Right-hand rail system for five part trains.
(e.g. 2x locomotive, 3x cargo-wagon)
All blueprints are collected in a blueprint book:
Blueprint book
❗ Please refer to the notes at the end.
Intersection, large, space saving:
Intersection, large, space wasting:
Six waiting tracks and additionally two more after, as well as another one before:
Station with 1 loading area and 3 waiting tracks:
(alternative with 1 loading area and 5 waiting tracks)
Station with 2 loading areas and 6 waiting tracks:
Make sure that both stations have the same names!
Evenly (un-)loader:
The circuit empties/fills the tanks so that liquid wagons are not (un-)loaded gradually but evenly.
Please make sure you remove the traffic light before an intersection or T-intersection or use the «Straight, before intersection» blueprint:
Don't place intersections one after the other, or you may create a train deadlock!
Place a straight line between intersections!
If you don't place the blueprints on top of each other but next to each other, then you can build a grid that fits in itself.