Release 0.9.1
Hi! Here’s a list of the changes we made for our latest release:
- HUD: The game now features a more stylized HUD.
- Card Menu: Added a new UI for selecting cards.
- Yukinko Behaviour: The Yukinko now runs after being hit while defending itself.
- Player Attacks Behaviours: Attacks now have locked movement depending on the type.
- Card Pickable Object: After defeating the last enemy, a card spawns for you to pick up.
- SnowVFX: Added snow visual effects to the levels.
- Special Attack: The special attack now targets all enemies in front of the player.
- SlowDown Effect: Upon defeating the last enemy, the game slows down to add more impact.
- Dash Behaviour: The dash now phases through enemies and objects.
- SwordSlash: Updated the visual effects for the sword slash.
- Camera Transition Error: Fixed an issue where transitions between cameras would not trigger correctly at random moments.
- Enemies Active After Death: Fixed a bug where enemies remained immortal after re-entering a room.
Full Changelog: