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New Swerve Library - YAGSL
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Johnny0902 committed Dec 2, 2023
1 parent 012ac20 commit 7efeae7
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Showing 61 changed files with 7,579 additions and 0 deletions.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/frc/robot/subsystems/
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.

package frc.robot.subsystems;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.SubsystemBase;

public class Drivetrain_YAGSL extends SubsystemBase {
/** Creates a new Drivetrain_YAGSL. */
public Drivetrain_YAGSL() {}

public void periodic() {
// This method will be called once per scheduler run
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/swervelib/
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@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
package swervelib;

import edu.wpi.first.math.controller.PIDController;
import edu.wpi.first.math.filter.SlewRateLimiter;
import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d;
import edu.wpi.first.math.kinematics.ChassisSpeeds;
import swervelib.parser.SwerveControllerConfiguration;

* Controller class used to convert raw inputs into robot speeds.
public class SwerveController

* {@link SwerveControllerConfiguration} object storing data to generate the {@link PIDController} for controlling the
* robot heading, and deadband for heading joystick.
public final SwerveControllerConfiguration config;
* PID Controller for the robot heading.
public final PIDController thetaController; // TODO: Switch to ProfilePIDController
* Last angle as a scalar [-1,1] the robot was set to.
public double lastAngleScalar;
* {@link SlewRateLimiter} for movement in the X direction in meters/second.
public SlewRateLimiter xLimiter = null;
* {@link SlewRateLimiter} for movement in the Y direction in meters/second.
public SlewRateLimiter yLimiter = null;
* {@link SlewRateLimiter} for angular movement in radians/second.
public SlewRateLimiter angleLimiter = null;

* Construct the SwerveController object which is used for determining the speeds of the robot based on controller
* input.
* @param cfg {@link SwerveControllerConfiguration} containing the PIDF variables for the heading PIDF.
public SwerveController(SwerveControllerConfiguration cfg)
config = cfg;
thetaController = config.headingPIDF.createPIDController();
thetaController.enableContinuousInput(-Math.PI, Math.PI);
lastAngleScalar = 0;

* Helper function to get the {@link Translation2d} of the chassis speeds given the {@link ChassisSpeeds}.
* @param speeds Chassis speeds.
* @return {@link Translation2d} of the speed the robot is going in.
public static Translation2d getTranslation2d(ChassisSpeeds speeds)
return new Translation2d(speeds.vxMetersPerSecond, speeds.vyMetersPerSecond);

* Add slew rate limiters to all controls. This prevents the robot from ramping up too much. To disable a
* {@link SlewRateLimiter} set the desired one to null.
* @param x The {@link SlewRateLimiter} for the X velocity in meters/second.
* @param y The {@link SlewRateLimiter} for the Y velocity in meters/second.
* @param angle The {@link SlewRateLimiter} for the angular velocity in radians/second.
public void addSlewRateLimiters(SlewRateLimiter x, SlewRateLimiter y, SlewRateLimiter angle)
xLimiter = x;
yLimiter = y;
angleLimiter = angle;

* Calculate the hypot deadband and check if the joystick is within it.
* @param x The x value for the joystick in which the deadband should be applied.
* @param y The y value for the joystick in which the deadband should be applied.
* @return Whether the values are within the deadband from
* {@link SwerveControllerConfiguration#angleJoyStickRadiusDeadband}.
public boolean withinHypotDeadband(double x, double y)
return Math.hypot(x, y) < config.angleJoyStickRadiusDeadband;

* Get the chassis speeds based on controller input of 1 joystick [-1,1] and an angle.
* @param xInput X joystick input for the robot to move in the X direction. X = xInput * maxSpeed
* @param yInput Y joystick input for the robot to move in the Y direction. Y = yInput *
* maxSpeed;
* @param angle The desired angle of the robot in radians.
* @param currentHeadingAngleRadians The current robot heading in radians.
* @param maxSpeed Maximum speed in meters per second.
* @return {@link ChassisSpeeds} which can be sent to th Swerve Drive.
public ChassisSpeeds getTargetSpeeds(
double xInput, double yInput, double angle, double currentHeadingAngleRadians, double maxSpeed)
// Convert joystick inputs to m/s by scaling by max linear speed. Also uses a cubic function
// to allow for precise control and fast movement.
double x = xInput * maxSpeed;
double y = yInput * maxSpeed;

return getRawTargetSpeeds(x, y, angle, currentHeadingAngleRadians);

* Get the angle in radians based off of the heading joysticks.
* @param headingX X joystick which controls the angle of the robot.
* @param headingY Y joystick which controls the angle of the robot.
* @return angle in radians from the joystick.
public double getJoystickAngle(double headingX, double headingY)
lastAngleScalar =
withinHypotDeadband(headingX, headingY) ? lastAngleScalar : Math.atan2(headingX, headingY);
return lastAngleScalar;

* Get the chassis speeds based on controller input of 2 joysticks. One for speeds in which direction. The other for
* the angle of the robot.
* @param xInput X joystick input for the robot to move in the X direction.
* @param yInput Y joystick input for the robot to move in the Y direction.
* @param headingX X joystick which controls the angle of the robot.
* @param headingY Y joystick which controls the angle of the robot.
* @param currentHeadingAngleRadians The current robot heading in radians.
* @param maxSpeed Maximum speed of the drive motors in meters per second, multiplier of the xInput
* and yInput.
* @return {@link ChassisSpeeds} which can be sent to th Swerve Drive.
public ChassisSpeeds getTargetSpeeds(
double xInput,
double yInput,
double headingX,
double headingY,
double currentHeadingAngleRadians,
double maxSpeed)
// Converts the horizontal and vertical components to the commanded angle, in radians, unless
// the joystick is near
// the center (i. e. has been released), in which case the angle is held at the last valid
// joystick input (hold
// position when stick released).
double angle =
withinHypotDeadband(headingX, headingY) ? lastAngleScalar : Math.atan2(headingX, headingY);
ChassisSpeeds speeds = getTargetSpeeds(xInput, yInput, angle, currentHeadingAngleRadians, maxSpeed);

// Used for the position hold feature
lastAngleScalar = angle;

return speeds;

* Get the {@link ChassisSpeeds} based of raw speeds desired in meters/second and heading in radians.
* @param xSpeed X speed in meters per second.
* @param ySpeed Y speed in meters per second.
* @param omega Angular velocity in radians/second.
* @return {@link ChassisSpeeds} the robot should move to.
public ChassisSpeeds getRawTargetSpeeds(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double omega)
if (xLimiter != null)
xSpeed = xLimiter.calculate(xSpeed);
if (yLimiter != null)
ySpeed = yLimiter.calculate(ySpeed);
if (angleLimiter != null)
omega = angleLimiter.calculate(omega);

return new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, omega);

* Get the {@link ChassisSpeeds} based of raw speeds desired in meters/second and heading in radians.
* @param xSpeed X speed in meters per second.
* @param ySpeed Y speed in meters per second.
* @param targetHeadingAngleRadians Target heading in radians.
* @param currentHeadingAngleRadians Current heading in radians.
* @return {@link ChassisSpeeds} the robot should move to.
public ChassisSpeeds getRawTargetSpeeds(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double targetHeadingAngleRadians,
double currentHeadingAngleRadians)
// Calculates an angular rate using a PIDController and the commanded angle. Returns a value between -1 and 1
// which is then scaled to be between -maxAngularVelocity and +maxAngularVelocity.
return getRawTargetSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed,
thetaController.calculate(currentHeadingAngleRadians, targetHeadingAngleRadians) *

* Calculate the angular velocity given the current and target heading angle in radians.
* @param currentHeadingAngleRadians The current heading of the robot in radians.
* @param targetHeadingAngleRadians The target heading of the robot in radians.
* @return Angular velocity in radians per second.
public double headingCalculate(double currentHeadingAngleRadians, double targetHeadingAngleRadians)
return thetaController.calculate(currentHeadingAngleRadians, targetHeadingAngleRadians) * config.maxAngularVelocity;

* Set a new maximum angular velocity that is different from the auto-generated one. Modified the
* {@link SwerveControllerConfiguration#maxAngularVelocity} field which is used in the {@link SwerveController} class
* for {@link ChassisSpeeds} generation.
* @param angularVelocity Angular velocity in radians per second.
public void setMaximumAngularVelocity(double angularVelocity)
config.maxAngularVelocity = angularVelocity;

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