Releases: RushScript/SafeTaxi-MSFS2020
Releases · RushScript/SafeTaxi-MSFS2020
SafeTaxi-MSFS2020 - v1.0.2
- [FIX] Fixed error for MsStore when trying to enable autorun.
- [FIX] Throttle going straight to TOGA after activating SafeTaxi (make sure that your throttle and brake controller sensitivity are set to linear, otherwise SafeTaxi will not work as expected).
- [IMPROVE] Improved speed limiter logic while braking.
- [ADD] Added aircraft profile support.
- [ADD] FlyByWire A32X Profile.
- [ADD] Asobo King Air 350i Profile.
- [ADD] Asobo Citation CJ4 Profile.
- [ADD] Added "safetaxi.ini" config file.
SafeTaxi-MSFS2020 - v1.0.1
- [FIX] Fixed an issue where SafeTaxi would be able to activate when engines were off.
- [ADD] SafeTaxi will now ask if you want to automatically run the app when MSFS Starts.
SafeTaxi-MSFS2020 - v1.0.0
- First release