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Computational efficiency Test for Strassen's Matrix Multiplication using Timeit Benchmark . This was done under the guidance of prof ben greenman from the Ucsz website .

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Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Benchmarking

This repository contains Python code for benchmarking Strassen's Matrix Multiplication algorithm across different matrix sizes. The code leverages advanced features such as warm-up phases, multi-independent runs, stress testing, CPU pinning, cache clearing, and high-resolution timing. It uses Pandas for data organization and Matplotlib for visualization.

Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithm


Strassen's Matrix Multiplication algorithm is an efficient algorithm for multiplying two matrices using a divide-and-conquer approach. Introduced by Volker Strassen in 1969, it reduces the number of multiplications required compared to the standard method.

Key Concepts

  • Divide and Conquer: Divides each matrix into four submatrices, recursively multiplies these submatrices, and combines the results.
  • Matrix Splitting: Splits matrices A and B into four submatrices: A11, A12, A21, A22, and B11, B12, B21, B22.
  • Intermediate Matrix Calculations: Computes seven recursive multiplications (P1 to P7) using the submatrices.
  • Combining Results: Combines the intermediate results to obtain the final product matrices.


  • Reduced Multiplications: Reduces the number of multiplications from 8 to 7 compared to the standard algorithm.
  • Complexity: Exhibits lower asymptotic complexity, making it useful for large matrix sizes.


  • Addition Overhead: Introduces additional additions, which may impact performance for smaller matrices.
  • Practical Considerations: For small matrices, the standard algorithm might outperform Strassen's due to constant factors.

Usage in Benchmarking

The provided code benchmarks Strassen's Matrix Multiplication algorithm across various matrix sizes, analyzing its scalability and efficiency. The benchmarking process includes:

  • Warm-Up Phase: Ensures system stability before actual benchmarking.
  • Multi-Independent Runs: Executes multiple independent runs for each matrix size to ensure result reliability.
  • Stress Testing: Evaluates performance under heavy load conditions.
  • CPU Pinning: Pins the process to a specific CPU core for consistent performance measurements.
  • Cache Clearing: Clears system caches before each run to reduce variability.
  • High-Resolution Timing: Measures runtime with high precision.

Code Structure

Matrix Manipulation Functions

  1. split_matrix(matrix)

    • Splits a matrix into four equal-sized submatrices (A11, A12, A21, A22).
  2. add_matrices(matrix1, matrix2)

    • Adds two matrices element-wise.
  3. subtract_matrices(matrix1, matrix2)

    • Subtracts one matrix from another element-wise.

Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

  1. strassen(matrix1, matrix2)
    • Implements Strassen's Matrix Multiplication algorithm using recursion.

Random Matrix Generation

  1. generate_random_matrix(rows, cols, seed=None)
    • Generates a random matrix with given dimensions, optionally accepting a seed for reproducibility.


  1. benchmark(matrix_size, repetitions=5, warm_up_runs=3, stress_runs=100, seed=None)
    • Measures individual runtimes of Strassen's algorithm for a specified matrix size.
    • Performs a warm-up phase, calculates average runtimes, and stores data.
    • Conducts stress testing with multiple runs to assess performance under load.
    • Incorporates CPU pinning and cache clearing to ensure consistent results.

Main Benchmarking Loop

  1. matrix_sizes = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]

    • List of matrix sizes to be benchmarked.
  2. repetitions = 5

    • Number of repetitions for each matrix size.
  3. all_data = pd.DataFrame()

    • Initializes an empty DataFrame to store benchmarking results.
  4. Loop through each matrix size:

    • Calls benchmark function for each matrix size.
    • Concatenates individual data frames into all_data.

Display Results

  1. print("\nCombined Data Table:\n", all_data)
    • Displays the combined data table containing matrix size, run number, and individual runtime for each run.
    • Prints average runtimes and performance metrics.


Observation 1: Algorithm Efficiency

The benchmark results show that Strassen's Matrix Multiplication algorithm performs efficiently for smaller matrix sizes. As matrix size increases, the algorithm maintains a reasonable runtime, demonstrating its scalability.

Observation 2: Logarithmic Trend in Runtimes

The runtime vs. matrix size graph displays a logarithmic trend, particularly visible with a logarithmic scale on the y-axis. This indicates that Strassen's algorithm scales better than traditional matrix multiplication methods for larger matrices.


  1. Strassen, V. (1969). Gaussian elimination is not optimal. Numerische Mathematik, 13(4), 354-356.
  2. Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., & Stein, C. (2009). Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed.). The MIT Press.

Benchmarking Results

Result 1 : Repetation cycle = 10 , Maximum size of Matrix = 128*128 , Output Graph attached below : 10repetartion@timeit_Graph

Result 2 : Repetation Cycle = 1 , Maximun size of Matrix = 128*128 , Ouptut Grpah attached below

Strassen_Bencmark_Output _@time

Result 3 : Repetation Cycle = 10 , Maximum Size of Matrix = 256*256

No output Reason : High Computation power needed for 256*256 matrix multiplication .

Result 4 : Repetation Cycle = 1 , Maximum Size of Matrix = 256*256

No output Reason : High Computation power needed for 256*256 matrix multiplication .


To run the benchmark, modify the matrix_sizes list and adjust the benchmarking parameters as needed. Execute the script and observe the printed results and the generated combined data table.


This code is provided under the MIT License.


Computational efficiency Test for Strassen's Matrix Multiplication using Timeit Benchmark . This was done under the guidance of prof ben greenman from the Ucsz website .






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