Welcome to the RoboJackets/RoboNav software repo for the University Rover Challenge (URC)! This document will give you a brief description of the repo's layout and an overview of the repo.
- .github CI pipeline and PR/issue templates
- cmake CMake files to aid with building
- documents Research, design, and documentation
- external Where all our submodules are located
- urc_arm_moveit_config Moveit config folder for rover arm
- urc_bringup Location of the universal launch file + heartbeat node
- urc_controllers ros2-control controllers
- urc_gazebo Helper nodes used for simulation purposes
- urc_hw ros2-control hardware interface
- urc_hw_description URDF description for the rover
- urc_manipulation Collection of nodes used for the robotic arm
- urc_nanopb nanopb related files and settings
- urc_msgs Custom ROS messages used in various packages
- urc_platform Manages our nanopb protocol buffers
- urc_navigation Collection of nodes that form our navigation stack
- urc_perception Collection of nodes that form our perception stack
- urc_platform Nodes that are platform specific and used to communicate with the hardware, ie. IMU, joystick and motor controller
- urc_util A collection of utility nodes and classes
You will need to be using Ubuntu 22.04 to run ROS2. This can be accomplished with any of the following methods:
- Ubuntu 22.04: Native Installation or WSL (Windows/Linux) Strongly recommended!
- NoVNC Docker Installation Instructions (Mac/Windows/Linux) Less viable, use for Apple Silicon
Specific Features
- XBox Controller Setup
- Depth Camera Setup
- ROS2 Control Gazebo Setup
- Radio Communication Between Rover and Ground Station
- Useful Commands: ROS2 Commands, Git Commands
- Design Presentation Requirements
- Drone Repository
- Firmware Repository
Fix (will only build after the last time):
colcon build --symlink-install ; chmod +x build/urc_nanopb/nanopb/generator/protoc-gen-nanopb
colcon build --symlink-install ; chmod +x build/urc_nanopb/nanopb/generator/nanopb_generator.py
colcon build --symlink-install