is a header-only C++ library for k nearest neighbor search
using the Eigen3
It implements various interfaces for KNN search:
- pure
parallelized brute force search - pure
kdtree for efficient search with Manhatten, Euclidean and Minkowski distances
Simply copy the header files into your project or install them using the CMake build system by typing
cd path/to/repo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
The library requires Eigen3
to be installed on your system.
In Debian based systems you can simply install these dependencies using apt-get
apt-get install libeigen3-dev
Make sure Eigen3
can be found by your build system.
You can use the CMake Find module in cmake/
to find the installed headers.
All search algorithms share a similar interface. Have a look at the files in the
Here is a basic example on how to build a kdtree and query it.
#include <iostream>
#include <knncpp.h>
typedef Eigen::MatrixXd Matrix;
typedef knncpp::Matrixi Matrixi;
int main()
// Define some data points, which should be searched.
// Each column defines one datapoint.
Matrix dataPoints(3, 9);
dataPoints << 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4,
3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1;
// Create a KDTreeMinkowski object and set the data points.
// Data is not copied by default. You can also pass an additional bool flag
// to create a data copy. The tree is not built yet.
// You can also use the setData() method to set the data at a later point.
// The distance type is defined by the second template parameter.
// Currently ManhattenDistance, EuclideanDistance, ChebyshevDistance and
// MinkowskiDistance are available.
knncpp::KDTreeMinkowskiX<double, knncpp::EuclideanDistance<double>> kdtree(dataPoints);
// Set the bucket size for each leaf node in the tree. The higher the value
// the less leafs have to be visited to find the nearest neighbors. The
// lower the value the less distance evaluations have to be computed.
// Default is 16.
// Set if the resulting neighbors should be sorted in ascending order after
// a successfull search.
// This consumes some time during the query.
// Default is true.
// Set if the root should be taken of the distances after a successful search.
// This consumes some time during the query.
// Default is false.
// Set the maximum inclusive distance for the query. Set to 0 or negative
// to disable maximum distances.
// Default is 0.
kdtree.setMaxDistance(2.5 * 2.5);
// Set how many threads should be used during the query. Set to 0 or
// negative to autodetect the optimal number of threads (OpenMP only).
// Default is 1.
// Build the tree. This consumes some time.;
// Create a querypoint. We will search for this points nearest neighbors.
Matrix queryPoints(3, 1);
queryPoints << 0, 1, 0;
Matrixi indices;
Matrix distances;
// Search for 3 nearest neighbors.
// The matrices indices and distances hold the index and distance of the
// respective nearest neighbors.
// Their value is set to -1 if no further neighbor was found.
kdtree.query(queryPoints, 3, indices, distances);
// Do something with the results.
<< "Data points:" << std::endl
<< dataPoints << std::endl
<< "Query points:" << std::endl
<< queryPoints << std::endl
<< "Neighbor indices:" << std::endl
<< indices << std::endl
<< "Neighbor distances:" << std::endl
<< distances << std::endl;
return 0;
Songrit Maneewongvatana and David M. Mount, Analysis of Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching with Clustered Point Sets, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 2002
Mohammad Norouzi, Ali Punjani and David J. Fleet, Fast Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing, In Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition