This is the example of customised MpAndroid chart with tooltip. For this demo I have used MPAndroid Chart library. In this demo, I have done the following customisation.
- Customised Bar chart renderer class.
- Customised Combined chart renderer class.
- Customised Y-axis labels class.
- Custom chart markers.
I have implemented method to setup grouped bar chart with dynamic data. It has also been defined how to change the properties of the chart. As you can see I have applied radius on bar chart. I have also implemented custom tooltip. When user click on particular bar group, it becomes highlighted. For more understanding you can watch video.
I have implemented method to setup line chart with dynamic data. It has also been defined how to change the properties of the chart. I have also implemented custom tooltip. When user click on particular x-axis, all lines for selected x-axis becomes highlighted with dot drawables. For more understanding you can watch video.
I have implemented method to setup combined chart with dynamic data. It has also been defined how to change the properties of the chart. In this demo I have used bar data and line data. As you can see I have applied radius on bar chart using custom renderer class. I have also implemented custom tooltip. When user click on particular x-axis, all lines for selected x-axis becomes highlighted with dot drawables. For more understanding you can watch video.