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- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS1 - IgE receptor signaling
- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS2 - Ligand-receptor binding with diffusion effects
- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS3 - Receptor signaling with a non-trivial basal steady state
- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS4 - Genetic toggle switch
- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS5 - Stochastic gene expression
- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS6 - Model reduced using "fragmentation"
- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS7 - Compartmental (cBNGL) model
- PB2015-SupplementaryfileS8 - Coupled ligand folding and binding using eBNGL ("energy" BioNetGen language)