3 web instances in different AZs.
For each instance create a health checks with the following properties:
Name it after the AZ where the instance resides
Failure threshold should be 5
Edit the security group of one of your instances and remove HTTP rules.
Did it change the status of the health check?
Go to Route 53
Click on "Health Checks" in the left-side menu
Click on "Create health check"
Insert the name: us-east-2
What to monitor: endpoint
Insert the IP address of the instance
Insert the endpoint /health if your web instance supports that endpoint
In advanced configuration, set Failure threshold to 5
Click on "next" and then on "Create health check"
Repeat steps 1-9 for the other two instances you have
Go to security group of one of your instances
Click on "Actions" -> Edit inbound rules -> Delete HTTP based rules
Go back to health checks page and after a couple of seconds you should see that the status becomes "unhealthy"