- 94 Linux distributions
- 9 desktop environments
- 12 window managers
- 3 shells
AlmaLinux, Alpine, ALT, antiX, Arch, Archcraft, ArchLabs, ArcoLinux, Artix, Asahi Linux, Athena OS
BlendOS, Bodhi Linux, Buildroot, bunsenlabs
CachyOS, CentOS, ChimeraOS, Clear Linux OS, Crystal Linux
Debian, Deepin, Devuan, DragonFly BSD
/e/OS, Edubuntu, Elementary OS, Emmabuntüs, EndeavourOS
Fedora, Feren OS, FreeBSD
Garuda, Gentoo, GhostBSD, Guix
Kali, KaOS, KDE Neon, Kubuntu
LineageOS, Linux Lite, Linux Mint, Lubuntu
Mabox, Mageia, Makulu, Manjaro, MidnightBSD, Mobian, MX
NetBSD, Nitrux, NixOS, Nobara
OpenMandriva, openSUSE
Pardus, ParrotOS, PCLinuxOS, Peppermint, PostmarketOS, Puppy Linux, Parabola, Pop!_OS
Q4OS, Qubes OS
RebornOS, Red Hat, Rhino Linux, risiOS, Rocky Linux, ROSA
Siduction, Slackware, Solus, Sparky Linux, Steam OS
Tails, Trisquel, TrueNAS Open Storage, Tuxedo OS
Ubuntu, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio, Ultramarine
VanillaOS, Void
XeroLinux, Xubuntu
Yuno Host
...and of course, Tux.
Budgie, Cinnamon, Enlightenment, GNOME, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Plasma, Xfce
awesome, bspwm, dwm, Fluxbox, herbsluftwm, Hyperland, i3, JWM, Qtile, Sway, Window Maker, xmonad
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Open the file in Inkscape or other vector image editor. Unhide the layer you want and export a sticker for printing at 300dpi. The stickers are oversized, so resize to your preference.
Some folks have reported alignment issues when opening in various applications. This file is created and maintained using Inkscape, freely available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. I can't troubleshoot alignment issues in other apps, sorry.
Requests taken, but please either supply a print-quality logo, or a link to it. Actual, active Linux distros, DEs, WMs, or shells only, please.
This pack was created in the spirit of FOSS and is for hobbyist and personal use ONLY. Any copyrighted artwork, word marks, logos, and images contained are property of their respective owners. If this pack violates your organization's copyright terms or style guides, notify me and I will modify or remove any artwork as necessary.