Common error displayed during migration process. Head to to begin with the Migration process.
Here is a detailed list of common Errors that could come up during the migration process.
This is a common error displayed when any of the parameters on Step 2 have been misspelled or are incomplete. Filling the fields manually paying attention to spelling, spacing and caps solves this error.
Signature verification error usually is solved by making sure you are using the right wallets both on Terra Station and Keplr. Some users reported to work when trying in a different Browser (Brave, Chrome, Edge, etc.)
This error is solved by trying the migration process on a different browser or in incognito mode.
Some users reported that this message gets freezed on Terra Station during migration and it is usually solved by trying the migration process on a different browser or in incognito mode.
Once the migration process is successful and the user tries to stake their KUJI at this error may appear. Simply refresh the tab and it should then work properly.
This error pops up when a chain different than Kujira Public Testnet is selected on Keplr wallet. To solve it just select the correct chain and retry.