- Mysql 8.0
- Symfony 5.0^
- Edit .env file
composer install
bin/console doctrine:table:create
bin/console doctrine migration:migrate
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
symfony server:run
Deploy process si easy but tricky. I spent a lot of time with it. It works with Symfony 5 and Wedos NoLimit hosting.
composer install
composer require symfony/dotenv
composer require symfony/apache-pack
Using flex
export APP_ENV=prod
Without flex
export SYMFONY_ENV=prod
Check if .env APP_ENV=prod, if not change it.
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=0 php bin/console cache:clear
We are almost there. Now you need to create .htaccess file in project root eg. on the public, src etc. level with this content
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*) public/$1 [L]
Its because wedos looking for index in /www/domains/ but symfony index is in /www/domains//public.
Next open .htaccess in /public and delete/comment
<IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
Options -MultiViews
Lots of shared hosting banning this feature.
The last thing needs to do is edit /vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php. You are looking for putenv here. Delete or comment it.
Dont forgot to change .env DB connection setting.
It's all. Now upload
to /www/domains/ or /www/subdom/. If you want run only one web you can rewrite /www but I dont recommed it.
Now create var directory in root of your symfony project on ftp server. Some "class not found errors" or 500 can be caused by bad file transfer. Don't forget to check the size of the file, it shouldn't be 0.
If you want to run any web app on a subdomain on wedos, you can. Wedos NoLimit granted 3 subdomains free. To create subdomains simply create a folder in /www/subdom/ and deploy the project as you do with the main domain.