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Introduction |
Intelligent agents are constantly generating, acquiring, and processing data. This data could be in the form of images that we capture on our phones, text messages we share with our friends, graphs that model interactions on social media, videos that record important events, etc. Natural agents excel at discovering patterns, extracting knowledge, and performing complex reasoning based on the data they observe. How can we build artificial learning systems to do the same?
In this course, we will study generative models that view the world under the lens of probability.
In such a worldview, we can think of any kind of
observed data, say
We will be primarily interested in parametric approximations to the data
distribution, which summarize all the information about the dataset
In the parametric setting, we can think of the task of learning a generative model as picking the parameters within a family of model distributions that minimizes some notion of distance1 between the model distribution and the data distribution.
For instance, we might be given access to a dataset of dog images
As we navigate through this course, it is interesting to take note of
the difficulty of the problem at hand. A typical image from a modern
phone camera has a resolution of approximately
Fortunately, the real world is highly structured and automatically
discovering the underlying structure is key to learning generative
models. For example, we can hope to learn some basic artifacts about
dogs even with just a few images: two eyes, two ears, fur etc. Instead
of incorporating this prior knowledge explicitly, we will hope the model
learns the underlying structure directly from data. There is no free
lunch however, and indeed successful learning of generative models will
involve instantiating the optimization problem in
- What is the representation for the model family
$$\mathcal{M}$$ ? - What is the objective function
$$d(\cdot)$$ ? - What is the optimization procedure for minimizing
$$d(\cdot)$$ ?
In the next few set of lectures, we will take a deeper dive into certain families of generative models. For each model family, we will note how the representation is closely tied with the choice of learning objective and the optimization procedure.
For a discriminative model such as logistic regression, the fundamental inference task is to predict a label for any given datapoint. Generative models, on the other hand, learn a joint distribution over the entire data.2
While the range of applications to which generative models have been used continue to grow, we can identify three fundamental inference queries for evaluating a generative model.:
Density estimation: Given a datapoint
$$\mathbf{x}$$ , what is the probability assigned by the model, i.e.,$$p_\theta(\mathbf{x})$$ ? -
Sampling: How can we generate novel data from the model distribution, i.e., $$\mathbf{x}{\mathrm{new}} \sim p\theta(\mathbf{x})$$?
Unsupervised representation learning: How can we learn meaningful feature representations for a datapoint
$$\mathbf{x}$$ ?
Going back to our example of learning a generative model over dog
images, we can intuitively expect a good generative model to work as
follows. For density estimation, we expect
In light of the above inference tasks, we note two caveats. First, quantitative evaluation of generative models on these tasks is itself non-trivial (in particular, sampling and representation learning) and an area of active research. Some quantitative metrics exist, but these metrics often fail to reflect desirable qualitative attributes in the generated samples and the learned representations. Secondly, not all model families permit efficient and accurate inference on all these tasks. Indeed, the trade-offs in the inference capabilities of the current generative models have led to the development of very diverse approaches as we shall see in this course.
As we shall see later, functions that do not satisfy all properties of a distance metric are also used in practice, e.g., KL divergence. ↩
Technically, a probabilistic discriminative model is also a generative model of the labels conditioned on the data. However, the usage of the term generative models is typically reserved for high dimensional data. ↩