Tool to take XML files from Ogre 3d mesh files and convert them from using shared vertices to dedicated.
I added a new 3d model to the Torchlight2 game in a mod. Torchlight 2 uses the Ogre3d engine. I've been working in Blender and using the OGRECave/blender2ogre plugin. It only exports the meshes using shared verticies. In order for the player model to work correctly in Torchlight2, I need the meshes to not use shared verticies. I wrote this utility to do the conversion for me.
Written in dot net core 3.0 with Visual Studio 2019. The libraries use dot net standard 2.0. I did that so I can make nuget packages that are compatible with dot net framework.
- Windows 7 and up 32/64bit "OgreXMLConvertToDedicatedVerticies.exe"
- OSX 10.10 x64 and up "OgreXMLConvertToDedicatedVerticies"
Takes one argument, the mesh xml file you want convert.
I would just drag your mesh xml file onto the exe, or make a shortcut.
Note. The application will make a backup of your file before overwriting it with the dedicated verticies version. If the backup already exists, you are given the option to exit, skip the backup, or overwrite the backup.
Current limitation is that it only works if the file has one submesh in it.
- v1.0.0 -- Initial release.
- Rob James