Intro project to teach the basics of the Java programming language
- Install VSCode - this will be our IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Install the "Coding Pack for Java" for VSCode
- Install GitHub Desktop to get the code we will be reviewing
- Clone the code for this project to your machine
- Open GitHub desktop, click the Clone button, click the URL tab and use the URL
- Java Intro
- Keywords, operators and concepts reference
- VSCode usage
- Java 17 javadocs
- F2
- Rename symbol (use to rename methods, variables, classes - automatically updates existing references/filenames)
- F5
- Debug program
- Ctrl + Mouse Click (or Ctrl + F12) [when cursor is over class/type]
- Go To Definition
- Ctrl + /
- Comment / Uncomment single line
- Ctrl + T
- Search for symbol in workspace (find classes by name, includes those in the JDK and external libraries)
- Ctrl + P
- Quick open file by name (in your project)
- Ctrl + F
- Search/find text in current file
- Ctrl + Shift + F
- Search/find text in entire project
- Ctrl + H
- Search & Replace text in current file
- Ctrl + Shift + H
- Search & Replace text in entire project
- Ctrl + .
- Quick fix (use to address highlighted errors, missing imports, etc.)
- Ctrl + F5
- Compile and run program
- Ctrl + F12
- Go to implementations (use when cursor is over an interface or class name)
- Shift + F12
- Go to references (use when cursor is over an interface or class name to see where it is used in your project)
- Shift + Alt + H
- Show call hierarchy (use when cursor is over a method to see the tree of how it is called in your project)
- Shift + Alt + F
- Autoformat file (applies proper indentation, bracket alignment, etc.)
- Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + F
- Autoformat selection (highlight the code you want formatted first)