From 19faef0f54abf70750222325b5bbb7d12abcd3b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: codehans <> Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 07:56:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] ae --- translations/ar-AE.json | 108 +++--- translations/template.json | 775 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------- 2 files changed, 469 insertions(+), 414 deletions(-) diff --git a/translations/ar-AE.json b/translations/ar-AE.json index 9d0c46c..33b1d17 100644 --- a/translations/ar-AE.json +++ b/translations/ar-AE.json @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ { - "Grown-Up DeFi.": ".التقنية الصاعدة في عالم التمويل اللامركزي", - "The Cosmos Layer 1 platform for community selected projects creating true value.": ".المنصة الرائدة في عالم كوزموس ذات طبقة أولى لمشاريع المجتمع المختارة التي تصنع قيمة حقيقية", + "Grown-Up DeFi.": "التقنية الصاعدة في عالم التمويل اللامركزي", + "The Cosmos Layer 1 platform for community selected projects creating true value.": "المنصة الرائدة في عالم كوزموس ذات طبقة أولى لمشاريع المجتمع المختارة التي تصنع قيمة حقيقية", "Build on Kujira": "قم بالبناء على كوجيرا", "Semi-Permissioned": "محدودة التصريح", - "In order for a contract to launch on Kujira, it needs to be voted in via governance. This ensures that the quality, sustainability and longevity of the network are protected. A tight-knit hub of revenue generating products with great UX. \"Grown-up DeFi\" is not a meme.": ".من أجل إطلاق عقد ذكي في كوجيرا ، يجب التصويت عليه من خلال الحوكمةاللامركزية. وهذا يضمن حماية جودة الشبكة واستدامتها وطول عمرها. مركز مترابط للمنتجات المدرة للدخل مع تجربة مستخدم رائعة. التمويل اللامركزي الصاعد ليس بداعبة", + "In order for a contract to launch on Kujira, it needs to be voted in via governance. This ensures that the quality, sustainability and longevity of the network are protected. A tight-knit hub of revenue generating products with great UX. \"Grown-up DeFi\" is not a meme.": "من أجل إطلاق عقد ذكي في كوجيرا يجب التصويت عليه من خلال الحوكمةاللامركزية وهذا يضمن حماية جودة الشبكة واستدامتها وطول عمرها كوجيرا هي مركز مترابط للمنتجات المدرة للدخل مع تجربة مستخدم رائعة التمويل اللامركزي الصاعد ليس بداعبة", "On-chain Scheduler": "الجدولة على الشبكة", - "The on-chain scheduler allows protocols to be designed with much less of a reliance on bots. This means there are far fewer wasted transactions. Protocols can be designed to operate more efficiently, and fees which were once required to incentivize bot usage can go back to the users of the network.": ".يسمح برنامج الجدولة على السلسلة بتصميم البروتوكولات مع قدر أقل من الاعتماد على البوتات. هذا يعني أن هناك عددًا أقل بكثير من المعاملات المهدرة. يمكن تصميم البروتوكولات للعمل بكفاءة أكبر ، ويمكن أن تعود الرسوم التي كانت مطلوبة لتحفيز استخدام البوتات مرة أخرى إلى مستخدمي الشبكة", + "The on-chain scheduler allows protocols to be designed with much less of a reliance on bots. This means there are far fewer wasted transactions. Protocols can be designed to operate more efficiently, and fees which were once required to incentivize bot usage can go back to the users of the network.": "يسمح برنامج الجدولة على السلسلة بتصميم البروتوكولات مع قدر أقل من الاعتماد على البوتات هذا يعني أن هناك عددًا أقل بكثير من المعاملات المهدرة يمكن تصميم البروتوكولات للعمل بكفاءة أكبر ويمكن أن تعود الرسوم التي كانت مطلوبة لتحفيز استخدام البوتات مرة أخرى إلى مستخدمي الشبكة", "Native Token Generation": "صناعة توكينز محلية", - "Smart contract developers no longer need to handle two individual entry points into their contracts, only needing to design for a native denom. In doing so, every token on the network will be a native Cosmos token, and associated liquidation and trading revenue (with more to come) will all accrue to KUJI stakers.": ".لم يعد مطورو العقود الذكية بحاجة إلى التعامل مع نقطتي دخول فرديتين في عقودهم ، بل يحتاجون فقط إلى تصميم فئة محلية واحدة. عند القيام بذلك ، سيكون كل توكين على الشبكة عبارة عن توكين محلي في شبكة كوزموس و ستكون عائدات كل توكن على الشبكة سواء من خلال التداول أو الليكوديشنز في منصات كوجيرا عبارة عن مكافات تخزين (الستيكنج)", + "Smart contract developers no longer need to handle two individual entry points into their contracts, only needing to design for a native denom. In doing so, every token on the network will be a native Cosmos token, and associated liquidation and trading revenue (with more to come) will all accrue to KUJI stakers.": "لم يعد مطورو العقود الذكية بحاجة إلى التعامل مع نقطتي دخول فرديتين في عقودهم بل يحتاجون فقط إلى تصميم فئة محلية واحدة. عند القيام بذلك سيكون كل توكين على الشبكة عبارة عن توكين محلي في شبكة كوزموس و ستكون عائدات كل توكن على الشبكة سواء من خلال التداول أو الليكوديشنز في منصات كوجيرا عبارة عن مكافات تخزين (الستيكنج)", "Build with Cosmos SDK": "قم بالبناء باستخدام كوزموس اس دي كي", - "Access the entire Cosmos ecosystem seamlessly in an environment with proven security and interoperability via IBC.": "IBC قم بالوصول إلى نظام كوزموس البيئي بأكمله بسلاسة في بيئة تتمتع بأمان مثبت وقابلية للتشغيل البيني بين الشبكات عبر", + "Access the entire Cosmos ecosystem seamlessly in an environment with proven security and interoperability via IBC.": "قم بالوصول إلى نظام كوزموس البيئي بأكمله بسلاسة في بيئة تتمتع بأمان مثبت وقابلية للتشغيل البيني بين الشبكات عبر آي بي سي", "CosmWASM 1.0 Support": "CosmWASM 1.0 دعم", - "Leverage Rust’s expressive type system and Cosmwasm’s best in class architecture to fearlessly build safe and secure smart contracts.": ".استفد من لغة برمجة رست التعبيرية و كوزموسوسام الأفضل في الهندسة المعمارية للعقود لبناء عقود ذكية آمنة ومأمونة بلا خوف", + "Leverage Rust’s expressive type system and Cosmwasm’s best in class architecture to fearlessly build safe and secure smart contracts.": "استفد من لغة برمجة رست التعبيرية و كوزموسوسام الأفضل في الهندسة المعمارية للعقود لبناء عقود ذكية آمنة ومأمونة بلا خوف", "Thriving Community": "مجتمع مزدهر", - "With 50K+ active users and a very engaged Twitter, Discord and Telegram community, this is a welcoming home to hit the ground running in.": ".مع أكثر من 50 ألف مستخدم نشط ومجتمع متفاعل للغاية على تويتر و ديسكورد و تيلجرام ، يعد هذا منزلًا ترحيبيًا للجميع ", + "With 50K+ active users and a very engaged Twitter, Discord and Telegram community, this is a welcoming home to hit the ground running in.": "مع أكثر من 50 ألف مستخدم نشط ومجتمع متفاعل للغاية على تويتر و ديسكورد و تيلجرام يعد هذا منزلًا ترحيبيًا للجميع ", "Built to Last": "بني ليبقى", - "A long term view for real-world use, revenue, and sustainability for builders, validators and users alike.": ".هدف طويل المدى المدى يضمن الإيرادات والاستدامة للمبرمجين والموثقين والمستخدمين على حدٍ سواء", - "Liquidate multiple assets across the whole of Cosmos at the click of a button. No bots, no code, no problems.": ".قم بتصفية أصول متعددة في جميع أنحاء كوزموس بنقرة زر واحدة. من دون بوتات ولا كود ولا مشاكل", - "ORCA is the world's first public marketplace for liquidated collateral. It's no longer a bot only game. Now you can participate in securing your favorite assets while getting discounts on them (and earn interest while you wait). Read more on Medium here. Happy hunting.": ".أوركا هي السوق العامة الأولى في العالم للضمانات المصفاة. لم تعد لعبة بوتات فقط. يمكنك الآن المشاركة في تأمين الأصول المفضلة لديك و الحصول على خصومات عليها (وكسب الفائدة أثناء الانتظار). اقرأ المزيد هنا. صيد سعيد", + "A long term view for real-world use, revenue, and sustainability for builders, validators and users alike.": "هدف طويل المدى المدى يضمن الإيرادات والاستدامة للمبرمجين والموثقين والمستخدمين على حدٍ سواء", + "Liquidate multiple assets across the whole of Cosmos at the click of a button. No bots, no code, no problems.": "قم بتصفية أصول متعددة في جميع أنحاء كوزموس بنقرة زر واحدة من دون بوتات ولا كود ولا مشاكل", + "ORCA is the world's first public marketplace for liquidated collateral. It's no longer a bot only game. Now you can participate in securing your favorite assets while getting discounts on them (and earn interest while you wait). Read more on Medium here. Happy hunting.": "أوركا هي السوق العامة الأولى في العالم للضمانات المصفاة. لم تعد لعبة بوتات فقط. يمكنك الآن المشاركة في تأمين الأصول المفضلة لديك و الحصول على خصومات عليها (وكسب الفائدة أثناء الانتظار). اقرأ المزيد هنا. صيد سعيد", "Bid on ORCA": "راهن في أوركا", - "Cosmos' first decentralized, permissionless, 100% on-chain order book style token exchange.": "أول منصة تبادل توكنز بشكل لامركزي ، بدون إذن ، 100٪ بنمط دفتر أوامر على السلسلة في كوزموس", - "Liquidity pools are out of date and no longer fit for purpose. FIN creates a fully decentralized trading experience where the need for inflationary incentives and bots are no longer required, and the risk of impermanent loss falls away entirely. Welcome to the future of the DEX.": ".أحواض السيولة فكرة قديمة ولم تعد مناسبة. لذالك نحن في فين نوفر تجربة تداول لا مركزية بالكامل حيث لم تعد هناك حاجة إلى الحوافز التضخمية والروبوتات ، وتقل مخاطر الخسارة غير الدائمة تمامًا. مرحبًا بكم في مستقبل المنصاة اللامركزية", + "Cosmos' first decentralized, permissionless, 100% on-chain order book style token exchange.": "أول منصة تبادل توكنز بشكل لامركزي بدون إذن 100٪ بنمط دفتر أوامر على السلسلة في كوزموس", + "Liquidity pools are out of date and no longer fit for purpose. FIN creates a fully decentralized trading experience where the need for inflationary incentives and bots are no longer required, and the risk of impermanent loss falls away entirely. Welcome to the future of the DEX.": "أحواض السيولة فكرة قديمة ولم تعد مناسبة. لذالك نحن في فين نوفر تجربة تداول لا مركزية بالكامل حيث لم تعد هناك حاجة إلى الحوافز التضخمية والروبوتات وتقل مخاطر الخسارة غير الدائمة تمامًا. مرحبًا بكم في مستقبل المنصاة اللامركزية", "Trade on FIN": "تداول على فين", - "Add multiple recipients to a single transaction. Instead of tedious repetitive tasks, it's one and done.": ".إضافة عدة مستلمين إلى معاملة واحدة. المهام المتكررة ، إنها مهمة بسيطة وهكذا يتم إنجازها", - "Sending individual transactions over and over can be a real pain. We've got you covered. For now, a convenient tool in our suite of dApps. Moving forward, look out for BELUGA becoming a multi-featured DAO for all things payments on Cosmos.": ".قد يكون إرسال حولات الكريبتو الفردية مرارًا وتكرارًا بمثابة ألم حقيقي. لقد حصلت على تغطيتها.ابحث عن بيلوغا في حال رغبت في استخدام داو متعددة الميزات لجميع مدفوعات الأشياء على كوزموس", + "Add multiple recipients to a single transaction. Instead of tedious repetitive tasks, it's one and done.": "إضافة عدة مستلمين إلى معاملة واحدة. المهام المتكررة إنها مهمة بسيطة وهكذا يتم إنجازها", + "Sending individual transactions over and over can be a real pain. We've got you covered. For now, a convenient tool in our suite of dApps. Moving forward, look out for BELUGA becoming a multi-featured DAO for all things payments on Cosmos.": "قد يكون إرسال حولات الكريبتو الفردية مرارًا وتكرارًا بمثابة ألم حقيقي لقد حصلت على تغطيتها ابحث عن بيلوغا في حال رغبت في استخدام داو متعددة الميزات لجميع مدفوعات الأشياء على كوزموس", "Send on BELUGA": "قم بالتحويل عبر بيلوغا", - "Your KUJI Dashboard. Bond KUJI to sKUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, and claim rewards; all in one place.": "لوحة معلومات كوجي الخاصة بك. السندات والتصويت على الحوكمة ومبادلة كوجي والمطالبة بالمكافآت ؛ كل ذلك في مكان واحد", - "This is the heart of the Kujira ecosystem. The place where you help shape the future of the protocol via governance. It's also where you can bond KUJI to sKUJI in order to earn a portion of every cent of Kujira's revenue.": ".هذا هو قلب نظام كوجيرا البيئي. المكان الذي تساعد فيه على تشكيل مستقبل البروتوكول من خلال الحوكمة اللامركزية. والكسب من إيرادات كوجيرا", + "Your KUJI Dashboard. Bond KUJI to sKUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, and claim rewards; all in one place.": "لوحة معلومات كوجي الخاصة بك السندات والتصويت على الحوكمة ومبادلة كوجي والمطالبة بالمكافآت ؛ كل ذلك في مكان واحد", + "This is the heart of the Kujira ecosystem. The place where you help shape the future of the protocol via governance. It's also where you can bond KUJI to sKUJI in order to earn a portion of every cent of Kujira's revenue.": "هذا هو قلب نظام كوجيرا البيئي المكان الذي تساعد فيه على تشكيل مستقبل البروتوكول من خلال الحوكمة اللامركزية والكسب من إيرادات كوجيرا", "Stake on BLUE": "خزن في بلو", - "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.": ".يكمن سر التغيير في تركيز كل طاقتك ، ليس في محاربة ما هو قديم ، ولكن في بناء ما هو جديد", + "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.": "يكمن سر التغيير في تركيز كل طاقتك ليس في محاربة ما هو قديم ولكن في بناء ما هو جديد", "ORCA Launch": "إطلاق أوركا", "KUJI Token Launch": "إطلاق عملة كوجي", "Basic ORCA Analytics": "إطلاق ميزة الإحصاءات فب أوركا", @@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ "Margin trading on FIN": "تداول المارجن على فين", "Multiple cross-chain markets for ORCA": "أسواق متعددة عبر السلاسل لـأوركا", "Early Investors & Partners": "المستثمرين الأوائل والشركاء", - "Real Financial Freedom Means Winning In All Markets.": ".حرية الأسواق المالية تعني الربح في جميع الأسواق", + "Real Financial Freedom Means Winning In All Markets.": "حرية الأسواق المالية تعني الربح في جميع الأسواق", "Manifesto": "بيان", - "Everyone deserves to be a whale.": ".الجميع يستحق أن يكون حوتًا", + "Everyone deserves to be a whale.": "الجميع يستحق أن يكون حوتًا", "Vision": "الرؤية", - "We believe that for DeFi to be truly revolutionary, it should be possible to generate income when the market is up AND when it's down. We're committed to helping retail investors go beyond Exchanges, Staking and ICO's to open up opportunities that were once reserved for the whales and elites.": ".نعتقد أنه لكي يكون التمويل اللامركزي ثوريًا حقًا ، يجب أن يكون من الممكن تحقيق الدخل عندما يكون السوق في حالة صعود وعندما ينخفض. ولذالك نحن ملتزمون بمساعدة المستثمرين على تجاوز عمليات المقايضة أو التبادل ، و الستيكينج و الشراء المسبق لفتح الفرص للجميع وليس للحيتان والنخبة فقط", + "We believe that for DeFi to be truly revolutionary, it should be possible to generate income when the market is up AND when it's down. We're committed to helping retail investors go beyond Exchanges, Staking and ICO's to open up opportunities that were once reserved for the whales and elites.": "لكي يكون التمويل اللامركزي ثوريًا حقًا يجب أن يكون من الممكن تحقيق الدخل عندما يكون السوق في حالة صعود وعندما ينخفض ولذالك نحن ملتزمون بمساعدة المستثمرين على تجاوز عمليات المقايضة أو التبادل و الستيكينج و الشراء المسبق لفتح الفرص للجميع وليس للحيتان والنخبة فقط", "Mission": "المهمة", - "Build tools that are easy and cost effective to use for everyone, from the novice crypto enthusiast to the seasoned retail investor, regardless of their chain of choice, without needing to risk more than they can afford to lose.": ".قم ببناء أدوات سهلة الاستخدام وفعالة من حيث التكلفة للجميع ، من المتحمسين للعملات المشفرة سواء كانوا من المبتدئين أو المستثمرين المخضرمين ، بغض النظر عن سلسلة اختيارهم ، دون الحاجة إلى المخاطرة بأكثر مما يمكنهم تحمل خسارته", + "Build tools that are easy and cost effective to use for everyone, from the novice crypto enthusiast to the seasoned retail investor, regardless of their chain of choice, without needing to risk more than they can afford to lose.": ".قم ببناء أدوات سهلة الاستخدام وفعالة من حيث التكلفة للجميع من المتحمسين للعملات المشفرة سواء كانوا من المبتدئين أو المستثمرين المخضرمين بغض النظر عن سلسلة اختيارهم دون الحاجة إلى المخاطرة بأكثر مما يمكنهم تحمل خسارته", "Roadmap": "خارطة الطريق", "Dashboard": "لوحة البيانات", "Markets": "الأسواق", - "Connect Wallet": "Connect Wallet", - "Disconnect Wallet": "Disconnect Wallet", + "Connect Wallet": "وصل المحفظة", + "Disconnect Wallet": "قطع المحفظة", "Total 0 KUJI Staked": "كوجي مخزن 0", "500 Staked": "مخزن 500", "24h Change": "التغير 24 ساعة", @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ "Maker": "صانع", "Taker": "آخذ", "100% of all fees generated on FIN are paid to KUJI stakers": "(ستيكينج)يتم دفع 100٪ من جميع الرسوم الناتجة عن فين إلى مخزني كوجي", - "Placing, cancelling and withdrawing trades all require contract signing - which means network fees. These are generally a few cents.": ".يتطلب إجراء الصفقات وإلغائها وسحبها القيام بتوقيع العقد - مما يعني رسوم الشبكة. هي عموما بضعة سنتات", + "Placing, cancelling and withdrawing trades all require contract signing - which means network fees. These are generally a few cents.": "يتطلب إجراء الصفقات وإلغائها وسحبها القيام بتوقيع العقد مما يعني رسوم الشبكة هي عموما بضعة سنتات", "About FIN": "عن فين", "Developer Docs": "مستندات المطور", "Finder": "فايندر", @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ "Govern Kujira": "حوكمة كوجيرا", "Stake KUJI to participate in governance polls.": "قم بتخزين كوجي للمشاركة بالحوكمةاللامركزية", "Proposals": "اقتراحات التصويت", - "Voting is done by validators and the weight of their vote is based on the amount of KUJI staked with them. Make sure the validator you stake with is aligned with your interests.": "يتم التصويت من قبل المدققين ويعتمد وزن تصويتهم على كمية الكوجي المرتبط بهم. تأكد من أن الموثق (فاليديتور) الذي تشارك معه يتوافق مع اهتماماتك", + "Voting is done by validators and the weight of their vote is based on the amount of KUJI staked with them. Make sure the validator you stake with is aligned with your interests.": "يتم التصويت من قبل المدققين ويعتمد وزن تصويتهم على كمية الكوجي المرتبط بهم تأكد من أن الموثق (فاليديتور) الذي تشارك معه يتوافق مع اهتماماتك", "KUJI-AXL Market for FIN": "KUJI-AXL Market for FIN", "Copy": "نسخ", "Start:": "البدء", @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ "Voting Open": "التصويت مفتوح", "Vote Yes": "التصويت نعم", "Vote No": "التصويت لا", - "Current block height": "ارتفاع الكتلة الحالي", + "Current block height": " ارتفاع الكتلة الحالي", "Kujira Blockchain Explorer": "مستكشف كوجيرا بلوكتشين", "Search": "البحث", "My bookmarks": "نفضيلاتي", @@ -246,18 +246,18 @@ "Fee Structure": "هيكل الرسوم", "The Blockchain for Real Yield": "بلوكتشين لصنع العائد الحقيقي", "A decentralized ecosystem for protocols, builders and web3 users seeking sustainable FinTech.": "نظام بيئي لامركزي للبروتوكولات والمبرمجين ومستخدمي ويب 3.0 الباحثين عن التكنولوجيا المالية المستدامة", - "ORCA": "أوركا", + "ORCA": "أوركا", "FIN": "فين", "BOW": "BOW", - "When you provide value, you deserve profit.": ".عندما توفر القيمة ، تستحق الربح", - "BOW delivers a better trading experience on FIN by narrowing the price spread deepening the pool. This is achieved by sharing fees with Liquidity providers along with additional incentives, creating sustainable yield by contributing to the growth, and value, of the entire ecosystem. Better for you, means better for all.": ".يوفر بو تجربة تداول أفضل على منصة فين من خلال تضييق فارق السعر مما يؤدي إلى تعميق حوض السيولة. يتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تقاسم الرسوم مع مزودي السيولة جنبًا إلى جنب مع حوافز إضافية ، وخلق عائد مستدام من خلال المساهمة في نمو قيمة النظام بأكمله. الأفضل لك ، يعني الأفضل للجميع", + "When you provide value, you deserve profit.": "عندما توفر القيمة تستحق الربح", + "BOW delivers a better trading experience on FIN by narrowing the price spread deepening the pool. This is achieved by sharing fees with Liquidity providers along with additional incentives, creating sustainable yield by contributing to the growth, and value, of the entire ecosystem. Better for you, means better for all.": ".يوفر بو تجربة تداول أفضل على منصة فين من خلال تضييق فارق السعر مما يؤدي إلى تعميق حوض السيولة. يتم تحقيق ذلك من خلال تقاسم الرسوم مع مزودي السيولة جنبًا إلى جنب مع حوافز إضافية وخلق عائد مستدام من خلال المساهمة في نمو قيمة النظام بأكمله. الأفضل لك يعني الأفضل للجميع", "Earn on BOW": "BOW الكسب عبر", "BLUE": "بلو", - "Your KUJI Dashboard. Stake KUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, Bridge to Kujira Network, and claim rewards; all in one place.": ".لوحة معلومات كوجيرا الخاصة بك. حصتك في كوجيرا ، التصويت على الحوكمةاللامركزية ، مقايضة كوجي ، التحويل متعدد الشبكات ، والمطالبة بالمكافآت ؛ كل ذلك في مكان واحد", + "Your KUJI Dashboard. Stake KUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, Bridge to Kujira Network, and claim rewards; all in one place.": "لوحة معلومات كوجيرا الخاصة بك. حصتك في كوجيرا و التصويت على الحوكمةاللامركزية و مقايضة كوجي و التحويل متعدد الشبكات و أخيرًا المطالبة بالمكافآت كل ذلك في مكان واحد", "This is the heart of the Kujira ecosystem. The place where you help shape the future of the protocol via governance. It's also where you can stake KUJI in order to earn a portion of every cent of Kujira's revenue.": ".هذا هو قلب نظام كوجيرا البيئي. المكان الذي تساعد فيه على تشكيل مستقبل البروتوكول من خلال الحوكمة. إنه أيضًا المكان الذي يمكنك فيه مشاركة كوجي من أجل كسب جزء من كل سنت من عائدات كوجيرا", "FINDER": "فايندر", - "A tool to search for present and historical data on the Kujira blockchain.": ".أداة تمكنك من البحث و عرض البيانات والسجلات المسجلة على شبكة كوجيرا", - "Use this to find information regarding transactions, wallet addresses, contract IDs and more.": ".يستخدم لعرض المعلومات بخصوص التحويلات ، عناوين المحافظ ، أرقام العقود ، والمزيد من المزايا الأخرى", + "A tool to search for present and historical data on the Kujira blockchain.": "أداة تمكنك من البحث و عرض البيانات والسجلات المسجلة على شبكة كوجيرا", + "Use this to find information regarding transactions, wallet addresses, contract IDs and more.": "يستخدم لعرض المعلومات بخصوص التحويلات و عناوين المحافظ و أرقام العقود والمزيد من المزايا الأخرى", "Explore the Chain": "استكشف الشبكة", "Launch USK": "USK إطلاق", "Black Whale Launch": "Black Whale إطلاق", @@ -286,17 +286,17 @@ "limit": "الحد", "market": "السوق", "Your buy price": "سعر شرائك", - "Lowest sell price": "أقل سعر بيع", + "Lowest sell price": "أقل سعر بيع", "Welcome to BOW.": "BOW مرحبًا بكم في", - "BOW is an innovative framework optimizing trading pairs on FIN, Kujira's decentralized exchange.": ".هي أداة تسمح لك بتحسين جودة أزواج التداول على منصة فين الخاصة بكوجيرا والتي تسمح لك بتداول الكريبتو بشكل لامركزي BOW", - "It allows traders to place orders with confidence, knowing they will execute at the best possible prices, using the most advanced and efficient trading framework on the market.": ".سوف تسمح للمستخدمين بوضع الطلبات بثقة، على علمهم بأنها ستُنفذ بأفضل الأسعار الممكنة، باستخدام الإطار التجاري الأكثر تطوّراً وكفاءةً في السوق اللامركزي BOW", + "BOW is an innovative framework optimizing trading pairs on FIN, Kujira's decentralized exchange.": "هي أداة تسمح لك بتحسين جودة أزواج التداول على منصة فين الخاصة بكوجيرا والتي تسمح لك بتداول الكريبتو بشكل لامركزي", + "It allows traders to place orders with confidence, knowing they will execute at the best possible prices, using the most advanced and efficient trading framework on the market.": "سوف تسمح للمستخدمين بوضع الطلبات بثقة على علمهم بأنها ستُنفذ بأفضل الأسعار الممكنة باستخدام الإطار التجاري الأكثر تطوّراً وكفاءةً في السوق اللامركزي BOW", "Docs": "المستندات", "My Positions": "صفقاتي", "Liquidity Pools": "أحواض السيولة", - "Deep liquidity pools provide the best trading experience, which brings volume to FIN. This means more fees which benefits liquidity providers and KUJI stakers.": ".توفر مجمعات السيولة العميقة أفضل تجربة تداول ، مما يزيد من حجم فين وهذا يعني المزيد من الرسوم التي تعود بالفائدة على مزودي السيولة ومخزني كوجيرا (الستيكنج)", + "Deep liquidity pools provide the best trading experience, which brings volume to FIN. This means more fees which benefits liquidity providers and KUJI stakers.": "توفر مجمعات السيولة العميقة أفضل تجربة تداول مما يزيد من حجم فين وهذا يعني المزيد من الرسوم التي تعود بالفائدة على مزودي السيولة ومخزني كوجيرا (الستيكنج)", "Featured Pools": "أحواض سيولة مميزة", "All Liquidity Pools": "جميع أحواض السيولة", - "Convert any token in your wallet to any other token. Choose the tokens to trade, and FIN, our on-chain orderbook DEX, will trade your token for the other at the best rate immediately available. Please ensure you are familiar with slippage before proceeding.": ".قم بتحويل أي توكن في محفضتك إلى أي توكن آخر. اختر التوكينز التي تريد تداولها على منصة فين اللامركزية ، يرجى التأكد بأنك على دراية بالانزلاق السعري قبل المتابعة", + "Convert any token in your wallet to any other token. Choose the tokens to trade, and FIN, our on-chain orderbook DEX, will trade your token for the other at the best rate immediately available. Please ensure you are familiar with slippage before proceeding.": ".قم بتحويل أي توكن في محفضتك إلى أي توكن آخر اختر التوكينز التي تريد تداولها على منصة فين اللامركزية يرجى التأكد بأنك على دراية بالانزلاق السعري قبل المتابعة", "Swap Rate": "معدل المقايضة", "Instant Swap": "مقايضة فورية", "Fixed Price Swap": "مقايضة السعر الثابت", @@ -322,8 +322,8 @@ "Rebalance Stake": " (ستيكينج)إعادة توزيع الحصحصة", "Optimize": "تحسين", "Show my staked validators": "إظهار الفاليديتورز الخاصين بي (ستيكينج)", - "When a validator misses blocks or acts dishonestly, all tokens delegated to the validator are 'slashed', and a percentage of them burned": ".عندما يقوم الموثق (فاليديتور) بالتصرف بشكل غير أمين أو في حالة تضيع الكتل يتم تقطيع جميع الرموز المفوضة للموثق وحرق نسبة منها", - "In order to maintain a secure and decentralized network, each validator should have an equal amount of voting power": ".من أجل المحافظة على شبكة آمنة ولامركزية ، جميع الفاليديتورز يحصلون على قوة تصويتية متساوية فيما بينهم", + "When a validator misses blocks or acts dishonestly, all tokens delegated to the validator are 'slashed', and a percentage of them burned": "عندما يقوم الموثق (فاليديتور) بالتصرف بشكل غير أمين أو في حالة تضيع الكتل يتم تقطيع جميع الرموز المفوضة للموثق وحرق نسبة منها", + "In order to maintain a secure and decentralized network, each validator should have an equal amount of voting power": "من أجل المحافظة على شبكة آمنة ولامركزية جميع الفاليديتورز يحصلون على قوة تصويتية متساوية فيما بينهم", "Slashing": "التقطيع", "Equal Power Threshold": "التساوي بقوة التشغيل", "Voting Power": "القوة التصويتية", @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ "Open Position": "صفقة مفتوحة", "Borrowed": "مستدان", "Interest Rate": "معدل الفائدة", - "Accrued Interest": "الفائدةالمستحقة", + "Accrued Interest": "الفائدة المستحقة", "Loan Risk": "معدل المخاطرة", "LTV": "القرض مقابل القيمة LTV", "Collateral Price": "سعر الضمان", @@ -353,11 +353,11 @@ "Management of the Kujira Treasury": "إدارة خزينة كوجيرا", "Senators": "السيناتورز", "Treasury": "الخزينة", - "Chain Governance": "الحوكمةاللامركزية", + "Chain Governance": "الحوكمة اللامركزية", "Stake KUJI to participate in chain governance polls.": "قم بالمشاركة بالحوكمةاللامركزية عبر تخزين كوجيرا (ستيكينج)", "Core Proposals": "المقترحات الأساسية", - "Help shape the future of Kujira by voting on governance proposals. Note that if you don't vote, your vote is deferred to your staked validator(s), so it's important to stake with a validator that you feel is aligned with your interests.": "ساعد في تشكيل مستقبل كوجيرا من خلال التصويت على مقترحات الحوكمة. لاحظ أنه إذا لم تقم بالتصويت ، فسيتم تأجيل تصويتك إلى الموثق (الفاليديتور) الذي قمت بالتخزين معه ، لذلك من المهم أن تشارك مع الموثق الذي تشعر أنه يتماشى مع اهتماماتك", - "Quorum": "ساعد في تشكيل مستقبل كوجيرا من خلال التصويت على مقترحات الحوكمةاللامركزية. لاحظ أنه إذا لم تقم بالتصويت ، فسيتم تحويل حق تصويتك إلى الفاليديتور (فالديتورز) الذين قمت بالتخزين معهم (ستيكينج) ، لذلك من المهم أن تشارك مع الفاليديتور الذي تشعر أنه يتماشى مع اهتماماتك", + "Help shape the future of Kujira by voting on governance proposals. Note that if you don't vote, your vote is deferred to your staked validator(s), so it's important to stake with a validator that you feel is aligned with your interests.": "ساعد في تشكيل مستقبل كوجيرا من خلال التصويت على مقترحات الحوكمة لاحظ أنه إذا لم تقم بالتصويت فسيتم تأجيل تصويتك إلى الموثق (الفاليديتور) الذي قمت بالتخزين معه لذلك من المهم أن تشارك مع الموثق الذي تشعر أنه يتماشى مع اهتماماتك", + "Quorum": "ساعد في تشكيل مستقبل كوجيرا من خلال التصويت على مقترحات الحوكمةاللامركزية لاحظ أنه إذا لم تقم بالتصويت فسيتم تحويل حق تصويتك إلى الفاليديتور (فالديتورز) الذين قمت بالتخزين معهم (ستيكينج) لذلك من المهم أن تشارك مع الفاليديتور الذي تشعر أنه يتماشى مع اهتماماتك", "Back to all positions": "العودة إلى جميع الصفقات", "Manage Position": "إدارة الصفقة", "Manage Collateral": "إدارة الضمان", @@ -369,14 +369,14 @@ "Rebalance Loan": "موازنة الدين", "Close Position": "اغلاق", "Danger Zone": "المنطقة الخطرة", - "Self-liquidate your position. All your collateral will be sold at a discount via ORCA. The amount owed on the position will be burned, the debt paid off, and the remaining USK will be returned to your wallet.": "التصفية الذاتية لمركزك. سيتم بيع جميع الضمانات الخاصة بك بسعر مخفض عبر أوركا. سيتم حرق المبلغ المستحق على المركز ، وسداد الدين ، وسيتم إرجاع الرصيد المتبقي إلى محفظتك.", + "Self-liquidate your position. All your collateral will be sold at a discount via ORCA. The amount owed on the position will be burned, the debt paid off, and the remaining USK will be returned to your wallet.": "التصفية الذاتية لمركزك. سيتم بيع جميع الضمانات الخاصة بك بسعر مخفض عبر أوركا. سيتم حرق المبلغ المستحق على المركز وسداد الدين وسيتم إرجاع الرصيد المتبقي إلى محفظتك", "I understand self liquidation": "أنا أفهم ماهية التصفية الذاتية", - "Self Liquidate": "تصفية ذاتية", + "Self Liquidate": "تصفية ذاتية", "ORCA Alerts": "تنبيهات أوركا", "ORCA": "أوركا", "Liquidate Without Bots": "التصفية من دون البوتس", "FIN": "فين", - "Decentralized, Permissionless Trading": "تداول لامركزي ، من دون أي حدود", + "Decentralized, Permissionless Trading": "تداول لامركزي من دون أي حدود", "BOW": "بو", "Provide Liquidity to FIN": "FIN قم بتوفير السيولة ", "PILOT": "بيلوت", @@ -391,11 +391,11 @@ "Explore the Kujira Ecosystem": "استكشف نظام كوجيرا البيئي", "Do you believe in GHOST?": "هل تصدق بالشبح؟", "Welcome to Kujira's money market.": "مرحبًا بكم في سوق الأموال الخاص بكوجيرا", - "Mobilize your assets by lending them out to earn interest and secure working liquidity by using them as collateral. Whether it's short term or long, lending or borrowing, this is where value does more. Ghost puts your capital to work.": "شغل أصولك عن طريق إقراضها لكسب الفائدة وتأمين سيولة العمل باستخدامها كضمان. سواء كان ذلك على المدى القصير أو الطويل ، الإقراض أو الاقتراض ، فهذا هو المكان الذي تحقق فيه المزيد من القيمة. جوست يضع رأس مالك في العمل", + "Mobilize your assets by lending them out to earn interest and secure working liquidity by using them as collateral. Whether it's short term or long, lending or borrowing, this is where value does more. Ghost puts your capital to work.": "شغل أصولك عن طريق إقراضها لكسب الفائدة وتأمين سيولة العمل باستخدامها كضمان. سواء كان ذلك على المدى القصير أو الطويل الإقراض أو الاقتراض فهذا هو المكان الذي تحقق فيه المزيد من القيمة جوست يضع رأس مالك في العمل", "Docs": "المستندات", "Borrow": "اقترض", "Borrowing puts your portfolio to work and gains exposure to market movements without selling your holdings.": "يضع الاقتراض محفظتك في العمل ويعرضك لتحركات السوق دون بيع محفظتك", - "Access immediate liquidity using tokens as collateral to borrow stablecoins. Or, benefit from volatility by using stablecoins as collateral and taking a position on a token.": "الوصول إلى السيولة الفورية عبر حجز التوكينز في الشبكة كضمان لاقتراض عملات مستقرة مثل الدولار. أو استفد من التقلبات عن طريق استخدام العملات المستقرة كضمان وقم بفتح صفقة على أي توكن", + "Access immediate liquidity using tokens as collateral to borrow stablecoins. Or, benefit from volatility by using stablecoins as collateral and taking a position on a token.": "الوصول إلى السيولة الفورية عبر حجز التوكينز في الشبكة كضمان لاقتراض عملات مستقرة مثل الدولار أو استفد من التقلبات عن طريق استخدام العملات المستقرة كضمان وقم بفتح صفقة على أي توكن", "Featured Markets": "أسواق مميزة", "All Assets": "جميع الأصول", "back": "العودة", @@ -408,9 +408,13 @@ "Collateral Price": "سعر الضمان", "New LTV": "LTV جديد", "Liquidation Price": "سعر التصفية", - "Interest": "", + "Interest": "الفائدة", "Open Position": "فتح صفقة", "Borrow Limit": "حد القرض", - "Accrued Interest": "الفائدة المستحقة" - + "Accrued Interest": "الفائدة المستحقة", + "This is where capital and ideas, meet, connect, and create something amazing.": "هذا هو المكان الذي يلتقي فيه رأس المال والأفكار لإبتكار أشياء رائعة", + "Launch tokens in a fair and equitable manner that benefits and gives equal access to all. Launchers are offered a range of mechanisms to bring their token to market, all configurable to suit their priorities and audience.": "إطلاق التوكينز بطريقة عادلة ومنصفة لتعود الفائدة إلى الجميع ومنح الكل فرصًا متساوية يتم هذا عبر تقديم مجموعة من الآليات لمنصات الإطلاق لتقديم رمزها المميز إلى السوق وكلها قابلة للتهيئة لتناسب أولوياتهم وجمهورهم", + "Lend": "أقرض", + "Deposit your stablecoins and earn. As a liquidity provider, your tokens are loaned to borrowers, earning you interest. These funds also enable traders to open margin positions on FIN, offering lenders additional avenues of interest.": "قم بإيداع عملاتك المستقرة واكسب. كمزود للسيولة ، يتم إقراض الرموز المميزة الخاصة بك للمقترضين ، مما يكسبك فائدة. تمكّن هذه الأموال أيضًا المتداولين من فتح صفقات الهامش على فين ، مما يوفر للمقرضين طرقًا إضافية للفائدة", + "Borrow Fee": "العمولة" } diff --git a/translations/template.json b/translations/template.json index 2e8a2b1..237e692 100644 --- a/translations/template.json +++ b/translations/template.json @@ -1,397 +1,448 @@ { - "100% of all fees generated on FIN are paid to KUJI stakers": "", - "24h Change": "", - "24h High": "", - "24h Hugh": "", - "24h Low": "", - "24h Volume": "", - "500 Staked": "", - "7d Volume": "", - "A decentralized ecosystem for protocols, builders and web3 users seeking sustainable FinTech.": "", - "A long term view for real-world use, revenue, and sustainability for builders, validators and users alike.": "", - "A tool to search for present and historical data on the Kujira blockchain.": "", - "About FIN": "", - "Abstain": "", - "Access immediate liquidity using tokens as collateral to borrow stablecoins. Or, benefit from volatility by using stablecoins as collateral and taking a position on a token.": "", + "Grown-Up DeFi.": "", + "The Cosmos Layer 1 platform for community selected projects creating true value.": "", + "Build on Kujira": "", + "Semi-Permissioned": "", + "In order for a contract to launch on Kujira, it needs to be voted in via governance. This ensures that the quality, sustainability and longevity of the network are protected. A tight-knit hub of revenue generating products with great UX. \"Grown-up DeFi\" is not a meme.": "", + "On-chain Scheduler": "", + "The on-chain scheduler allows protocols to be designed with much less of a reliance on bots. This means there are far fewer wasted transactions. Protocols can be designed to operate more efficiently, and fees which were once required to incentivize bot usage can go back to the users of the network.": "", + "Native Token Generation": "", + "Smart contract developers no longer need to handle two individual entry points into their contracts, only needing to design for a native denom. In doing so, every token on the network will be a native Cosmos token, and associated liquidation and trading revenue (with more to come) will all accrue to KUJI stakers.": "", + "Build with Cosmos SDK": "", "Access the entire Cosmos ecosystem seamlessly in an environment with proven security and interoperability via IBC.": "", - "Account Address": "", - "Accrued Interest": "", - "Active": "", - "Actual Emission": "", + "CosmWASM 1.0 Support": "", + "Leverage Rust’s expressive type system and Cosmwasm’s best in class architecture to fearlessly build safe and secure smart contracts.": "", + "Thriving Community": "", + "With 50K+ active users and a very engaged Twitter, Discord and Telegram community, this is a welcoming home to hit the ground running in.": "", + "Built to Last": "", + "A long term view for real-world use, revenue, and sustainability for builders, validators and users alike.": "", + "Liquidate multiple assets across the whole of Cosmos at the click of a button. No bots, no code, no problems.": "", + "ORCA is the world's first public marketplace for liquidated collateral. It's no longer a bot only game. Now you can participate in securing your favorite assets while getting discounts on them (and earn interest while you wait). Read more on Medium here. Happy hunting.": "", + "Bid on ORCA": "", + "Cosmos' first decentralized, permissionless, 100% on-chain order book style token exchange.": "", + "Liquidity pools are out of date and no longer fit for purpose. FIN creates a fully decentralized trading experience where the need for inflationary incentives and bots are no longer required, and the risk of impermanent loss falls away entirely. Welcome to the future of the DEX.": "", + "Trade on FIN": "", "Add multiple recipients to a single transaction. Instead of tedious repetitive tasks, it's one and done.": "", - "Add recipient": "", - "Address:": "", - "Address": "", - "All Assets": "", - "All Liquidity Pools": "", - "Amount Staked": "", - "Amount": "", - "Approve Transfer": "", - "APR": "", - "Available": "", - "Back to all positions": "", - "back": "", - "Balance Your Cosmos Staking": "", - "balance": "", - "Balance": "", + "Sending individual transactions over and over can be a real pain. We've got you covered. For now, a convenient tool in our suite of dApps. Moving forward, look out for BELUGA becoming a multi-featured DAO for all things payments on Cosmos.": "", + "Send on BELUGA": "", + "Your KUJI Dashboard. Bond KUJI to sKUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, and claim rewards; all in one place.": "", + "This is the heart of the Kujira ecosystem. The place where you help shape the future of the protocol via governance. It's also where you can bond KUJI to sKUJI in order to earn a portion of every cent of Kujira's revenue.": "", + "Stake on BLUE": "", + "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.": "", + "ORCA Launch": "", + "KUJI Token Launch": "", "Basic ORCA Analytics": "", - "bATOM Support": "", + "Governance": "", "BELUGA Launch for CW20": "", "BELUGA Launch for Native Tokens": "", - "BFIT by Fitlink Launch": "", - "Bid Denom": "", - "Bid on ORCA": "", - "Black Whale Launch": "", - "Block Height": "", - "Block Time": "", - "Block": "", - "BLUE launch on Kujira L1": "", - "BLUE": "", - "Bonded Tokens": "", - "Bookmarks": "", - "Borrow Limit": "", - "Borrow": "", - "Borrowed": "", - "Borrowing puts your portfolio to work and gains exposure to market movements without selling your holdings.": "", - "BOW delivers a better trading experience on FIN by narrowing the price spread deepening the pool. This is achieved by sharing fees with Liquidity providers along with additional incentives, creating sustainable yield by contributing to the growth, and value, of the entire ecosystem. Better for you, means better for all.": "", - "BOW is an innovative framework optimizing trading pairs on FIN, Kujira's decentralized exchange.": "", - "BOW Launch": "", - "BOW": "", - "Bridged funds are sent to the connected wallet address": "", - "bSOL Support": "", - "Build on Kujira": "", - "Build tools that are easy and cost effective to use for everyone, from the novice crypto enthusiast to the seasoned retail investor, regardless of their chain of choice, without needing to risk more than they can afford to lose.": "", - "Build with Cosmos SDK": "", - "Built to Last": "", - "Buy KUJI": "", - "Buy": "", - "Calc Finance Launch": "", + "Premium Access Review": "", "CEX Listings": "", - "Chain Governance": "", - "Change": "", - "Circulating Supply": "", - "Claim All Rewards": "", - "Claim all": "", - "Claim": "", - "Close Position": "", - "Collateral Price": "", - "Collateral Value": "", - "Collateral": "", - "Coming soon...": "", - "Commission": "", - "Community Fund": "", - "Community Pool": "", - "Completed": "", - "Connect wallet": "", - "Connect Wallet": "", - "Consensus Public Address": "", - "Contact": "", - "Contract": "", - "Convert any token in your wallet to any other token. Choose the tokens to trade, and FIN, our on-chain orderbook DEX, will trade your token for the other at the best rate immediately available. Please ensure you are familiar with slippage before proceeding.": "", - "Copy": "", - "Core Proposals": "", - "Cosmos' first decentralized, permissionless, 100% on-chain order book style token exchange.": "", - "CosmWASM 1.0 Support": "", - "CosmWasm Liquidation Contract": "", - "Cross-chain communication to the Kujira Network.": "", + "Premium Analytics": "", + "Place bids with aUST": "", "Cross-chain Money Markets Discussions": "", - "Current block height": "", - "Daily Token Release Schedule": "", - "Danger Zone": "", + "Smart-Contract Beluga (Trustless Distribution)": "", + "sAVAX Support": "", + "CosmWasm Liquidation Contract": "", + "EVM Liquidation Contract": "", + "bATOM Support": "", + "bSOL Support": "", + "FIN Launch": "", + "Launch Kujira L1 on Cosmos": "", + "New token generation event": "", + "BLUE launch on Kujira L1": "", + "ORCA launch on Kujira L1": "", + "FIN launch on Kujira L1": "", + "What's Next": "", + "First protocol to launch on Kujira": "", + "Margin trading on FIN": "", + "Multiple cross-chain markets for ORCA": "", + "Early Investors & Partners": "", + "Real Financial Freedom Means Winning In All Markets.": "", + "Manifesto": "", + "Everyone deserves to be a whale.": "", + "Vision": "", + "We believe that for DeFi to be truly revolutionary, it should be possible to generate income when the market is up AND when it's down. We're committed to helping retail investors go beyond Exchanges, Staking and ICO's to open up opportunities that were once reserved for the whales and elites.": "", + "Mission": "", + "Build tools that are easy and cost effective to use for everyone, from the novice crypto enthusiast to the seasoned retail investor, regardless of their chain of choice, without needing to risk more than they can afford to lose.": "", + "Roadmap": "", "Dashboard": "", - "Date": "", - "Deactivating": "", - "Decentralized, Permissionless Trading": "", - "Deep liquidity pools provide the best trading experience, which brings volume to FIN. This means more fees which benefits liquidity providers and KUJI stakers.": "", - "Deposit Liquidity": "", - "Deposited": "", - "Destination": "", - "Developer Docs": "", + "Markets": "", + "Connect Wallet": "", "Disconnect Wallet": "", - "DLOYAL Launch": "", - "Do you believe in GHOST?": "", - "Docs": "", - "Early Investors & Partners": "", - "Earn on BOW": "", - "ECOSYSTEM": "", - "End:": "", - "Equal Power Threshold": "", + "Total 0 KUJI Staked": "", + "500 Staked": "", + "24h Change": "", + "24h High": "", + "24h Low": "", + "7d Volume": "", + "Order Book": "", + "Price": "", + "Amount": "", + "Total": "", + "Recent Orders": "", + "Time": "", + "Open Orders": "", + "Date": "", + "Pair": "", + "Side": "", + "Filled": "", + "Unfilled": "", + "Filled Orders": "", + "Claim": "", + "Claim all": "", + "Retract": "", + "Retract all": "", + "Available": "", + "Spot": "", + "Limit": "", "Estimated Fee": "", - "Estimated rates cannot be guaranteed": "", "Estimated Return": "", - "Estimated returns": "", - "Estimated Slippage": "", - "Estimated": "", - "Everyone deserves to be a whale.": "", - "EVM Liquidation Contract": "", - "Explore the Chain": "", - "Explore the Kujira Ecosystem": "", - "Featured Markets": "", - "Featured Pools": "", - "Featured": "", + "Orders placed during bootstrapping have no fees": "", "Fee of 0.075% paid to KUJI holders when filled orders are claimed": "", - "Fee structure": "", - "Fee Structure": "", + "Market": "", + "Estimated": "", + "Estimated rates cannot be guaranteed": "", + "Buy KUJI": "", + "Sell KUJI": "", + "Buy": "", + "Sell": "", + "Rate": "", "Fee": "", - "Filled Orders": "", - "Filled": "", - "FIN launch on Kujira L1": "", - "FIN Launch": "", - "FIN Perpetuals": "", - "FIN": "", + "Slippage": "", + "Margin": "", + "Coming soon...": "", + "Fee structure": "", + "Trading Fees": "", + "Maker": "", + "Taker": "", + "100% of all fees generated on FIN are paid to KUJI stakers": "", + "Placing, cancelling and withdrawing trades all require contract signing - which means network fees. These are generally a few cents.": "", + "About FIN": "", + "Developer Docs": "", "Finder": "", - "FINDER": "", - "First protocol to launch on Kujira": "", - "Fixed Price Swap": "", - "From": "", - "Fully Diluted Value": "", - "Fusion Launch": "", - "Govern Kujira": "", + "Staked": "", + "Stake KUJI": "", + "Total Staked": "", + "Wallet": "", + "Swap": "", + "Stake": "", "Govern": "", - "Governance": "", - "Grown-Up DeFi.": "", - "Help shape the future of Kujira by voting on governance proposals. Note that if you don't vote, your vote is deferred to your staked validator(s), so it's important to stake with a validator that you feel is aligned with your interests.": "", - "Hex Address": "", - "I understand self liquidation": "", - "IBC / Bridge": "", - "Identity": "", - "In order for a contract to launch on Kujira, it needs to be voted in via governance. This ensures that the quality, sustainability and longevity of the network are protected. A tight-knit hub of revenue generating products with great UX. \"Grown-up DeFi\" is not a meme.": "", - "In order to maintain a secure and decentralized network, each validator should have an equal amount of voting power": "", - "Inaccessible": "", - "Inactive": "", + "Migrate": "", + "Operational": "", + "Liquid": "", + "Vesting": "", + "Community Fund": "", + "Staked KUJI": "", + "Kujira Dashboard": "", + "Token Price": "", + "Market Cap": "", + "Circulating Supply": "", + "APR": "", + "Your Staked Balance:": "", + "Block Height": "", + "Block Time": "", + "Transactions": "", "Inflation": "", - "Initiate IBC Transfer": "", - "Instant Swap": "", + "Total Supply": "", + "Release Schedule": "", + "Manage": "", + "Tokens": "", + "Estimated Slippage": "", + "Swap Now": "", "Instantly trade on the Kujira Network with the best available rate": "", - "Interest Rate": "", - "Interest": "", - "It allows traders to place orders with confidence, knowing they will execute at the best possible prices, using the most advanced and efficient trading framework on the market.": "", - "KUJI Token Launch": "", + "Max:": "", + "TX Fee": "", + "Slippage Limit": "", + "Active": "", + "Deactivating": "", + "Inactive": "", + "Validator": "", + "Amount Staked": "", + "Pending Rewards": "", + "Staking Summary": "", + "Claim All Rewards": "", + "Redelegate": "", + "Unstake": "", + "validators": "", + "Voting": "", + "Status": "", + "Commission": "", + "Top 33% of Voting Power": "", + "Top 67% of Voting Power": "", + "Total amount of KUJI staked": "", + "My Stake": "", + "The amount of KUJI you have staked": "", + "Govern Kujira": "", + "Stake KUJI to participate in governance polls.": "", + "Proposals": "", + "Voting is done by validators and the weight of their vote is based on the amount of KUJI staked with them. Make sure the validator you stake with is aligned with your interests.": "", "KUJI-AXL Market for FIN": "", + "Copy": "", + "Start:": "", + "End:": "", + "Voted": "", + "Quorum:": "", + "Yes": "", + "No": "", + "Abstain": "", + "Veto": "", + "Passed": "", + "Your Vote": "", + "Not Voted": "", + "Weight": "", + "Quorum Passed": "", + "Months": "", + "Scheduled emission": "", + "Publicly circulating": "", + "Actual Emission": "", + "balance": "", + "Add recipient": "", + "Recipient": "", + "Identity": "", + "Bonded Tokens": "", + "Self Delegation": "", + "Min Self Delegation": "", + "Account Address": "", + "Validator Address": "", + "Consensus Public Address": "", + "Hex Address": "", + "Signer Address": "", + "Max Rate": "", + "Max Change Rate": "", + "Voting Open": "", + "Vote Yes": "", + "Vote No": "", + "Current block height": "", "Kujira Blockchain Explorer": "", - "Kujira Dashboard": "", - "Kujira Merch Store": "", - "Kujira Name Service": "", - "Kujira Senate": "", + "Search": "", + "My bookmarks": "", + "Address": "", + "TX": "", + "Block": "", + "Contract": "", + "Network": "", + "Timestamp": "", + "This block has no transactions": "", + "Tx Hash": "", + "Type": "", + "From": "", + "To": "", + "Value": "", + "Bookmarks": "", + "No bookmarks found": "", + "Address:": "", + "Balance": "", + "Contact": "", + "Redelegation available at": "", + "Uptime": "", "Last Price": "", - "Launch Kujira L1 on Cosmos": "", - "Launch USK": "", - "Leverage Rust’s expressive type system and Cosmwasm’s best in class architecture to fearlessly build safe and secure smart contracts.": "", + "Change": "", + "Recent Trades": "", "Limit orders set the maximum or minimum
price at which you are willing to complete
the transaction, whether it be a buy or sell": "", - "limit": "", - "Limit": "", - "Liquid Supply": "", - "Liquid": "", - "Liquidate multiple assets across the whole of Cosmos at the click of a button. No bots, no code, no problems.": "", - "Liquidate Without Bots": "", - "Liquidation Price": "", - "Liquidity pools are out of date and no longer fit for purpose. FIN creates a fully decentralized trading experience where the need for inflationary incentives and bots are no longer required, and the risk of impermanent loss falls away entirely. Welcome to the future of the DEX.": "", - "Liquidity Pools": "", - "Loan Risk": "", - "Local Money Launch": "", - "Lowest sell price": "", - "LP Tokens Minted": "", - "LTV": "", - "Maker": "", - "Manage Collateral": "", - "Manage Position": "", - "Manage Positions": "", - "Manage USK": "", - "Manage": "", - "Management of the Kujira Treasury": "", - "Manifesto": "", - "Margin trading on FIN": "", - "Margin": "", - "Market Cap": "", "Market orders will execute instantly
at the best possible price": "", + "Connect wallet": "", + "No open orders": "", + "Fee Structure": "", + "The Blockchain for Real Yield": "", + "A decentralized ecosystem for protocols, builders and web3 users seeking sustainable FinTech.": "", + "ORCA": "", + "FIN": "", + "BOW": "", + "When you provide value, you deserve profit.": "", + "BOW delivers a better trading experience on FIN by narrowing the price spread deepening the pool. This is achieved by sharing fees with Liquidity providers along with additional incentives, creating sustainable yield by contributing to the growth, and value, of the entire ecosystem. Better for you, means better for all.": "", + "Earn on BOW": "", + "BLUE": "", + "Your KUJI Dashboard. Stake KUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, Bridge to Kujira Network, and claim rewards; all in one place.": "", + "This is the heart of the Kujira ecosystem. The place where you help shape the future of the protocol via governance. It's also where you can stake KUJI in order to earn a portion of every cent of Kujira's revenue.": "", + "FINDER": "", + "A tool to search for present and historical data on the Kujira blockchain.": "", + "Use this to find information regarding transactions, wallet addresses, contract IDs and more.": "", + "Explore the Chain": "", + "Launch USK": "", + "Black Whale Launch": "", + "Calc Finance Launch": "", + "BOW Launch": "", + "Local Money Launch": "", + "Sonar Launch": "", + "BFIT by Fitlink Launch": "", + "DLOYAL Launch": "", + "Kujira Merch Store": "", + "Kujira Name Service": "", + "RektBets Sports Betting": "", + "Self-Repaying Loans": "", + "Fusion Launch": "", + "FIN Perpetuals": "", + "ORCA Alerts": "", + "Collateral": "", + "Bid Denom": "", "Market Type": "", - "market": "", - "Market": "", - "Markets": "", - "Max Change Rate": "", + "TVL": "", + "Pool Size": "", "Max Discount": "", - "Max Rate": "", - "Max:": "", - "Maximum supply": "", - "Migrate": "", - "Min Self Delegation": "", - "Mint USK": "", - "Mint": "", - "Mission": "", - "Mobilize your assets by lending them out to earn interest and secure working liquidity by using them as collateral. Whether it's short term or long, lending or borrowing, this is where value does more. Ghost puts your capital to work.": "", - "Months": "", - "Multiple cross-chain markets for ORCA": "", "My Bids": "", - "My bookmarks": "", + "Featured": "", + "24h Volume": "", + "limit": "", + "market": "", + "Your buy price": "", + "Lowest sell price": "", + "Welcome to BOW.": "", + "BOW is an innovative framework optimizing trading pairs on FIN, Kujira's decentralized exchange.": "", + "It allows traders to place orders with confidence, knowing they will execute at the best possible prices, using the most advanced and efficient trading framework on the market.": "", + "Docs": "", "My Positions": "", - "My Stake": "", - "Native Token Generation": "", - "Network": "", - "New LTV": "", - "New token generation event": "", - "No bookmarks found": "", - "No open orders": "", - "No": "", - "Not Voted": "", - "Observe the Kujira Blockchain": "", - "On-chain Scheduler": "", - "Open Orders": "", - "Open Position": "", - "Operational": "", - "Optimize": "", - "ORCA Alerts": "", - "ORCA is the world's first public marketplace for liquidated collateral. It's no longer a bot only game. Now you can participate in securing your favorite assets while getting discounts on them (and earn interest while you wait). Read more on Medium here. Happy hunting.": "", - "ORCA launch on Kujira L1": "", - "ORCA Launch": "", - "ORCA": "", - "Order Book": "", - "Orders placed during bootstrapping have no fees": "", - "Pair": "", - "Passed": "", - "Pending Rewards": "", - "PILOT": "", - "Place bids with aUST": "", - "Placing, cancelling and withdrawing trades all require contract signing - which means network fees. These are generally a few cents.": "", - "POD": "", - "Pool Size": "", - "Powered by": "", - "Premium Access Review": "", - "Premium Analytics": "", - "Price": "", - "Proposals": "", - "Provide Liquidity to FIN": "", + "Liquidity Pools": "", + "Deep liquidity pools provide the best trading experience, which brings volume to FIN. This means more fees which benefits liquidity providers and KUJI stakers.": "", + "Featured Pools": "", + "All Liquidity Pools": "", + "Convert any token in your wallet to any other token. Choose the tokens to trade, and FIN, our on-chain orderbook DEX, will trade your token for the other at the best rate immediately available. Please ensure you are familiar with slippage before proceeding.": "", + "Swap Rate": "", + "Instant Swap": "", + "Fixed Price Swap": "", + "Swap Fee": "", + "Total Unlocks": "", + "Deposit Liquidity": "", + "LP Tokens Minted": "", + "Estimated returns": "", + "Withdraw Liquidity": "", + "IBC / Bridge": "", + "Mint": "", + "Community Pool": "", + "Unmigrated": "", + "Inaccessible": "", "Public Emission": "", - "Publicly circulating": "", - "Quorum Passed": "", - "Quorum:": "", - "Quorum": "", - "Rate": "", - "Ready to Launch Your Project": "", - "Real Financial Freedom Means Winning In All Markets.": "", - "Rebalance Loan": "", + "Completed": "", + "Fully Diluted Value": "", + "Liquid Supply": "", + "Total USK Supply": "", + "Mint USK": "", + "Daily Token Release Schedule": "", + "Validators": "", "Rebalance Stake": "", - "Recent Orders": "", - "Recent Trades": "", - "Recipient": "", - "Redelegate": "", - "Redelegation available at": "", - "RektBets Sports Betting": "", - "Release Schedule": "", - "Retract all": "", - "Retract": "", - "Roadmap": "", - "sAVAX Support": "", - "Scheduled emission": "", - "Search": "", - "Self Delegation": "", - "Self Liquidate": "", - "Self-liquidate your position. All your collateral will be sold at a discount via ORCA. The amount owed on the position will be burned, the debt paid off, and the remaining USK will be returned to your wallet.": "", - "Self-Repaying Loans": "", - "Sell KUJI": "", - "Sell": "", - "Semi-Permissioned": "", - "Senators": "", - "Send BTC to your Kujira Address": "", - "Send on BELUGA": "", - "Send tokens between Cosmos Networks": "", - "Sending individual transactions over and over can be a real pain. We've got you covered. For now, a convenient tool in our suite of dApps. Moving forward, look out for BELUGA becoming a multi-featured DAO for all things payments on Cosmos.": "", + "Optimize": "", "Show my staked validators": "", - "Side": "", - "Sign and Send": "", - "Signer Address": "", + "When a validator misses blocks or acts dishonestly, all tokens delegated to the validator are 'slashed', and a percentage of them burned": "", + "In order to maintain a secure and decentralized network, each validator should have an equal amount of voting power": "", "Slashing": "", - "Slippage Limit": "", - "Slippage": "", - "Smart contract developers no longer need to handle two individual entry points into their contracts, only needing to design for a native denom. In doing so, every token on the network will be a native Cosmos token, and associated liquidation and trading revenue (with more to come) will all accrue to KUJI stakers.": "", - "Smart-Contract Beluga (Trustless Distribution)": "", - "Sonar Launch": "", - "Source Balance": "", + "Equal Power Threshold": "", + "Voting Power": "", + "Send tokens between Cosmos Networks": "", + "Initiate IBC Transfer": "", + "Cross-chain communication to the Kujira Network.": "", + "Powered by": "", "Source Token": "", - "Spot": "", - "Stake KUJI to participate in chain governance polls.": "", - "Stake KUJI to participate in governance polls.": "", - "Stake KUJI": "", - "Stake on BLUE": "", - "Stake": "", - "Staked KUJI": "", - "Staked": "", - "Staking Summary": "", - "Start:": "", - "Status": "", - "Swap Fee": "", - "Swap Now": "", - "Swap Rate": "", - "Swap": "", - "Taker": "", - "The amount of KUJI you have staked": "", - "The Blockchain for Real Yield": "", - "The Cosmos Layer 1 platform for community selected projects creating true value.": "", - "The on-chain scheduler allows protocols to be designed with much less of a reliance on bots. This means there are far fewer wasted transactions. Protocols can be designed to operate more efficiently, and fees which were once required to incentivize bot usage can go back to the users of the network.": "", - "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.": "", - "This block has no transactions": "", - "This is the heart of the Kujira ecosystem. The place where you help shape the future of the protocol via governance. It's also where you can bond KUJI to sKUJI in order to earn a portion of every cent of Kujira's revenue.": "", - "This is the heart of the Kujira ecosystem. The place where you help shape the future of the protocol via governance. It's also where you can stake KUJI in order to earn a portion of every cent of Kujira's revenue.": "", - "Thriving Community": "", - "Time": "", - "Timestamp": "", - "To": "", - "Token Price": "", - "Tokens": "", - "Top 33% of Voting Power": "", - "Top 67% of Voting Power": "", - "Total 0 KUJI Staked": "", - "Total amount of KUJI staked": "", - "Total Staked": "", - "Total Supply": "", - "Total Unlocks": "", - "Total USK Supply": "", - "Total": "", - "Trade on FIN": "", - "Trading Fees": "", - "Transactions": "", + "Bridged funds are sent to the connected wallet address": "", + "Destination": "", + "Source Balance": "", + "Sign and Send": "", + "Approve Transfer": "", + "Send BTC to your Kujira Address": "", + "Open Position": "", + "Borrowed": "", + "Interest Rate": "", + "Accrued Interest": "", + "Loan Risk": "", + "LTV": "", + "Collateral Price": "", + "Liquidation Price": "", + "USK Supply": "", + "Maximum supply": "", + "Borrow": "", + "Kujira Senate": "", + "Management of the Kujira Treasury": "", + "Senators": "", "Treasury": "", - "TVL": "", - "TX Fee": "", - "Tx Hash": "", - "TX": "", - "Type": "", - "Unfilled": "", - "Unmigrated": "", - "Unstake": "", - "Uptime": "", - "Use this to find information regarding transactions, wallet addresses, contract IDs and more.": "", + "Chain Governance": "", + "Stake KUJI to participate in chain governance polls.": "", + "Core Proposals": "", + "Help shape the future of Kujira by voting on governance proposals. Note that if you don't vote, your vote is deferred to your staked validator(s), so it's important to stake with a validator that you feel is aligned with your interests.": "", + "Quorum": "", + "Back to all positions": "", + "Manage Position": "", + "Manage Collateral": "", + "Manage USK": "", + "Collateral Value": "", + "New LTV": "", "USK Borrowed": "", - "USK Supply": "", - "Validator Address": "", - "Validator": "", - "validators": "", - "Validators": "", - "Value": "", - "Vesting": "", - "Veto": "", - "Vision": "", - "Vote No": "", - "Vote Yes": "", - "Voted": "", - "Voting is done by validators and the weight of their vote is based on the amount of KUJI staked with them. Make sure the validator you stake with is aligned with your interests.": "", - "Voting Open": "", - "Voting Power": "", - "Voting": "", - "Wallet": "", - "We believe that for DeFi to be truly revolutionary, it should be possible to generate income when the market is up AND when it's down. We're committed to helping retail investors go beyond Exchanges, Staking and ICO's to open up opportunities that were once reserved for the whales and elites.": "", - "Weight": "", - "Welcome to BOW.": "", - "Welcome to Kujira's money market.": "", - "What's Next": "", - "When a validator misses blocks or acts dishonestly, all tokens delegated to the validator are 'slashed', and a percentage of them burned": "", - "When you provide value, you deserve profit.": "", - "With 50K+ active users and a very engaged Twitter, Discord and Telegram community, this is a welcoming home to hit the ground running in.": "", - "Withdraw Liquidity": "", - "Yes": "", - "Your buy price": "", - "Your KUJI Dashboard. Bond KUJI to sKUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, and claim rewards; all in one place.": "", - "Your KUJI Dashboard. Stake KUJI, Vote on Governance, Swap KUJI, Bridge to Kujira Network, and claim rewards; all in one place.": "", + "Interest": "", + "Rebalance Loan": "", + "Close Position": "", + "Danger Zone": "", + "Self-liquidate your position. All your collateral will be sold at a discount via ORCA. The amount owed on the position will be burned, the debt paid off, and the remaining USK will be returned to your wallet.": "", + "I understand self liquidation": "", + "Self Liquidate": "", + "Liquidate Without Bots": "", + "Decentralized, Permissionless Trading": "", + "Provide Liquidity to FIN": "", + "PILOT": "", + "Ready to Launch Your Project": "", "Your Kujira Dashboard": "", - "Your Staked Balance:": "", - "Your Vote": "" -} + "Observe the Kujira Blockchain": "", + "POD": "", + "Balance Your Cosmos Staking": "", + "ECOSYSTEM": "", + "Explore the Kujira Ecosystem": "", + "Do you believe in GHOST?": "", + "Welcome to Kujira's money market.": "", + "Mobilize your assets by lending them out to earn interest and secure working liquidity by using them as collateral. Whether it's short term or long, lending or borrowing, this is where value does more. Ghost puts your capital to work.": "", + "Borrowing puts your portfolio to work and gains exposure to market movements without selling your holdings.": "", + "Access immediate liquidity using tokens as collateral to borrow stablecoins. Or, benefit from volatility by using stablecoins as collateral and taking a position on a token.": "", + "Featured Markets": "", + "All Assets": "", + "back": "", + "Manage Positions": "", + "Deposited": "", + "Borrow Limit": "", + "This is where capital and ideas, meet, connect, and create something amazing.": "", + "Launch tokens in a fair and equitable manner that benefits and gives equal access to all. Launchers are offered a range of mechanisms to bring their token to market, all configurable to suit their priorities and audience.": "", + "Lend": "", + "Deposit your stablecoins and earn. As a liquidity provider, your tokens are loaned to borrowers, earning you interest. These funds also enable traders to open margin positions on FIN, offering lenders additional avenues of interest.": "", + "Borrow Fee": "", + "24h Hugh": "", + "This will open a FIN market for testnet AXL from Axelar": "", + "Proposal 6 re-do": "", + "This corrects the init msg for the KUJI-LUNA market in proposal 6": "", + "Create a KUJI-LUNA Market for Testnet": "", + "Aries | Synergy Nodes has opened the IBC connection to LUNA (v2) testnet. This will open a FIN market for KUJI-LUNA": "", + "Pin the FIN bytecode": "", + "Cosmwasm v1.0 allows us to 'pin' code in a node's memory, offering up to 40x performance when executing transactions against contracts using this code. This proposal seeks to pin the bytecode (1) for the FIN Exchange, to increase the processing capacity for all validators. See for more information.": "", + "Create a KUJI-EVMOS Market for Testnet": "", + "This will open a FIN market for KUJI-EVMOS": "", + "Create a KUJI-DEMO Market for Testnet": "", + "FIN is Kujira's orderbook style token exchange. The DEMO token is a token created via Kujira's 'denom' module, which allows developers to create their own fungible token, instead of relying on the CW20 standard. We plan to distribute the DEMO tokens via airdrops, and use this market to stress test the network, as users can trade via FIN to increase their KUJI bags for staking": "", + "Create a KUJI-OSMO Market for Testnet": "", + "FIN is Kujira's orderbook style token exchange. Thanks to Remi | 3Tekos, we now have an IBC bridge to Testnet OSMO tokens on the Kujira Public Testnet. This proposal will instantiate a FIN contract and open an order book on, allowing testnet OSMO to be traded for testnet KUJI": "", + "Update Jailing Parameters": "", + "The signed block window for being jailed is currently at 5% of 10000 blocks which means 5 hours of downtime will lead to slashing. This proposal will change it to roughly 18 hours of downtime resulting in a slashing event, which is standard in the cosmos.": "", + "Kujira Migration": "", + "Terra Token Migration": "", + "Move your tokens from your legacy Terra address to a new Kujira Network address": "", + "Use the following values for the three fields:": "", + "Name:": "", + "Chain ID:": "", + "Step 3": "", + "With the Kujira Migration Network added, connect your Terra wallet by clicking on the button below to populate these fields.": "", + "Connect Terra Wallet": "", + "Mapped Kujira Address:": "", + "Transfer Amount:": "", + "Transferring To:": "", + "You will be asked to sign a transfer message to an account that begins `kujira`, and should match the address in your Keplr wallet. Once sent, the balance should appear in your Keplr wallet.": "", + "Name": "", + "Voting Power (%)": "", + "Vote": "", + "Mainnet Coming Soon...": "", + "Collateral Deposited": "", + "Deposit Collateral": "", + "Opening Position": "", + "Success": "", + "Closing Position": "", + "Request rejected": "", + "Liquidating": "", + "Your bid is being submitted": "", + "Bid successfully submitted, it can be activated in 10 minutes": "", + "Please wait while your bid activates": "", + "Your bid is now active": "", + "Claiming Funds": "", + "Funds Successfully Claimed": "", + "Place My Bid": "" +} \ No newline at end of file