Download zip code from:
Steps to configure modules:
Extract zip file into magento directory app/code/ app/code/Abc/Def app/code/GqRitesh/Assignment
Run the following commands in magento root directory: sudo bin/magento setup:upgrade sudo bin/magento setup:di:compile sudo bin/magento cache:clean sudo chmod -R 777 var/ generated/ pub/
Check if module GqRitesh_Assignment and Abc_Def are enabled or not in file app/etc/config.php if Abc_Def => 1 and GqRitesh_Assignment => 1 this means modules are enabled.
Configuration for admin panel: Shipping method: Stores > Configuration > Sales > Delivery Methods > Available Shipping Method only in specific country
Payment method: Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > OTHER PAYMENT METHODS > Test Payment
Steps to run graphql queries:
Add one google chrome extension
Setup url with POST method example: http://hostname/graphql
Graphql Queries:
A). For edit or update entire order comment:
{ editCommentAttribute( id: 3, entireOrderComment: "string") { entireOrderCommentUpdateFlag id updatedComment } }
Where parameter id
is order id or order number and entireOrderComment
is comment
that we have to update or edit.
B). For edit or update customer attribute company name:
{ editCustomerAttributes( email: "", companyName: "Sigma") { flag updatedCompanyName } }
Where parameter email
is of customer and companyName
is company name that we have to update or edit
C). For edit or update Product Attribute unit of measure:
{ editProductAttributes( id: 0, sku: "shirt", unit: "l") { flag sku updatedUnit } }
Where parameter id
is product id ,sku
is sku of the product and unit
unit of measure that we have to update or edit. In this unit can be ‘kg’,’l’,’gm’ or ‘ml’.
We can load product by its id or by sku, if loaded by sku then id should be 0.
D). For edit or update order comment for Product:
{ editProductComment( id: 3, sku: "shirt", comment: "Please deliver as soon as soon") { flag sku updatedComment } }
Where parameter id
is order id or order number that can be obtain from placing order.
And sku
is the sku of the product that is available in placed order.
And comment
is the comment that we need to update.