checked.
- If a category doesn't have the correct number of merchandise items, record:
- The test name, the category, the total quantity of merchandise items present, a brief description of the problem, and any the incorrect merchandise items present or missing.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a shopper I want to be able to search for an item by its name or composer.
- User search bar returns correct information when a user submits an item name or the name of its composer(s).
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester knows all the merchandise offered from two different composers in the database.
- The tester knows the names of four different books in database.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Enter a composer's name into the user search bar.
- Check returns for correct information.
- Repeat step 2 - 3 with a different composer.
- Enter a merchandise item's name into the user search bar.
- Check returns for correct information.
- Repeat step 5 - 6, three more times each with a different name.
- If any user search returns are incorrect, record:
- The test name, whether a composer or item name was being searched for, the composer or item name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a shopper I want to receive a confirmation email upon checkout
- A confirmation email will be sent out after a purchase.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester knows the dummy codes for Stripe.
- The tester has access to an email account.
- The tester will create an account for this test and will keep a record of the account.
- The tester knows the content of the confirmation email.
- The tester will have their invoice number, date, subtotal, delivery total, grand total, and contact information written down.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Be sure there is no current session or make sure to log out of the current session.
- Put multiple merchandise items into the cart with different quantity quantities.
- Proceed to checkout and finalize the checkout.
- Check over the content of the confirmation email.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Log into an account.
- Repeat steps 3 - 5.
- If the success toast does not display or displays incorrect information, record:
- The test name, if the tester was logged in, anticipated toast information, actual toast information, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the confirmation email is not received, record:
- The test name, if the tester was logged in, the email name, the invoice number, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any of the email content is incorrect, record:
- The test name, if the tester was logged in, the content expected, actual content, and a brief description of the problem.
- Upon creation of a test account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a new user I would like a create an account.
- An account can be created, accessed, and updated.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester has access to an email account.
- The tester will create an account for this test and will keep a record of the account information.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on Create Account.
- Fill out the form and submit.
- Open the email account the confirmation email was sent to and open the confirmation email.
- Click on the confirmation URL in the email.
- Check that the information provided on the Confirm-Email View is correct and then click confirm.
- Log in with new account.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on the Profile button.
- Update Shipping Info and submit.
- Check for accuracy.
- Upon creation of a test account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- If the new account does not accept the login information, record:
- The test name, the email name, the username, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the new account information does not update, record:
- The test name, the email name, the username, the anticipated information, current information, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a new user I would like to receive a confirmation email after registering.
- A confirmation email will be sent out at the end of the account creation process.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester has access to an email account.
- The tester will create an account for this test and will keep a record of the account information.
- The tester knows the content of both the confirmation email and the confirmation page.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on Create Account.
- Fill out the form and submit.
- Open the email account the confirmation email was sent to and open the confirmation email.
- Click on the confirmation URL in the email.
- Check that the information provided on the Confirm-Email View is correct and then click confirm.
- Upon creation of a test account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- If the information provided on the confirmation email or the confirmation page is incorrect, record:
- The test name, the incorrect information, the anticipated information, and a brief description of the problem
- If no confirmation email is received, record:
- The test name, the email used, the account name used, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a returning user I would like to easily login or logout.
- The tester can login and logout.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will create an account for this test or use a pre-existing account. The tester will keep a record of the account.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on the Login button.
- Log into Eldridge Music Book Emporium.
- Verify that the toast appears for a login success.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on the Profile button.
- Check that the Profile View displays the correct account information.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on the Logout button.
- Click on Sign Out.
- Verify that the toast appears for a logout success.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Check for correct content of drop-down menu to verify the Login and Create Account options are listed.
- Upon creation of a test account or using a pre-existing account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- If the login information was not accepted, record:
- The test name, the email name, the username, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the logout was not accepted, record:
- The test name, the username, the email name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a returning user I would like to recover my forgotten password.
- A user can recover/change their current password.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will create an account for this test or use a pre-existing account. The tester will keep a record of the account.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on the Login button.
- Click on Forgot Password?.
- Enter email for account and submit.
- Open the email account the change password email was sent to and open the change password email.
- Click on the change password URL contained in the email.
- Create a new password and submit.
- Login with the new password.
- Upon creation of a test account or using a pre-existing account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- If no change password email is received, record:
- The test name, the email used, the account name used, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the new password does not work, record:
- The test name, the username, the email name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a shopper I want to add a rating to a piece of merchandise.
- The tester will rate three different pieces of merchandise.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester knows the the current number of ratings and the current average rating of each piece of merchandise.
- The tester knows multiple ways to get to a Details View.
- a = current_avg_rating * total_reviews
- z = total_reviews
- b = a + rating_input
- y = z + 1
- new_avg = b / y
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Navigate to the Details View of a merchandise item.
- Record the number of ratings for the product as well as the current star rating.
- Multiply the current average rating by the number of total reviews. Record this number.
- Math step 1.
- Math step 2.
- Click on Click to Rate.
- Input a random number 1 - 9.
- Click Rate Me!.
- Add your star rating to the number you calculated in step 4. Record this number.
- Math step 3.
- Check that the success toast appears.
- Divide the number in step 8 by the total number of ratings (original number of ratings plus 1).
- Math step 4.
- Math step 5.
- Record the number and compare with the new star rating.
- Repeat steps 3 - 10 choosing a different path to the Details View each time.
- If the star rating is missing, record:
- The test name, merchandise item name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the star rating counter is incorrect, record:
- The test name, merchandise item name, incorrect count, anticipated count, and a brief description of the problem.
- If the star rating is incorrect, record:
- The test name, merchandise item name, incorrect rating, anticipated rating, formulas used, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a returning user I would like to have a personalized profile that has all my previous order information.
- When Remember My Information box is checked it will update the user's shipping information.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will create an account for this test or use a pre-existing account. The tester will keep a record of the account.
- Tester knows Stripe dummy codes.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Login or create an account for this test.
- Remove all shipping information in the profile if any is present.
- Proceed to checkout with any combination of items in the cart.
- Fill out shipping information and check Remember My Information.
- Submit order with Stripe's dummy information.
- Open Profile view and check to see if shipping information has been updated.
- Upon creation of a test account or using a pre-existing account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- If the shipping information is not updated, record:
- The test name, the email name, the username, the anticipated information, the actual information, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a returning user I would like to update my shipping information.
- The shipping information is updatable from the Profile View.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will create an account for this test or use a pre-existing account. The tester will keep a record of the account.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Proceed to Profile View.
- Change all the information found within shipping information and update.
- Check for accuracy.
- Upon creation of a test account or using a pre-existing account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- If the shipping information does not update, record:
- The test name, the email name, the username, the information anticipated, the actual information, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a store manager I want to be able to add merchandise.
- Any superuser can add merchandise.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will have a pre-existing superuser account. The tester will keep a record of the account.
- The tester will keep a record of all created merchandise. This includes the merchandise's name and SKU.
- The tester will add SKU's that are test specific SKU.
- The tester will create a test specific SKU with each merchandise item.
- The tester will add an image to the merchandise item and keep a record of the image name.
- The tester will have an image to upload as a merchandise image.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Log into account.
- Click on the Profile icon.
- Click on the Merchandise Management button
- Fill out the merchandise creation form.
- Do not add an image to this merchandise item.
- Submit the new merchandise and wait for the new page to load.
- Check item information for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5.
- Add an image to this merchandise item.
- Submit the new merchandise and wait for the new page to load.
- Check item information for accuracy.
- Upon creation of a test account or using a pre-existing account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- A merchandise item was created to fulfill the test's requirements, record:
- The test name, the merchandise name, SKU, and state that this is test merchandise.
- An image was used to fulfill the test's requirements, record:
- The test name, the image name, and state that these are test image(s).
- If the merchandise item information is incorrect, record:
- The test name, the merchandise name, merchandise SKU, anticipated information, actual information, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a store manager I want to be able to edit merchandise.
- Any superuser can edit merchandise.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will have a pre-existing superuser account. The tester will keep a record of the account.
- The tester will keep a record of all edited merchandise. This includes the merchandise's new name, new SKU, old name, and old SKU.
- The tester will add/edit SKU's that are test specific SKU.
- The tester will add an image to the merchandise item and keep a record of the image name.
- The tester will have an image to upload as a merchandise image.
- The tester will not edit any existing merchandise and will create new merchandise to edit.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Log into account.
- Proceed to the Merchandise View of any test merchandise.
- Click the Edit button on the top right corner of the merchandise card.
- Edit this merchandise's form.
- Do not add an image to this merchandise item.
- Submit the merchandise and wait for the page to load.
- Check item information for accuracy.
- Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5.
- Add an image to this merchandise item.
- Submit the merchandise and wait for the page to load.
- Check item information for accuracy.
- Upon creation of a test account or using a pre-existing account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- A merchandise item was edited to fulfill the test's requirements, record:
- The test name, the merchandise name, SKU, and state that this is test merchandise.
- An image was used to fulfill the test's requirements, record:
- The test name, the image name, and state that these are test image(s).
- If the merchandise item information is incorrect, record:
- The test name, the merchandise name, merchandise SKU, anticipated information, actual information, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- As a store manager I want to be able to delete merchandise.
- Any superuser can delete merchandise.
- The page content fills appropriately and doesn't spill out beyond obvious borders.
- The page content doesn't overlap and is easy to read.
- The tester will have a pre-existing superuser account. The tester will keep a record of the account.
- The tester will keep a record of all deleted merchandise. This includes the merchandise's name and SKU.
- The tester will keep a record of any image name that is a part of a deleted merchandise item.
- The tester will not delete any existing merchandise and will create new merchandise to delete.
- Load the Home View of Eldridge Music.
- Log into account.
- Proceed to the Merchandise View of any test merchandise.
- Select the Delete button on the top right corner of the merchandise card.
- Search the app for the merchandise to be sure it was deleted.
- Upon creation of a test account or using a pre-existing account, record:
- The username, email address of the account, and state that this is a test account.
- A merchandise item was deleted to fulfill the test's requirements, record:
- The test name, the merchandise name, SKU, and state that this is test merchandise.
- An image was used to fulfill the test's requirements, record:
- The test name, the image name, and state that these are test image(s).
- If the merchandise item is not deleted, record:
- The test name, the merchandise name, merchandise SKU, and state that this was supposed to be deleted.
- If any links or images are broken, record:
- The test name, image or link name, and a brief description of the problem.
- If any content has bad UX, record:
- The test name, screen resolution, browser/device, view (page), and a brief description of the bad UX.
- Removed from test because of usage limit being reached.
- Identifies problems with performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO.
- Lists two vulnerabilities.
- The use of jQuery@3.4.1
- No CSP found in enforcement mode.
- Identifies errors in CSS
- Warnings are present for some of the vendor extensions, but these extensions are necessary and the errors can be ignored.