Thank you for browsing my level set, which is still in the process of production and will be released as one Beta or Alpha for each version.
Since the Script Editor for the level is in a similar language format to VBScript, all the scripts I've shown are written in VBS format. It's not an executor, so don't be fooled into thinking this is the file used to drive the level. The scripts are stored in the "SU|" area of the level, encrypted in Base64.
谢谢各位来浏览我的关卡集,目前还处于制作进度,以每一个版本为一个Beta 或 Alpha发布。
因为关卡的Script Editor的语言格式与VBScript相似,所以我所展示的所有脚本均以VBS的格式编写,他不是一个执行程序,所以不要误以为这是用来驱动关卡的文件,脚本存储在关卡的 "SU|"区域,以Base64的方式加密脚本。