A general purpose discord bot for a specific discord server. The reason its called TigerBot is because there's an annoying character in one of the DnD Campaign's I'm in called The Tiger. I thought it would be funny to name this bot after him.
I really wish this guy would just go away...
~ Sybilla
This bot shall be my new sidekick! We will root out Fortune's evil together! Side by side!
~ The Tiger Himself
!img <Search Terms>
- Returns an image based on the search terms.
!summon <Game Name>
- Summons all users who have played or are currently playing a specified game.
!games <User>
- Shows a list of all games played by a specified user.
!add <User> <Game Name>
- Manually adds a game to a user's list just in case they don't have the game status option enabled.
!add <Game Name>
- Manually adds a game to the author of the command's list.
!stalk <User>
- Shows messages sent by a specified user.