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An ASP.NET base HttpHandler library to handle plUpload content on the server.

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#Using the plUpload Component with ASP.NET Article Code Sample code for Blog Post

This project provides a base HTTP and HTTP Async Handler for capturing plUpload based file uploads with ASP.NET. The base implementation provides a base handler, an async handler and a file output handler all of which can be subclassed. The handlers expose a few hook methods that you can simply override to get notified when a file upload starts, each chunk arrives and when it completes.


Sample Web Project Configuration###

The Web application sample is an image uploader that stores images to file. If you plan on using a full version of IIS make sure you create the /tempUploads /UploadedImages folders in the web folder and give that folder read/write/create access for the user account the IIS Application Pool is running under. You can find this account in the your site/virtual's Application Pool's Advanced settings.

Installation from NuGet

You can easily install this component from NuGet using the Package Manager Console or the interactive NuGet manager in Visual Studio..

PM> install-package Westwind.plUploadHandler

The package installs the handler assembly and default plUpload scripts in the scripts/plUpload folder. All you have to do to use the component then is to reference the scripts in your upload page and configure the client component and server handler as described below.

###How to implement a plUpload Image Uploader Example### If you want the long version of this example, go check the blog post - there's a lot more info. Here is just a short summary of what you need to know.

plUpload is a client component. This library provides the server side component that receives the clients upload chunks.

In order to use plUpload you'll need some JavaScript code fired from your HTML page. There's a plain uploader that is non-visual uploader that can handle the process of uploading files and providing progress events. There are also a couple jQuery components that provide the UI for selecting files and showing progress information.

The following example uses the plUpload jQueryQueryQueue component to upload images. The client code might look like this:

// set up the uploader queue
    runtimes: 'html5,silverlight,flash,html4',   
    url: 'ImageUploadHandler.ashx',
    max_file_size: '1mb',
    chunk_size: '100kb',
    unique_names: false,
    // Resize images on clientside if we can
    resize: { width: 800, height: 600, quality: 90 },
    // Specify what files to browse for
    filters: [{ title: "Image files", extensions: "jpg,jpeg,gif,png" }],
    flash_swf_url: 'scripts/plupload/plupload.flash.swf',
    silverlight_xap_url: 'scripts/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap',
    multiple_queues: true,

// get uploader instance
var uploader = $("#Uploader").pluploadQueue();      

// bind uploaded event and display the image
// response.response returns the last response from server
// which is the URL to the image that was sent by OnUploadCompleted
uploader.bind("FileUploaded", function (upload, file, response) {
    // remove the file from the list

    // Response.response returns server output from onUploadCompleted
    // our code returns the url to the image so we can display it
    var imageUrl = response.response;

    $("<img>").attr({ src: imageUrl })
              .click(function () {
                  $("#ImageView").attr("src", imageUrl);
                  setTimeout(function () {
                      $("#_ModalOverlay").click(function () {
                  }, 200);

// Error handler displays client side errors and transfer errors
// when you click on the error icons
uploader.bind("Error", function (upload, error) {

This code sets up the visual component and specifies that plUpload should use Html5 first and then use the silverlight and flash components and finally fall back to plain HTML uploads.

Note that you probably want to handle the FileUploaded event to do something in response to the uploaded image. In the above example, the uploaded image is displayed in the UI image list, so as images are uploaded they show up immediately.

The client plUpload component works by sending small chunks of data along with some basic information about the uploaded file and chunk that's being sent via Multi-part HTML forms.

###Server Side### The server side is responsible for capturing the multi-part POST data that the plUpload component sends and that's the task of this small library.

To use these classes use one of the provided base handlers and subclass by creating a new Http Handler. The easiest way to do this is to create an HTTP handler as ASHX handler.

In the source code simply subclass the ASHX handler from one of the provided handlers. Typically you'll only need to implement the OnUploadCompleted() method to handle the (or other data source into which the data was loaded), to do something with the completed data.

In this example, the uploaded image is resized and re-written to a separate folder with a new name. The OnUploadCompleted() method should return an HTTP response that the client can use via the response.response parameter shown in the FileUploaded client script. Here the result written is simply the full URL to the newly uploaded and resized image:

public class ImageUploadHandler : plUploadFileHandler
    const string ImageStoragePath = "~/UploadedImages";
    public static int ImageHeight = 480;

    public ImageUploadHandler()
        // Normally you'd set these values from config values
        FileUploadPhysicalPath = "~/tempuploads";
        MaxUploadSize = 2000000;

    protected override void OnUploadCompleted(string fileName)
        var Server = Context.Server;

        // Physical Path is auto-transformed
        var path = FileUploadPhysicalPath;
        var fullUploadedFileName = Path.Combine(path, fileName);

        var ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower();
        if (ext != ".jpg" && ext != ".jpeg" && ext != ".png" && ext != ".gif")
            WriteErrorResponse("Invalid file format uploaded.");

        // Typically you'd want to ensure that the filename is unique
        // Some ID from the database to correlate - here I use a static img_ prefix
        string generatedFilename = "img_" + fileName;

        string imagePath = Server.MapPath(ImageStoragePath);

            // resize the image and write out in final image folder
            ResizeImage(fullUploadedFileName, Path.Combine(imagePath, generatedFilename), ImageHeight);

            // delete the temp file
        catch (Exception ex)
            WriteErrorResponse("Unable to write out uploaded file: " + ex.Message);

        string relativePath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(ImageStoragePath);
        string finalImageUrl = relativePath + "/" + generatedFilename;

        // return just a string that contains the url path to the file

That's all that's needed...

The only requirement of the OnUploadCompleted() is to eventually call the WriteUploadCompletedMessage() at the end of the call to send back a message to the client. If the upload is call and forget this isn't necessary, but here the example returns the URL of the resized image which is picked up by the plUpload client and then used to create an image tag that displays the image in a preview.

If your code has an error condition - like the check for invalid file formats in the code above - use WriteErrorResponse() instead to fail the request.

There are additional events that you can trap. For example, in this particular example I also override the OnUploadStarted method to delete timed out files:

protected override bool OnUploadStarted(int chunk, int chunks, string name)
    // time out files after 15 minutes - temporary upload files
    DeleteTimedoutFiles(Path.Combine(FileUploadPhysicalPath, "*.*"), 900);

    // clean out final image folder too
    DeleteTimedoutFiles(Path.Combine(Context.Server.MapPath(ImageStoragePath), "*.*"), 900);

    return base.OnUploadStarted(chunk, chunks, name);

Other 'event hook methods' include OnUploadChunkStarted(), OnUploadChunk() which allow capturing the uploaded data as it comes in from plUpload, one chunk at a time.


An ASP.NET base HttpHandler library to handle plUpload content on the server.






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