"Arike" is a Malayalam word that roughly translates to "Alongside" or "Besides" in English. The project caters to a system of specialized medical staff tending to patients under palliative care.
Unlike most of us who need medical care rarely and visit hospitals when required, there are thousands of people who need constant or specialized medical care. Keeping these folks in the hospital is not a viable idea since it bogs down our hospital capacity and also makes their life more difficult. These patients fall under palliative care.
In India, palliative care is provided by a specially trained team of nurses who visit the patients under their Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation directly to relieve their suffering and give them and their families the best possible quality of life. At present, many states have their own palliative care systems in place.
The treatment under palliative care is an extremely complex process, and it's mostly paperbound, which makes it inefficient and error bound.This project a system that makes the process more efficient and automated.
Distric admin credentials:
username : distadmin
password : distadmin
Distric admin credentials:
username : primarynurse
password : nurse@123
Distric admin credentials:
username : secondarynurse
password : nurse@123