##Setup Instructions:
Spin up your MySQL server.
Create a new database schema named: 'sumosurvey'.
Add MySQL database credentials to the config.json file. (host, username, password)
npm install
npm app
##Admin Interface
Login to admin interface at: http://localhost:5000/admin
Default admin username and password can be set in config.json before first launch.
Default username is 'sumo', password is 'tacos'.
##Known Bugs:
Association between Question and Answer randomly not working.
Added check to fetch detached answers on public facing page, until resolved.
##In response to:
Create a web app written in Node.JS using an Express based framework, SequelizeJS, and MySQL.
Use NPM to declare all dependencies so that we can run it in a test environment.
The app should allow an admin to enter survey questions with multiple choice answers.
When a guest visits the app in a browser it should present a random survey question to the guest and allow them to answer.
Record answers and display the survey results in an admin interface.
Avoid showing a previously answered question to the same guest.
Make sure the UI is mobile browser friendly.
Provide a clear README with instructions on how to setup and run the app.
Create a github.com repository with the app that we can pull from and test.
-- Noah Kagan
Ps. We're hiring 1 javascript developer at SumoMe. I'll buy you a year of tacos for a successful referral!