This repo includes an example for handling character and camera behaviour at different perspective and switching between them. 基于视角处理角色和相机的行为并实现切换的范例
The project is created with Unity 2020.1.6f1, so it is suggested to use the same to control the variables in case you are having pproblems. 最好还是使用同样的版本 Unity 2020.1.6f1
This may not be always up to date.
In first person, body faces where camera faces and turn as camera turns. 在第一人称视角的时候角色跟随相机方向旋转 In third person, body faces where input is pointing and turn individual to camera. 在第三人称视角的时候角色跟着随输入旋转
Add Jump跳跃 and Free Fall自由落体 (or dodge翻滚)