Roundlay/nvim Minimum effective dose Neovim configuration
- No fancy stuff
- Aesthetically pleasing
- Neatfreak file-structure
- Uses Lazy package manager
- Includes Plug configuration examples
- Includes Tree-sitter query/highlight examples
- Boots in <40ms on Windows 11 in Alacritty running as Admin (wOrKs oN My mAcHiNe)
- Boots into large source files (~3000 lines of code) in about 130-330ms depending on the language
Things to remember about Lazy
- Dependencies are plugins that must be initialized before the plugin that relies on them. This might appear straightforward, but managing the load order of Lazy-loaded plugins can become complex.
- Simply listing a plugin as a dependency will trigger its installation and setup, regardless of whether you've explicitly defined it in your own configuration files.
"First of all, lua dependencies don't need to be explicitly set. So if a package uses lua modules from another plugin, you don't need to add those dependencies. That's being done automatically." ↗
- Using the
attribute to rename plugins can result in duplicate entries in the Lazy dashboard. This seems to occur when the renamed plugin is also a dependency.